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Everything posted by stuckin60s

  1. Nothing new. I just want to repeat myself. If David had an altercation that did not require jail time (for a violent offense?) 8-10 years ago, I dont care. Everyone deserves a second chance. He has shown great patience. I find it dificult to believe he is such a con man when he had so many people at his bachlor party, wedding, kickball game, 4th of July events. It seems unlikely that he had misrepresented himself to all of these people and they still appear to like him. I think his mother is responsible for his feelings about his dad. She has not been able to move on, so he probably hasn't been able to either Ashley didnt like him from day one. IF someone told her about his offense, i am sure she brought it up to the production company and anyone else that would listen. these shows are not real time, it was over at the end of summer last year. It appears a couple backed out. Ashley could have backed out too. Especially with the stress of nursing school and the excuse she was concerned about being alone with him. Bogus
  2. Sniglet, thank you for the link. I read it and all i could see was unnamed and anonymous postings. Could this be Ashleys family? It was all over by December 2015?
  3. As as Social Worker, Ashley would have seen the rough side of DV. BUT she would also see the people who have changed for the better. I agree, his handling of all the crap she has put out there: doesnt like his looks, cant say three nice things, wouldnt talk in the car ride on honeymoon, no conversations about anything, no interaction with her friends or family; shows he has patience and slow to anger. Especially when they were fighting in the kitchen. She said she didnt like being yelled at, we were not privy to those scenes if there were any. If this is indeed him, it was a long time ago when he was much younger. I think he should be given the benefit of doubt
  4. Very interesting, I also heard the rumors about David at the beginning. I thought they seemed very strong especially after last years choices of participants and the outcry after. If this happened and it was this David, he would have been 19 or 20? Possible drunk fight? I hope someone can come up with the DV issues No way Ashley knew this at the wedding. She wouldnt even kiss him on the cheek for the wedding pictures. She had told the experts she was willing to try someone different from her past types and that is what she got I also agree that David has too many close friends to be the villian from the early posts ( stealing money, job issues etc). but I also liked basement Ryan...
  5. From another sight, I found it interesting . Ashley Doherty ‏@Ashley_MAFS · 33m33 minutes ago Ashley Doherty Retweeted Cheryl Meisenzahl Because it wasn't a mutual friend. Carrie Norton ‏@Cair7118 Really? Bc last time I was there I met and took a picture with the girl in question...hummm..#MarriedAtFirstSight @David_MAFS @Ashley_MAFS .
  6. Cardigirl - I totally agree. We now see where Miss Ashley gets all her charm, grace and manners
  7. Her unfiltered segments on Season 3 are just horrible She is not a journalist, journalist do not include their personal stories in the interview I personally do not want to know about someones "first" time. Especially for Jamie to talk about her first time with Doug I hope if anyone with the production company reads these comments, they will realize she is not the one to help them with the show. I guess since i am talking about her, that they are actually getting what they want.
  8. Editing will be the end to all of us T&V - I want to think that he is being honest and sincere. I think V will ruin everything. She is so insecure and noncommunicative that it will not end well for them. I hope she can hang on and take the leap of faith in two weeks. I do not think she was the right one to ask about David's text. She has proven she doesnt think men and women can be friends, so she cannot possibly think they can go somewhere together even if it is to give the other person some advice. S&N - She is a trip. As long as she gets her way, she is fine. She is still a bully. Neil said he didnt like anyone touching his face, knew it was weird but just didnt. So she rubs her dirty hands all over his face! She wants to make him happy! While she is eating her tv dinner, he watches with a glass of wine. OK. but then she just slurps the liquid from the container, ugh. His old apartment looked like it was decorated with good taste, he speaks well, carries himself well. Bet his manners are much better than hers D&A - I agree, this is her key to the door. She has shown nothing but disrespect to David during these long weeks. I cant believe that he is stupid enough to contact someone he KNOWS has a connection with her, for a "date". He has enough friends for that. I am sure there is some truth in the middle. But she just went off. I loved it when he was saying he knew nothing of her etc then in her TH she said that she would never say anything that unkind to anyone.. Oh really, I dont like the way you look is kind? When her friend came over to talk, I never heard A say why D had contacted this girl. That might have been information the friend needed to give some helpful advice. Of course then A would be told to calm down and talk it over with D.I have been wanting the fairly tale for this couple. I wanted her to say she was willing to try without the cameras and see where they could go with the relationship. I dont think this can happen now. Of course in the previews she is seen kissing him on the cheek. Again, i say Editing is what this program is all about. Jamie - Please if anyone from production reads these posts, please do not have her at the 6 months show. She does not add any quality or sincerity. If you just want reaction - you will probably not get what you want. People will stop watching. I couldnt believe it when she was with Ashley and totally agreeing with her. When she had spent the last season talking about her EX and giving him all kinds of free publicity. I would think that someone doing a true interview should not input their own feelings but would draw information out. And who wants to know about her first time with Doug!, totally the Jamie Show and not the uncensored talks with Season 3 participants
  9. I was hoping the T&V make it, a little for D&A, and not S&N. There was a line in the Knot article where David says he ccan text Tres at anytime and he will be there. Doesnt sound like Tres is with Vanessa. Ashley, Ashley... I cant think of anything nice to say about her
