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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. I smell some kind of mini-special coming with the final four. Unless PRAS is finished forever. Maybe another network will do it. Congratulations to Anthony. I liked all three collections. Every time I look at Stanley's work, I think Oscar de la Renta, Geoffrey Beene, Michael Kors. Stanley does Ladies Who Lunch beautifully. I'm surprised no one commented on Anthony's avante-gardish white and black long dress - the one with the leather thingy/corset around the mid-section. It was interesting.
  2. The headline said he never paid any rent during the entire time he held the lease including the entire time the restaurant was open.
  3. I guess we can see where this season is headed: lots of sniping. Ugh. When it comes to thirst, none of these women have room to throw shade, with the exceptions of Cam and Elizabeth. Interesting and classy that Elizabeth stayed off-camera; I think if she'd been willing to trash JD on-camera, production would have used it in the first episode. Elizabeth is putting her children first. Absolutely no surprises about JD. He was always a smarmy wannabe. I think the media have hinted that his money is going up his nose. His poor-me speech to Thomas sickened me. Whiny loser. Maybe someone will get him into rehab. Wonder if Thomas will dump him. Craig and Kathryn looked like 180 miles of hard road. After a hurricane. Michael K (Dlisted blog) would have a field day with Kathryn's Sharpie eyebrows and heavy dry pancake foundation. She has never looked good unless the show's stylists get their hands on her. Covering up her glorious red hair is a crying shame. Craig is weird. He has no strategic purpose in his life, dabbles in whatever catches his fancy, and is incapable of participating in a discussion if he perceives an iota of criticism. For once Shep took the high road during one of these incidents (the smoker). Shep looks radically different in several of his appearances - healthy and refreshed at the cookout and bloated and hungover elsewhere. I suspect the Ravenel nanny Deirdre tried to keep Kathryn away from Saint because Kathryn was loaded or overwrought. I personally don't believe Kathryn cares about her children except in a vague, inconsistent way. The drugs and mayhem kept her from bonding with them. She knows how to fake it for the cameras. Her long-term strategy is to have more child support money and access to Thomas's world of wealth. She needs to shut her trap with the victim script and grow up. The other women are enabling her in exchange for TV time. They are not her friends. Sigh. Thomas still has the maturity of an adolescent boy when it comes to women. We don't know if he said anything respectful about the new girlfriend, other than his comment about manners, but he objectifies Ashley sexually and uses her to feed his ego and taunt Kathryn. His comment about "Kathryn will die when she sees Ashley in her little outfit" made me sick. I wonder how determined Ashley is to get the wallet and the TV time. She may be willing to endure Thomas' nonsense, unless he eventually decides he wants her to play a stay-at-home hands-on mothering role to the two children. Also: prenup. ETA: Whitney looked good. I personally find Patricia's gaudy big diamond obscene.
  4. I'm liking the series, in part because of the quality of the actors, the locations, and memories of the 70s. It's great to see Brendan Fraser again. The boxy squares on the screen are very 70s TV. Bullimore is giving me a whiff of the great John Gielgud in Arthur.
  5. I think Barry's sex drive is fine. He had an appointment to go kill a guy so that Fuchs could be saved. Barry squeezed in an acting class and wake before his kill deadline, and had to rush off from Sally.
  6. I think they made the right choice. Ken's tailoring is good but none of his designs are exceptional. I hope he gets lots of business after being on the show. When Anthony threw himself sobbing onto Ken, I saw a little thought bubble over Ken's head: "This is not about you; get off me." Not to mention other thought bubbles when the judges were slavering all over him after eliminating him. Stanley and Anthony are wonderful guys and make beautiful clothes. But Fabio is a more adventurous designer, which is tweaking the judges' interest. But I think Stanley is the winner. Izaac is practically wearing a neon sign telling us so. Isn't it a conflict of interest - Stanley will collaborate with Izaac, which will be boosted by Stanley winning the competition? Why wouldn't Izaac promote a Stanley win? Must make a trip back to the Smithsonian to see the fashion. Does anyone know if the ratings are up over the past several seasons? I doubt we'll get such a charming group again. ETA: Loved Stanley's white dress. If only he'd made a tiny leather collar, instead of the big one, it would have nudged over into "fresh" without being unwieldy. And his shoe choice was spot-on.
