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Everything posted by stuckin60s

  1. With Pauley leaving, do you think that is why Bishop is getting bigger parts, she can be the "little sister" of the group? Several people are talking about the new additions, remember Bishop has been on for a few years. I do like Torres, and the English agent. I liked JE as well
  2. I just cannot watch if they are going to let Bishop take a stronger lead role and let Gibbs and McGhee step back. She is just horrible, Her character began as a quirky young computer geek. Leaving the door open for McGhee to move into a more "agent" role. then all of a sudden she is in charge. nothing happened to her with ALL of her huge mistakes. Apparently the powers want her. This show is over. But I still love Ducky and miss Franks
  3. Maybe she will marry the park ranger? (is he still around)
  4. Someone earlier sad this is becoming the Sheldon show, I agree. It has evolved that way over many years. We almost stopped watching because of that. I think Amy, Howard and Raj bring the most. Of course they are paid the least :0). I will not watch Young Sheldon. Just cant take it This was an okay episode, too many reused lines. I think it would be great if they are not giving Raj a partner, that they let him find a great spot. He could get a great job, travels and meets people, gets confidence and enjoys life. That would change the dynamics and how the people interact. He wouldn't be available anymore, still on the show, but it would be a shakeup
  5. I still cant stand Bishop. She must be a relative of the Producers or something. I agree with the others. No agency would have allowed Bishop or the others to head the team. They weren't supposed to be working on this anyway. They would have been placed elsewhere or a new "Gibbs" would have been brought in. Remember they didn't even know if Tim and Gibbs were alive for months. Bishop still does not seem the right person for leadership or anything other than her major skills with computers. She should be in a computer lab with Delilah saving the world if she must. they need a stronger female lead in the group. I did like Quinn, but she didn't fit either. And I really like Abby, but they need to let her mature Did anyone else get the feeling that the visiting coroner will slowly replace Ducky?
  6. I repeat myself. Bishop has no place on this program other than one of the NCIS staff that sits behind the cubicle wall. Her personality is bland at best. She is not agent material. Her character is supposed to be a computer genius. If there is some reason, any reason, they want to keep this actor on the show; then let her be the computer person that finds the answer online. I prefer she transfers someplace else. She does not belong at the front of the line. As roamyn stated " Freaking Bishop?! This show gets more unbelievable! At least Torres and Reaves have experience in 3rd world situations. Bishop is unbelievable in the US as an agent. Put Vance in charge of the rescue mission. Give him something to do!" There are other true, experienced officers better suited for a job like this. Please get rid of Bishop
  7. I really enjoy reading all the comments here. So much more than the program. I do not do FB, Twitter, Instagram etc. I would appreciate it if those of you that do, will post if you see something interesting here.
  8. I think Ashley dresses that way because she is still a little thick in the hips. I am not sure, but I think she mentioned weight issues when she was young, maybe that is just her insecurity
  9. Question. When did this season actually begin? Wedding dates etc And if this is the 6 months show is that from the weddings or from the end of the episodes?
  10. I know this is edited for us and what the producers want What I would really like, is for the participants to ACTUALLY see themselves when rewatching. And see personal traits and or issues they can change themselves. It would make them better people for the partner they chose, or for the next partner
  11. When asked on the TH, if she would stay married right then, she said yes. She is no femme fatale , what if Cody said he wanted a more feminine girl, how do you think Danielle would act. Actually, I really don't care If Nate decides to stay married, I think he should require her to get heavy counseling. I really do hope she sees herself as we do when reviewing the "documentation" and realizes how crazy she acts.
  12. I am really sad that JE is leaving. I enjoyed her. She was different than the others and brought fresh air. Again, Bishop can go anytime, she brings nothing. Also, I saw Torres on " The Ranch" from Netflix. Apparently he has a spot in the cast there.