  10. Does anyone know if Ashley ever did an interview on the Real Mr Housewife? It seems all the other participants did.
  11. If the peview of David and Ashley is true, Ashely is mad at David for asking one of her friends to join him to discuss her. Now we know how she got the message. . She called him a liar and wouldnt want to be married to someone she cant trust. He was trying to find out about her! With her friend! This is her way out. She has not taken the opportunity to make this work. She has said he was not her type, and that her choices were not always the best. She said she was willing to go outside of her box and find happiness and marriage. WELL, I don't buy it. She wouldn't kiss him on the cheek for the wedding pictures, would not have conversations to get to know each other during the honeymoon. wouldn't respond to his questions at home. Couldn't tell him he wasn't her type and had Dr C do it. He was told not to touch her. She even pulled away when he tried to comfort her during the Dr C visit. Even though the pictures of the party show her interacting with others and David was in the room, she was upset that he left her alone. Now she says she cant be married to someone she cant trust. She wanted this to work!! (In what universe) She is just about the worst contestant on this show. Now she will consider herself vindicated and think she is getting out gracefully. She is missing out on something that could be wonderful. I was hoping that she would pick staying together at the decision day. Stating that he seems to be a great guy and she wants to try to stay married away from the cameras. No I hope she doesn't.
  12. At Tres and Vanessa's party. Vanessa is introduced to Jenna. Jenna says something like " I have been so looking forward to meeting you". Vanessa just turned and walked away. I don't think it was Tres being manipulative could have been the editors, but for what I saw this is all on Vanessa.
  13. this is the only realty show i have ever watched. fascinated by it i do not do facebook nor twitter. the one time I tried to see Ashleys facebook, there was a notice that all negative comments would be deleted. can those of you who mention seeing something on twitter either give the link or paste it in?
  14. 1. T&V - I dont think Tres is that manipulative. All he said regarding the love comment was that is a big word. V overreacted... She is going to ruin this. Her father left when she was a teenager, had to be horrible. But she is grown and has probably had a boyfriend or two. Tres was a party boy, he admits it. He invited his friends over for the bbq. Jenna was one of his friends. I think the look you guys were seeing from jenna was more of one of concern for Tres. He has been her friend for a long time. Now he has married someone he doesnt know. Perhaps Jenna was looking out for him. Vanessa fight the next day was horrible, she has issues of abandonment and that's the first thing she does when upset - leave. I do agree people can have friends of the opposite sex. If my husband told me that someone could not be my friend just because of a chromosome, we would have to have a conversation. these people don't know each other well enough to make those kind of demands. Everyone complained that their story was boring compared to the other two, now we have drama. 2 N&S - If you look at the previews of the decision day, Sam is clutching Neils hand and crying, Neil just looks like a truck is coming and he cant get out of the way. I think Neil is great and Sam is a mean crazy loon. I hate to say it but I think they will stay together. I would hope that Neil could say he cares but doesn't think she could change. but just like the hand exercise, his TH said he was disappointed, but all he did was lay his head on the couch. 3. A&D - She is an educated professional student. she knows what to do in awkward situations. I don't buy this "I'm too shy" stuff. She is self absorbed, selfish, mean and totally out of her league. Looking at the party, they were in the same room on several shots. She just wasn't the center of his attention. ( even though she says she doesn't want it) David overplays, I think he just wants to be married and if he says my wife enough, he can make it happen ( he is a salesman) 4. experts- I am sure that the producers told them what was going on during the filming. If they were truly there to help these people thru the process, there would have been a lot of intervention. It seems to me that season 1 had a lot more interaction with the experts. just by the previews of the decision day - I think Sam and Neil will be the only ones to continue. I would like to see the others agree to date until the 6 months reunion show without cameras.
