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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. I grew up hearing the terms "white trash" and "trailer trash," and using them occasionally. In my dotage I realize that they are racist and elitist. I have family that have lived in trailers. Anyway, my mind may still go there sometimes but I try not to say the words. I'm currently borrowing my mother's "cheap Christmas trash." Or "asshole," which is one-size-fits-all.
  2. That poor African Grey parrot would have keeled over in an unheated carriage or drafty rooms. This episode was a bit too pat for me. Not too realistic.
  3. There definitely weren't as many choices. My mother's generation reached for alcohol, but heroin, marijuana and cocaine were also available (first half of 20th century). Some of you may have read in the past few days that scientists have discovered a link between opioids and certain human genes. I don't remember the full story, or the science, but it explains a lot.
  4. Why was the Slavic guy who made repeated threats to the officers not charged with that offense?
  5. I'm forming a dislike of the male El Paso cop, who thinks he's a TV comedian. He kept taking verbal jabs at the two young people who were apparently engaged in some old-fashioned "parking." He's abusing his authority when he pulls that protracted disrespectful nonsense. Lieutenant Brown makes traffic stops and sometimes I wonder what for. His instincts are uncanny because in almost every case there is at least a small infraction. He doesn't miss a thing, including the random passerby who hollered at him and Brown shot back with a quick "hey girl" while talking to the camera. The sex offender story was interesting in that we don't usually see that kind of thing, and because of the offender herself - aging, white, specific details about her crime, and her apparent efforts to move around enough to avoid registering. I occasionally look at my community's list of registered and wanted sex offenders, and there's a healthy percentage of older women. The on-camera, mindless platitudes about the most recent Florida shooting have no meaning any more. Especially when we know that at least four law enforcement failed to intervene in the latest shooting. I wonder if that kind of situation is going to occur more - where law enforcement refuses to enter a violent scene if they don't know enough about the situation. Apparently in FL three of the officers were viewing footage from inside the school that was on a 20-minute delay, which is their reason for holding back. Side note: On CNN there was a shot of kids with their hands in the air as police arrived in the school, and one of those hands was shaking violently and out of control. That kid was severely traumatized and terrified and it broke my heart.
  6. That dental work is not cheap. There is a chain clinic here that charged my elderly neighbor $50K to pull all her teeth, treat the abcesses and restore bone and stuff, provide four implants, and top it all off with dentures. If you keep teeth but have to have restoration, it's still very expensive, although now that more dentists are doing implants the prices are coming down. I wonder if those dentists donated their services or offered a greatly reduced price. I hope she appreciates how lucky she is. I volunteer at a free health clinic and there are people who would give anything for a restored mouth. Agree that Billy is just biding his time until he and Tiffany can reunite. I commented earlier that due to his learning disabilities, I think he's dependent on her for more than drugs. Hopefully the treatment folks will hook him up with some support for his LD. David's mother has no impulse control regarding him - no boundaries. He'll use that if he can. Kudos to Donna for dealing with both families.
  7. Cynthia and Will used each other for camera time. They both got mad when it didn't work to their advantage and they looked like idiots on-camera. NeNe confuses her loud trashy mouth and exaggerated gestures with "comedy" and "acting." I remember when she was funny and charming, in a "your best southern girlfriend who is slightly tipsy" kind of way. I am more disappointed in her than the rest, of whom I expected nothing - none are very bright, with the exception of Kandi, who is calculated and ambitious. I thought NeNe had a chance to make something of herself.
  8. Do we really think that Cynthia researched and booked the villa? I think that Bravo isn't willing to foot the bill for luxury accommodations for this group any longer, and also the modest accommodations irritate these status-obsessed women and trigger shade and drama.
  9. Anyone else notice how mightily Nene's eyelids struggled to stay open? On the bus it was the right one - making her look like a demented Muppet - and then later it was both eyes. I don't think the cause was heavy fake eye lashes. Nor jet lag.
  10. I wonder if Kim has an imagined or real medical or psychiatric condition that makes her rely so heavily on Kroy (e.g., the strokes). Or, she drinks (and drugs?) non-stop and recognizes that she shouldn't drive but refuses to take taxis or Uber. Maybe her driver's license has been revoked or she was too lazy to renew it? Also, she wants to be able to dash immediately out of any situation during production on this show.
  11. My understanding is that in some people adrenaline surges can override the effect of a Taser.
  12. Donna Chavous sets her interventionist sights on Kiersten and David.
  13. My grands and generations back were from New Orleans. I was hoping for true New Orleans locals, who are like no one else on earth, but instead it appears they are casting nouveau riche latecomers. Too bad. Also, in the news world, traffic reporters are not really anchors.