  7. I'm cautiously optimistic. I like Hader, but actors playing actors doesn't always work out. Acting becomes hammy acting out. I don't care for Winkler but his mugging may work here. I like that the love interest looks like a real person, not a surgically enhanced monstrosity. As I watched I kept thinking of Lawrence Block's great Keller-the-routine-hit-man series. Similar character who is sent around the country to kill people and approaches it like a bored business man. Studio apartment and a no-nonsense manager who does her nails while she's on the phone dispatching killers.
  8. I tuned in solely in the hope that at the end of the episode there would be an announcement that the Yulin atrocity has ended. Unfortunately that's not true.
  9. Dry counties = people driving to wet counties to drink and then driving home drunk. Also, moonshine.
  10. So I've watched all of Season 2 (in addition to Season 1) and I continue to really love it. But the dance marathon episode bored me.
  11. Based on personal experience with neighbors, I'd rather the police aggressively pursue noise violations. Lost sleep makes for a miserable day. People who blast music late at night won't stop doing it until there are serious consequences. We've had two nuisance houses nearby (both with young tenants) and it wasn't until the owners were notified that their property had been designated a public nuisance that anything was done about it. Maybe Brown let it go because no one was driving. Glad the black poodle is OK. He was so calm, sitting in the damaged car on Friday night's episode. Random thought: it must be frustrating for the K-9s to get all wound up in the car, get released for a couple minutes to search a car, and then get put right back into their car. But they are safer that way. I think the female sex offender is gaming the system. I think she's cruising back and forth between multiple jurisdictions, living in an RV, trying to avoid establishing permanent residency anywhere, and thereby avoiding registering in a single jurisdiction. Kind of like being homeless with no fixed address. Wasn't it revealed the first time we saw her that her drivers license has expired or maybe it was her vehicle's registration? Can't get one without an established residence. Anyway, when confronted she launches into circuitous agitated rambling while dodging questions and perhaps she's gotten away with it over time.
  12. Joining the appalled club here - the cop who manhandled the motorcycle accident victim. I am STUNNED that she moved him at all. I'm sure she was reprimanded. All I could think about was a broken pelvis or other fractures that rupture blood vessels with movement. I think that chase went on a very long time, because they opened the show with it. I think I heard the driver say he had a suspended license. Interesting that he claimed his leg was broken yet he and his wife were released from the hospital. Maybe a tiny fracture? K-9 Finn is retiring, hopefully to an awesome home. Thank you for your service Finn. I don't like the look of the new Cowboy Hat Sheriff. It's a reflexive reaction to law enforcement who think they are cowboys. Is he running for re-election? He felt jammed into the TV action.
  13. The Wilson sisters of Heart are still touring. We've seen them several times in the past five years in large and small venues. This past year they were doing individual solo projects (due apparently to some internal family drama). Nancy, the guitarist, is attached to several big rock bands, too, popping up on their tour schedules.
  14. There's a newish country star who wears teeny shorts all the time - Kelsea Ballerini. She would wear Fabio's outfit in a video, perhaps in a more youthful print. Stanley's TH is my everything this week: "Beneath this preppy facade is a rocker." (I'm paraphrasing.) And he's developed a little kick in his step. Now the eliminations will be painful, because I enjoy watching the remaining five, especially with each other. I'm happy to see Ken's emotional growth, because you cannot get through a personal or professional life when you have temper tantrums and meltdowns. Edmund's design was the most specific to the challenges, and it was fun to see him win one. Alyssa looks good in a streamlined silhouette and wavy hair. But her voice is unpleasant to me - the tonation is flat - and sometimes she strains to get a long sentence out - the breath goes.
  15. Glad to have The Zoo back. Regarding animals in captivity for the public's viewing pleasure, I remember when apes and chimpanzees where kept in smallish cages at the National Zoo. Just big blocks of concrete and metal, with no enrichment, no space to swing around, no interaction with others. Smart creatures imprisoned with nothing to do. I stopped going to zoos when I realized they were all like that. Things are somewhat better today at the big zoos with robust fundraising capabilities. But zoos should only exist for conservation purposes. The boss' wife is an odd duck. I'd rather see other hard-working staff.
  16. All the dogs wandering around in the chaos saddens me. When they walked sweatshirt-pulling grandpa away his sweet retriever set off to follow him. At another site a dog was standing in the street at night.