  15. I rewatched some of last nights episode and want to add a few thoughts 1. Found more respect for Tres. He stood up, asked questions and spoke his mind. very good foundation for a good relationship 2 Sam - she likes his friends because they are crass and vulgar like her. When Neil was asked if it still wanted to be married and she y lled over to tell the truth and be frank - he said he was glad to be married. his friend asked if it was hard he said it was difficult of course, beyond. ( thought the beyond was telling). She even mentioned one of the reasons they were matched was because they were both nice people. I wonder what she thinks about herself after watching the show? Also on the previews they are in a craft shop. One thing Neil tells her is that he doesn't like his face touched. She later rubs her hands all over his face laughing 3. Ashley - her TH said she was alone during the party. She spoke with the others even hugged them. I saw THEM in the kitchen with others, when a group were standing in the kitchen and David invited them upstairs to look around, she was standing with the group and didn't go. David commented that she seemed perfectly at ease, so he was keeping an eye on her. She commented that David was acting like single David, "you are married, you should act differently". Then she decides she was alone. She is just looking for things to complain about. Her straight dull face staring at him while he was talking shows she has no soul
  16. 1. Sam and Neil - i felt so bad for Neil when Sam was yelling fake. it was obvious that he was a little upset, even his friend noticed. But since Sam says if Neils happy she is happy, she obviously must be talking about another Neil. And Sam won , they will be staying in her townhouse 2. Vanessa and Tres - Vanessa is so afraid of abandonment that she actually abandons someone who has been abandoned by his parents???? She is hanging all over Tres when his friend girl shows up. Then during the Jamie interview she states that she wanted to get to know this girl and find out more about Tres. Starting to see why she was unable to stay in a relationship 3. David and Ashley - First she wants him to leave her alone, when he does she gets upset. They were hosting a party. As mentioned above, hosts usually work the room. Someone mentioned he should hold her hand. He cant, he has been told not to approach her or touch her. Then she wants to talk about her feelings. He has spent the last 4 weeks having a one sided conversation, he probably forgot how to do it. he should have listened etc, but who knows. He explained that more people showed up than invited, she could have called her friends to remind them to come over, even if it was just to help her. She says she loves to bake!!! that was canned icing. I agree, they have been milking the other woman segment since the beginning. At least she got angry and started to tell him off. First sign of emotion.
  17. I watched the preview for tonight's episode #10. Ashley said she got a message that David had asked someone out for drinks. My question is - who did she get the message from, do they have couple friends? did the girl in question tell Ashley? Obviously this happened some time ago and it couldn't be because it was someone who was watching. also, will she care now? Does Ashley want David now that someone else might?
  18. i will repeat what i have said before. it is not that Ashley is not being intimate with David. It is she is not treating him with the decentcy you give to a stranger in line at the grocery store. She is not polite, considerate, conversational anything at all. If she had a conversation with him, got to know him. Even if she had no attraction at all - these 6 weeks would go by faster. She would have less stress. She might get a new friend. She told the experts that she always chose a man by his looks. That it never turned out right . That she wanted to try something else. She is educated, using the expression "if you cant say something nice, don't say anything at all" doesn't give her a pass. We teach that to our small children. As adults we do not always like everything about our neighbors, co-workers, friends, but we do try to enjoy them as they are. We don't tell them I don't like this and that about you. If she really cared about what her family, friends thought about her actions would she have gone on this show? Acted totally separate from the experience?
  19. UGHHHH, i hope that this wont become the Jamie show or " poor Jamie show" ughhhhhhh
  20. Is this added to the additional 15 minutes FYI offers or does it take the place?
  21. does anyone have any information on what Jaimie was doing in Atlanta shooting for this show in Season 3?
  22. Being with him and his friends would probably be the best thing for her. She would get away from the sour parents and learn to enjoy herself
  23. Some posters are saying that there may be a medical issue with Ashley I dont buy it. She is clear in her TH, talking with the experts, Davids friends, her friend. She was a social worker, that requires thoughtful conversations and a lot of interaction with people she just cant talk to David. i thought Dr C tried to stress that David wasnt her type not necessarily she was not attracted. i would love to see David and Dr Cs private conversation. last nights TH, she could only talk about me, me,me where David was frustrated but talked about we...
  24. So frustrated with Ashley's actions. For a registered Social Worker and someone in nursing school she is trained for hard conversations. She either is not a good SW/N or just a complete fraud. also her comments about "really trying" I wear my ring.... she is delusional AND who told sent the message that David had asked someone out for drinks, is someone spying for her? is she friends with his friends? it would be interesting if at the end David states he wont be married to someone that wont try and she says WAIT, I thought we were getting better, I want to stay
  25. if they haven't already started the Miami show there are a few things I think they could do to make it a better experiment and more enjoyable to watch 1. Have the couples do things together as an exercise 2. Fishbowl questions are not sexual - things to get conversations started like favorite color, college, best friends, job etc 3. have a party with 4 or 5 of each of their friends so they can see each other in social setting and learn more about them by their friends the experts need to be more involved ( watching the weekly takes) or something where they really know what is going on stop the use of the same talking heads, it is obvious by the backgrounds and clothes that these were done at a different time, maybe even after the experiment is over
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