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Everything posted by stuckin60s

  1. If I remember correctly didnt danielle say once that she is usually the one who did everything for her partners in the past? If I am correct, shouldnt she should realize that by not saying anything nice back she is no better than her previous partners.
  2. Amber did say on the unfiltered " when that was filmed I was getting feelings for him" something like that???
  3. Since Mia broke the trust (again) by telling her family about Houston, Tristan could have asked the family if they knew about her record. That would have changed the conversation. Of course, that would be the wrong thing to do. I am glad Tristan is finally saying Mia and me this episode. Owning and running a tutoring company I would expect his English to be better
  4. I wonder what the participants think while watching the TH . Since the time we/they are watching it is all over
  5. I still like Dave, he seems to be the most normal. Amber ASKED him what score he gave. He told her he thought it was a good score with room for improvement. They have known each other 3 weeks. i hope i got better with time. Amber is a brunette. He said his fantasy is a brunette. Dont we all have a special celebrity we have liked or admired. doesnt mean its real I wonder who her fantasy person is. Did she say And is she still shopping and laying around eating and drinking? If I was Bobby, i would be getting mad. He is fixing er breakfast, packing her lunch. Taking out the pets, feeding them and probably cleaning up after the puppy. She goes to work , so does he. Of course with a long commute it makes it more difficult. He cooks dinner most of the time. Has she stopped shopping and spending money. I realize alot of her debt was from traveling, but you have to pay that stuff off. Has she started trying to pay it off
  6. LilaFowler, in Daves house when they were drinking and in Bobbys I am re-watching this episode. Where Amber and Dave are talking about her 7.5. She is upset. They have already talked about her not doing the agreed chores. She doesn't like getting a C she only likes getting an A.. Lady,,,,, you have to work on getting an A. She is so stuck up her own... she cant see anything but her. Also thinking about Dave, others have said that he adds fuel to fire. I was wondering with his age and his career, especially career, would that not make him slow to respond and to think things through? Also where Tristen is talking with Mia about the dating ap. He said he cant trust her.. In her TH she says something about she got married so they would be happy yada yada yada, and not to be questioned and not trusted. Really - she doesnt even think she has done anything wrong
  7. my thoughts jump all over the page with this season. if they all moved into the men's established homes... why are there stickers on the bottom of the glasses and decorations? Amber, please stopping talking "Valley Girl" that was o ver, years ago. I know why she has never married other than her "insecurities". she is lazy and selfish. a 7.5 rating in a 1-10 is a B. If you dont want to know the truth , dont ask. Her cat, her sh*t all over the place. Disregard for anyone but her. Her best friend is a B*tch . "No, he will have water" If she were a man, she would be slammed all over the place. I think Dave is a decent guy, who has lived in his organized home for a long time and is used to it. I dont see the cuts everyone is talking about Tristan, I agree with everyone. I was hoping his prison guard mom would call BS on Mia. He looks exhausted
  8. If it was me, I would wait out the 3 months before i paid for anyone's debt Amber and Danielle spend too much money on themselves. Danielle at least looks better than Amber except for eyebrows ( they seem lighter in different shots. Tristan always looks tired and sad, Mia doesn't seem to understand what she has done to him. No guilt. she thinks her smile is all she needs. I am not a fan of her smile As far as Dave and Amber. He is in trouble. she stays at his house, her cat tears it up. No real apology, no i will take care of that or I will replace it.... She can also go to the vet and get some medication to help the cat relax.
  9. If the warrants and arrest were fake, how did she have a mug shot?
  10. Dont forget Mia has a different name on the warrant
  11. DrewPaul2010 Jamie Otis showed a lot of disappointment in the first season :0)
  12. The editing is getting worse. During Mia's wedding shots of her with her veil. Most were the veil was almost over her eyes from the top. Other views, the veil had been pulled back further on her head. Did they have to redo vows and everything?