  17. I know, right? Between grandmothers and Home Ec I learned pin tucks, smocking, tatting...
  18. Once again Kevin Lawrence handles querulous bystanders like a pro and calms everyone down. No doubt that in this situation being black helped. (The parents' complaints of racial profiling.) I got tickled at the start of the show, seeing Tom wearing his fancy shirt, smiling and working the camera angle. He's having so much fun with this show. The endless arguing with citizens would get on my last damn nerve. Hate watching it too. We're seeing a lot of broke down people - old, not enough money, ill - and I don't like Dan & Company making snarky remarks. There's a lot of misery out there. I FFed through Levrette. Nails on a chalkboard to me. After Marquez sprinted to get into his car I wondered if he'd have a cardiac event.
  19. I want to spend a cozy rainy afternoon with Professor Stanley and Fabio in a bistro. They will talk fashion, tell stories, and throw the occasional arch shade. I will listen and laugh. Anthony can come if he doesn't squeal. I'm not thrilled that so many men are in the finals, especially Josh, Edmund and Ken who are only moderately talented. Josh is clearly the Pissy Drama Ringer. That said, I like the turn the series has taken. Much less bitchy fighting and nasty drama. We're seeing some pretty clothes. Seeing Mizrahi's and Posen's archives was a treat. I really liked Fabio's design. Lush smoky blue fabric. Different than everyone else's designs. Laughed at Anthony and Fabio's big eyes tracking the action between Stanley and Helen.
  20. I think a lot of these bathroom-hoggers are drug users with no other private place to use. The manager of my local grocery store told me that he had to repeatedly bang on the store's bathroom door to force a woman to leave last week. He thought she'd been using. She walked in and headed straight to the bathroom, stayed in there for about 20 minutes, then left the store.
  21. Thank goodness the K-9 is OK! I wonder if the chat with McElwain about the guy who threatened McElwain and his family (in a previous episode) was an effort to beef up McElwain's popularity. He has his detractors. I am happy neither he nor the crazy perp was shot. And McElwain did well on-set. Officer (keep forgetting his name) from El Paso needs a nap, or a snack, or a long break. He is too irritable and aggressive to do his job well. Some of the other officers are great, but we don't see them as much.
  22. I think the series was too easy in its portrayal of Koresh. Was it because exec producer Kitsch didn't want to be affiliated with prolonged TV images of a nasty creep? Pondering all of the federal law enforcement who willingly participated in this sadistic violent event: are we handing guns, armor and badges to people who like to harass and hurt others, or does the job make them that way? The last episode was well-acted, but I hate that they took so much liberty with reality. Also, with all the giant holes being bashed in the building, why didn't more people run out? I guess they refused to abandon Koresh, or the passages out were blocked. (I haven't read any of the books.)
  23. Why did everyone use slinky slippery fabric, which limits design decisions? Did they decide the time frame didn't allow for true design and tailoring? I think being told to incorporate complementary colors threw everyone off their game. If they'd had more time to choose both colors, and then to do more than tack them onto the primary color, we'd have better results. Also, I guess somehow prints were forbidden for this challenge? Merline's was hideous and her rinse-and-repeat design aesthetic has become boring. As someone said, she's doing origami and tacking it on to a basic dress form. I did like her earlier white dress, where she was able to express her aesthetic in a beautiful way. Nice try Josh - weeping pretty tears and pandering to Isaac in a private conversation (except for cameras of course) during the museum visit. I'm sure Isaac saw you coming from a mile away. Stanley's (he's The Professor to me) reminded me of many dresses I've seen in Vogue over the years. But he's a good fit to work with Isaac. I wonder if Ken is an introvert. If so it must be stressful to be on camera, under pressure, and in a crowded workroom all day. Anthony on the other hand was born for TV.
  24. Another tragedy. Not too surprised. I've taken to reading the obits in my local paper, and within the past two weeks there have been three deaths of young people due to drugs. Two of the families cited the cause of death in the hopes it will help someone out there. I'm disappointed for Allen. At his age his doesn't have many more chances, and his family must be heartbroken. And angry. Tracey looked fantastic in his 5k photo - well done. David has zero chance as long as he's enmeshed (and depressed) with his mother hanging over his every moment. I hope Morgan finds a great support system and someone who loves her. She deserves peace and love. It's late and I cannot remember her name, but it's wonderful to see the young woman (Allen's roommate) acting like a silly happy kid, which is how it should be.
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