  13. Sheila made a comment that she needed someone who would love her when she was most unloveable ( something like that) Obviously she has issues way beyond Nate. She looks for reasons to be the one to leave and not be left behind. I think counseling and then "maybe' Nate is her best shot at happiness
  14. We all know the editing is awful and there is a lot of producer driven drama BUT I would like to be the fly on the wall when the couples rewatch themselves. Maybe then they can see what others see. Why they haven't found partners, why their relationships don't last. Perhaps they are not ready for this type of commitment They can see their actions and the damage and the good that comes from that of course they might not be able to see themselves as we see them
  15. It is getting harder and harder to watch this show. I am sure the contestants watched past seasons and knew what to expect. Sheila doesn't want to play the game. she seems to be so hot and cold. When she is mad, the world must stop and oblige her? Maybe this is why she has had so much trouble finding a partner. And her absence of "chocolate" is more like her giving up control of the situation than an emotional thing. Danielle - so she never had a one night stand/ a guy she dated a few times. She cant be embarrassed by the comments at the joint meeting. The question at the table was what is your biggest problem. there is something about her, I just cant stand. She tries to portray herself as younger and sexier with the clothes hanging off her body, those nasty bangs and stringy hair. To me, it just makes her look even older. I think this is like so many of the others from past seasons, she is promoting her business. Trying not to look bad so she can show how much her training can help. Ashley and Anthony are cute together, when the Experts leave them alone, they do very well together
  16. George (TR Knight) is playing J Edgar Hoover on Genius ( Nat Geographic channel) he is doing a wonderful job. His looks and speech are right on!!! So impressed with his ability to handle a real person. GREAT!!
  17. C & D - I think she has a "mans man" in her mind. Probably a cross between Charles Bronson and John Wayne. Of course that kind of person ( if existed) wouldn't be attracted to her. If she keeps telling Cody that she wants a mans man, he had better buck up - what do you think that would do to a younger man. Plus, she will not age well. She is demanding, unfeminine, and pushy. Wedding: at least Cody knew which day it was. he probably planned on spending the day. according to other posters, she has known what day the wedding was since the honeymoon; couldn't she have rescheduled the bday dinner? Weddings usually last all day I also wish the powers that be would pick couples that don't say " me and_____" A&A - they were fine until Rachel dropped in. I think Anthony doesn't push because he wants to see the entire picture. Wonder if the sister is really as bad as edited. S & N - looked like his conversation with mother was edited all over the place. words and pictures didn't match at all.
  18. I think Danielle is just too old for Cody. She keeps saying she wants a manly man, not sure she is willing to give up being in charge. Cody is inexperienced with Women, he needs a young lady. He was brought up on a farm, probably not many girls around, plus he said he was overweight. They should not have chosen him ( he probably wanted to be on show because he really didn't know how to woo a girl and get a wife) Danielle hides her age behind the bangs, some years cannot be hidden elsewhere
  19. 1. if the powers that be do as they have done in the past, the couples move to a new place and keep their own until after the experiment, Nates brother could stay in Nates house ( with someone checking in on him) and Nate and Shelia would have time to develop. Of course, that would not have as much drama 2. I think if Danielle is letting Cody know he needs to step up and "be a man", that is just a constant slap in Cody's face. He is young and immature with the ladies. He has less confidence during the honeymoon than at the wedding 3. Anthony has said more than once that his job is to protect Ashley, that may be where the drama starts.
  20. i think I am in the minority. there were too many story lines in this episode. jamies story could have been the entire hour. Erins story kinda was stopped before it started. and Danny's story line was too short for the finale of the house burning down. Did think the boys are really growing
  21. I think they are trying to find a way to keep the actor who plays the Mayor ( cant remember name) still in the show next season there has to be other Navy issues in New Orleans other than the same old same old last - I still feel they are trying to make percy and lasalle a couple :0(
  22. I am new to GA. Started watching the first seasons during the day. Would anyone tell me why they killed off George? I know there were personal issues with Burke and Izzy, but why George?
  23. I did, kinda, like this episode. Any less of Bishop is good for me. I wish Abby would transition into something else, she is too old to carry off the juvenile look. also Gibbs would never have allowed his crew to act like Bishop and Torres did in the past few episodes. I know he has moved into a kinder more gentle person, but that is not Gibbs. I too miss Tony, but I also miss Kate and Ziva (before it was tony and ziva). Things change, Palmer is a Dr now and Ducky will probably soon be leaving ( will hate that). But the idea of NCIS, the tight knit group that always followed the ## rules, is leaving. Not happy about that
  24. am I the only one that thinks the writers are trying to make Sonia and LaSalle a couple??? if so DOOM, DOOM, DOOM
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