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Everything posted by stuckin60s

  1. I guess they feel Jamie has a type. Cute with long blonde hair. I liked the girl he met on a case. She had long dark hair and was moving out of the country. She should come back and ask him to dinner
  2. Raj shouldn't have a bad credit rating because all his bills were paid by his parents. That also means he wouldn't be in debt . he just cant afford to live the way he was on his salary, or just doesn't know how. As far as Penny living within her means, she borrowed money from Sheldon. Also when they went "camping" in the woods with Sheldon and Amy and she found that Leonard had a bank account that she didn't know about. She said she would be able to pay off some of her debt like it was said above, tv budgets are not the same as ours
  3. Tim has always been one of my favorites. Others are Ducky and Frank
  4. I have always loved this show and usually watch the Grissom reruns. Does anyone know where to get a hat like his straw hat?
  5. not just the kids with no means of income. Also, another house for the Chrisley's in Nashville? I think this show is their only means of support
  6. at least for now, the case is closed. tied up with a bloody ribbon. All deaths have been explained to the police. The DA has dropped all charges, but holds GREAT animosity towards AK and group She will be able to be a lawyer again, take on cases. Will she blackmail the Dean for her job back? or just get it because charges were dropped? The first hour was slow but loved the ending
  7. Cant believe they are giving Bishop the episode. Such a bad/dull character
  8. If anyone else had done what Niki did, there could have been charges. No one brought that up or the writers didn't follow thru. Also, the non hug when she came into Franks office should have told us there was something else going on. Hope they don't follow up with this unless they can make it REALLY interesting
  9. I agree with several above, Meggie and Atwood have some connection and Atwood did it. that would completely clear AK and the kids, they could get back to school and the law. knowing the Deans part in this would give AK some power. This story line needs to end and move on even though I look forward to it each week. Did Nate go to the autopsy? I think Wes is dead, too many saw his body. And remember AK has not killed anyone, where the others have. They are being very judgmental
  10. maybe if he got a promotion he would be able to meet a lot of new people and we could watch him evolve. I too liked the episode morriss was talking about. she would be good
  11. I am hoping that Sebastian will decide he belongs in the lab. If they have to, he can help every 3 or 4 months. Even though he passed the training, learned to fight, can carry a gun etc in a very short time. I imagine he wont like the new tech person and will come home
  12. I do not like the relationship with the sister. I am sure this is part of the big plan and so is her husband Really enjoying the show
  13. Please don't have inter-dating on this program. it messes up every time. let them date outside the circle. let them be friends. NO ROMANCE between the agents, please
  14. Not me, I love Senior. I remember him from It Takes a Thief and the great movies. I think he adds some humor and helps the NCIS characters expand. Still cant stand Bishop
  15. Ive said it before, but I wish they would put Jamie in another department, narcotics ( young looking to pass in undercover etc), new department that has a lot of written law, anything to advance him. He just seems stuck. Stuck in job, stuck with romance/no romance with partner, No advancement Still love Tom.
  16. They each finish their story line and the last scene had the elevator being fixed
  17. I agree, just cant imagine this show going much longer. the large salaries have brought many more commercials. too short of time to cram in 3 storylines. I realize Sheldon is the favorite of most, not me, but I as so sick of him acting dumb. At first he was brilliant and uncomfortably awkward in social settings. Now he just seems stupid. I think the best ending would be for the group to move on and out. the last scene would be the elevator being repaired
  18. Sharon Gless is great. She does a wonderful job as she learns about Michael and what he has become. I have always adored her and wished we saw more of her
  19. Question, when Frank was in the house with the woman and child, he left and said he had not done any harm to them. Didn't Bonnie tell him to go back in and take care of them?
  20. just saw it, waste of time. also looked like Courtney was tipsy.
  21. Do we know what type of person AK was before the show started? Before Sam was involved with another student, before her students killed Sam, etc???
  22. This episode also ended with Frank coming to Laurel at the end and asking to stay. We do t know what happened there
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