  14. He started to engage inappropriately with the suspect, responding to the suspect's verbal aggression with a shouted "Come get me." Then he seemed to think better of it and retreated into acceptable cop speak. I think McElwain has to learn to control his angry and frustrated impulses. At one point the suspect stated something like "it's clear I'm mentally ill," and I wondered if we were looking at a mental meltdown fueled by spice or meth or alcohol. But he wasn't slurring his words. As we watched him I thought "Frat Guy Gone Bad in the Suburbs." Also, he's an apparently middle-class white guy who brandished what might have been a weapon but didn't get shot. Whereas law enforcement aggression towards the young black car burglar was over the top. I guess that since he was fighting with one officer initially, and possibly about to get dangerous control of the situation, they all came piling in, adrenaline flowing. Then it got out of hand (in my opinion). I also think the El Paso cop's behavior toward the drunken bar patron with the long braid (Pueblo Indian?) was provocative and escalated the situation. He should have called for the cab much sooner, instead of engaging in an annoyed conversation. Drunks often ratchet up the aggression when challenged verbally. Isn't this the cop who has argued with other people in other episodes? It was nice to have the Lawrence/Mastrianni palate cleanser that brought my blood pressure down.
  15. I see that Erika is still trying to create a cottage industry called Erika the Victim. Her radar is constantly scanning for the slightest insult, at which she pounces and makes stiff Ice Queen pronouncements (being sure to position her body and face for the best camera angle), and after which she stalks dramatically out of the room. She has an orgasm every time someone "insults" her, knowing that it means an opportunity to run up the camera time.
  16. If one hasn't experienced it, it's easy to overlook the effect on a child of having to grow up, day after day after gawdawful day, in a dysfunctional environment. Absent parents, overwhelmed single parents who act out or give up, alcoholic/addicted parents, mentally ill parents, the parents' creepy partners...endless worry about not enough money for the basics, learning disabilities, abuse, school yard bullying, divorce and abandonment, genetics... What we see so often on Intervention is a child who was deeply affected by some of these things, and/or a specific trauma like rape or physical abuse. Once they're teenagers they have freedom and exposure to alcohol and drugs, and the pattern begins.
  17. This episode features Taylor (and his mother) and Kiersten and her parents. Let the whoppers begin.
  18. I'm watching this for Kitsch, Leguizamo and Shannon - all fine actors. Although Kitsch sounds like John Corbett. Why is the series ignoring the abuse of the children, which was systematic and severe? I don't want to see it recreated on TV, but if I recall correctly, Janet Reno and others at DOJ stated that the reason for the rush to confront the compound was because of reports of child abuse. And while I understand that Koresh was considered handsome and charismatic, this show portrays him as if he's the lead in Godspell. He was a pedophile in a mullet, hiding behind the Bible.
  19. I think Betty Boop was vintage in my day, which was a long time ago. Anyone figure out the crass marketing tie-in? And voice. Most of these fashions were horrible, regardless of the challenge. It's as if the designers all lost their tiny minds. Big gobs of Neoprene? I thought most of them would go short and flirty. I like the mentor if for no other reason that she has a chic haircut and looks polished all the time. And I like her succinct feedback.
  20. Agree with the choppy editing - if they stick with this new format, maybe it will get better. Still disappointed that this format doesn't live up to the marketing promise. Were the (misleading) ads nothing more than the network's efforts to drum up interest? Maybe ratings were down? I wonder if production saves money with this new format, where the interventionists are in one place. I admit that I've lost interest in the extended letter-reading scenes, although I like seeing the interventionists handle the difficult family members. The nagging mother, while justified in her resentment, would drive anyone nuts. As we've seen, the nagging and arguing do nothing to help the situation. Maybe Tiffany is binging on sweets and carbs to help with drug cravings. My alcoholic friend used to do that. He would also buy Coke in glass bottles because he liked the feel of holding something that felt like a beer bottle. Are we seeing a new paradigm, where some addicts don't have the traumatic history but instead are simply getting hooked instantly on readily available opiods? My family member had ortho surgery and refused to take a pain med for more than one day. He's always been a health nut and a teetotaler but he was still afraid of the chemical triggers in pain meds. I wondered about the judge's paralysis - figured a stroke but Bell's palsy is also a good guess. My cousin had Bells but the facial droop went away. I got a whiff of still-present attraction between the cop and Angela, even though he wears a wedding ring.
  21. I love and have white appliances in my small kitchen that needs more light. They brighten the room.
  22. Ben and Erin were extra giddy this episode. Amazing considering the amount of work in that heat. I loved the minister's home too. I appreciated the understated decorating that didn't have too many throw pillows and such. I have color in my home but I thought the subtle colors were perfect for him and the house. I want to know the name of that light gray-green Erin uses so much. I also use my big dining room for multiple purposes. Don't need it for dining often, but when I have people for dinner I really need it and my dining table. I wonder if we'll ever see them do a sleeping porch - a staple of my southern childhood. Happy that the minister has his first home. My inlaw's parents didn't get their own home until their 50s; he's a pastor and has lived in whatever the churches provide them. People say that one can live outdoors all year in the Deep South. That isn't true 'cause the mosquitoes will eat you alive. I have an open front porch and a screened back porch for that very reason. My neighbors invested in expensive landscaping, big gas BBQ thing, and an outdoor seating area and they complain they can't use it from June - September.
  23. We resume regular episodes, and in this one the police become involved, and someone named Angela is featured.
  24. Meant to say: we are back to emaciated models. Love Stanley's big eyes peering out of those glasses.
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