  13. Disappointed with Diona R. I was hoping they would go away from the "quirky" scientist that most of the shows have copied. It would be nice to see someone like Ducky. Smart, funny a teacher and still a doctor. Instead we get a cookie cutter of the standard scientist. No problems with the actress, just how they maintained the character
  14. does anyone know how long she was at her job? They do ask if you have been arrested on your application. I believe with one of the previous people. The MFS interviewers could ask questions that have to do with arrests, charges etc. they may someday get someone out from the straitjacket
  15. I do not like Ambers looks. I said before that is a real thing in Dallas area. So are the "farm/ranch" weddings. I personally dont like them it is always hot both during wedding and reception. ( the reception is usually in a highly decorated barn. I do appreciate that Amber washed all her makeup off before they retired to bed. I dont think the other girls did that
  16. Until recently I lived in Dallas. The dark roots with bleached hair is a true style there. Check out how dark her sisters hair is. Amber looks older, could be all the tanning beds. I do like Dave. Could be they saw each other in the gym and did not see them as someone they would approach. Mia - she is acting like she is a virgin. I hope you father doesn't think she is. I (this is not nice ) think she has horrible poster. I agree with someone above, she looks like she has no neck. Her dress was pretty but not for her. they are trying hard to make Bobby into a mamas by. Hopefully that is producer direction Danielle may see her eyebrows in the daily films and lighten them up. Looks like the producers will have a lot of personalities to play with
  17. nothing against the new lab girl,, We already had quirky can we not get something else. All the other military dramas lab staff are quirky. please, lets get someone with a different story. Who knows, they may be trying a few people out. Wasn't this position temporary since Abby left? I'm not sure
  18. HurricaneVal - you forgot George Lazenby :0) I watched a previous episode the other day. It was about Tim writing a letter to his father. Tim was sad and cried. Did a good job of showing sadness and loss. This episode Tim did not do a good job. He looked like he was acting when he was hugging Abby and talking about her leaving.
  19. I'm not sure if this is the correct place to put this comment. In Blue Blood, the same thing happened to Danny. He was accused of shooting an unarmed man. The man had said he may or may not have a gun. Pretended to shoot. Danny shot first. They brought up every "over zealous" police action Danny had taken in the past towards this criminal. Maybe these writers watch that show? I guess if there wasn't any drama, we wouldn't be watching
  20. so sad they got rid of Duane Henry, so many options for his character. Still don't understand how Bishop is still on. Plus, she was a computer geek and now kicks in doors??? Really didn't like this episode. Not for the reasons stated. thought acting was very bad. The story was obvious if you saw last weeks episode. The flashbacks weren't the bets of the series. the characters they brought on, weren't the best from the past. Just a bad episode all together. Also, if there is a feud between MH and PP, they both looked like unprofessional immature kids. Your job is your job. Do what you are supposed to do or go to something else. Even if they did want to part ways, there were other ways than to drag out this season. Hope the writers and powers that be can come up with a shot of adrenaline for this show
  21. I got a kick on the "unfiltered" when Jaimie asked Molly if her lashes were real.. I have been around from the beginning and remember when EVERYONE talked about Jaimies fake lashes
  22. Is Ryan really a firefighter? He states he has a full time job as a construction worker then certain hours at firehouse. Is he a volunteer ? He also says how much he has put into this marriage. He has no idea of what he looks like on tv. Really liked it when Jephte said he was petty. Of course Jephte needs a class or two on behavior. Remember he is a teacher. Never had any use for Cal, this week he looked as though he tried. I hope they had a better talk after the 20 second clip Also, cant the powers that be find anyone that doesn't say " me and ___?"
  23. Loved, loved, loved seeing Mike Franks again!!!!!
  24. noticing how Gibbs hair is growing out, still a bad cut. I liked the old cut better
  25. Looks like steps to let Ducky leave, I will be very sad. bishop again, going in the door first? She is not a senior agent nor is she as trained with fighting and tactics as others. They should let the girl do what suits the person playing the character. She could be the old McGee. Just cant stand the way she is center of the episodes, Gibbs, is stepping back, Ducky looks to be leaving, and Abby is leaving. guess I will be too
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