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Everything posted by stuckin60s

  1. one more Heather rant. In the Unfiltered when discussing money, she made it almost sound bad that Derek (as most men) probably would spend lottery winnings on a house or a boat. She would pay off debt and travel. It just sounded so much like she disapproved because it wasn't what she thought was right
  2. as far as heather goes, she wouldn't ride her bike near him, even when he asked her about it. She left the cave without telling him. She walked ahead of him. Even if you are in a group of people and you don't like some of them, you do not ignore them and walk off by yourself. She obviously doesn't do anything she doesn't want to. I am not a fan of Derek's looks. She gets uglier each episode
  3. I think Heather hasn't been able to find a suitable husband because she wants what she wants when she wants it No intelligent man or woman wants a partner like that. Marriage is a partnership. Two way street. Shared village. What ever term you want to use It takes two people willing to compromise, give up "their turn" "their choice" "their desire" "take a back step" for the other person. She does not seem to want to listen, compromise, or even try. Derek is not near perfect, he may just be saying the words, but at least he is doing that. She wants to just sit and sulk
  4. My thoughts 1. If Heather was opposed to smoking, why did she give Derek "a smoking gift" for a wedding present. 2. Heather looked like trash in her wedding dress, anyone who calls themselves classy, is not 3. Nick has said that he thinks Sonja is terrific, just wants to go slow. I think that is correct. He also put the dogs outside for the night 4 Lilly and Tom pecking after every sentence is weird to me. It is not newlywed passion, they would be doing more than just a peck. To me seems like it is producer driven 5 The "Jamie" show, were these filmed as the participants watched the episode? They are all wearing the same clothes each week 6 maybe it is not about how much money they will be paid, maybe if they break the contract they have to payback for the wedding or honeymoons
  5. I am not a fan of Derek, but... I think Heather is horrible. She does not want to give an inch. After their fight, he came back to talk, he offered a different point of view. He also stated that after the smoking discussion, he didn't smoke anymore on the trip. All she did was repeat herself. I believe someone said earlier that she wanted to be the head of the couple and no vote for Dereks choice of who is in charge
  6. My only comment on Heather is she has already checked out. No smoking comments here. The gambling comments and even the "he is messier than me" He said he was neat, but preferred to use a suitcase instead of unpacking. She made a big deal of that. She wants the drawer he doesn't - why does she care. She is just looking for anything. Again, outside the smoking comments, she just isn't interested in a partner
  7. I have always liked the guy who plays Mikes cellmate, but with whats going on, there is more to him than they are showing
  8. one thing to remember is Maneka was married before, this damsel who needs protection is just crap
  9. Maneedy (sp) kills me when she is talking about boys looking at girls etc. it has been a long time since she was a girl cant wait until Taylor shoots off her mouth at one of the training instructors, they will quickly set her in her place. Her mother is awful, a parent should want the best for their child. Her mother should be encouraging her to make a life with David, not to get her way. Of course she told her mother she was strong willed.
  10. I have enjoyed this show most of the time. I DO like Maura and Kent, it is time she has someone nice I DO NOT like Frankie and Nina. this show reminds me of the old "Third Watch" show. I expect everything to be tied up with ribbons and Jane is still chasing perps when the show ends :0(
  11. I know most of this is for tv, but I find it interesting that Todd spends most of his time on Savanah. The 10 years of horse back riding, pageants, makeup treatments. don't really blame Chase for feeling like the unwanted step-child. I agree with the comments above, earlier episodes were funnier
  12. I see Taylor and her mother as bully's. She brings up the MIL even when not in topic. Cant see her as a flight attendant, I think there is a height minimum and she does not have the temperament for service job. She is a spoiled brat. cant imagine why she picked him to marry. She acts as though she is a princess and she knew where they were going to live before the wedding. I cant imagine what would happen if her husband made a comment about her mother. Melba isn't any peach, but she is nothing like Taylor. And Taylor loves to bring up being Christian and the Bible, there is a lot in there about respect and how to treat people
  13. i know it is probably too late, but does anyone know why Morgan got to be the center of so many episodes? She wasn't even the senior CSI and still knew more than anyone. Couldn't stand her
  14. I do not like the Sonja character. They have her as being such a tough cookie, and yet she doesn't carry it off. I hope, hope, hope they do not have the love connection for LaSalle and Percy, would ruin the show. Look at history would like to see one of the main characters with a side character loving interest. Don't show too much, just enough to remind us the do have a life Also getting very tired of so many of the programs with one person being the all knowing, wisest of the wise scientist type - Abby, Garcia etc. also as a side line those to women need to grow to be women and not still young ladies
  15. Does anyone know when the next season begins and if it is Miami or Chicago?
  16. I am very disappointed if this becomes a Ziva/Tony ending. It should be that he has decided to make something more of his life. Expand, get a day job, a wife, a family. Not just I am going to go and look for her. She has been gone awhile. I still don't like Bishop
  17. I had no idea that this season ended so soon. Will there be MFS the next years? Also thought it was quite interesting that there are so few comments about this season, seems no one cares... Think the network will notice?
  18. Every episode Alfred is my favorite. as far as Barbara, people have mentioned that she did try to kill Jims girl. no one mentions she DID kill her parents
  19. 1. J&D -not sure what I think about this. I read on another site Jamie stating she shouldn't see a male therapist because her issues were with men. Of course this is all drama for drama's sake. She really seems to need therapy, on national tv may not be the best for her. Of course it puts her on tv a few more minutes. I thought it was interesting when Dougs mom was telling him how many appointments she had years ago and for him not to expect to see immediate results. 2. C&J - I just cant help remembering how when they first got married how messy her home and closet was and how she admitted that she did not handle money well. They are past the 1st year of marriage, financial responsibility has had to have been discussed. If I were Jason, I would keep her away from all of the money too. Also, she just admitted that she works so she can spend her money. It takes both people saving money for a home, not just one. Her father and brother are both fire fighters, I think. So she would be more familiar with the danger aspect of Jasons job. Of course when it is your husband you look at it a little differently
  20. has anyone else noticed Amy getting a more femine look? softer lines, curled hair etc
  21. yes, i noticed how thin he was. When he was thin before, i was worried he was sick and not just trying another look. does anyone know??? i still dont like Bishop, hope the new characters drown her out
  22. 1. C&J - two things. first the money. As I recall; she did a horrible job of managing her money when they first got married. Jason even bragged about how much he saved and didn't have a lot of credit card debt. If I was him, I would be more involved in the payment of bills and not to eager to completely share an account. second. cleaning. again from the beginning, he was more organized and neat. the times she wasn't working and just hanging around, the apartment looked horrible. I am a neatnik, I couldn't stand it. 2. - D&J - I agree with the first comments, she loves to talk about her past. I just wish she would stop saying she is going to counseling for Doug. She should be going for her. love the comments about having private sessions ( they are on TV). Doug has much more patience than I do, she would have drained the life out of me before now. Plus she wrote a book with all this private stuff 3. J&N - I agree, singles should not share a lease unless they have both put in money and there is language in the lease on if there is a break up and what to do with the house. Neff should have discussed with her, not his mother. I see mother trouble down the road.
  23. cant stand Adalind, so many reasons. No one seems to remember that she had sex with Hank Juliette - should just go Love Rosalee and Monroe - they should make their characters stronger Wu is great too
  24. Sam has written an article for the RealMrHouswife on Bride and Prejudice program. She is something else
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