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bad things are bad

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Everything posted by bad things are bad

  1. Funny, we were watching the Buzzr channel too, this weekend, and marvelled at Alex's youth and massive hair :) However, one can see how that particular show did not become a classic.
  2. Found it amusing when I was in the UK last week that FN UK shows reruns of Diners Drive Ins and Dives, along with some Restaurant Impossible and early morning Barefoot Contessa. Now why in the world would anyone in the UK want to watch DDD? I know travel to the US is pretty common but jeez louise.
  3. Shouty chef-like character Robert Irvine gets his own show! People come to him with problems and he yells at them to "hurry up" and "stop whining" and "you have to change NOW". Victims, I mean guests, agree to get better just to make him STFU I do NOT get why there is any love anywhere anytime for Irvine. I.just.don't.
  4. A plague on all their houses for not getting this! There's obviously a Community fan in the writers' room as it comes up pretty frequently given its cultish status. (where are the questions about The Americans, writers?)
  5. "Celeb" should really be in quotes when referring to FN cooking shows. Seriously, we're pretty far down into the alphabet, possibly H list? very reminiscent of Melissa D'Arabian in her FNS season.
  6. I thought of Torri too, loved him when he was a Tiger. We in Michigan (possibly Minnesotans as well) consider ourselves to be in the Great Lakes region, not Midwest. Not really sure who IS midwest!
  7. I thought the chyron said 27, so he's been in the biz since he was 12? Mmmmmkaaayy...
  8. why does anyone think Ann Coulter is worth paying any attention to?
  9. I LOVED JJ telling Ms. Total Woman that she never ironed her kids' clothes, because she was a WORKING LADY (clearly doing something more useful than ironing clothes kids don't really want to be wearing). Suck it, sanctimonious grandma. (I did SAH mom for a while, yes it's work and a good thing, but ironing kids clothes is just making yourself more of a martyr)
  10. It's the buzziest of buzz phrases: The Internet Of Things. because puny humans not up to basic tasks anymore.
  11. Tim was way too overconfident in some of his answers, only to be wrong. Hope he tones it back a bit.
  12. Add me to the Dr Mudd group. Then I decided he was a bit too obscure and thought more about the location. I lived in Biloxi for a short hellish moment many years ago, and had been to the Jefferson Davis home, Beauvoir. I was vacillating between RE Lee and Davis and the location tipped the scale.
  13. I was thinking of the GL states, forgot about PA having Erie coastline, and wondered if Vermont had a GL coastline. If I'd remembered PA, I would have been torn between Illinois and Indiana as the smallest.
  14. Teenage boys tend to be pretty stinky. They're like the valet on the Seinfeld about BO.
  15. I picked it up at my library and some of the recipes sound great...also accompanying text is very Bobs Burger-y
  16. I think it would be non-canonical (NON CANONICAL!) for Bob to figure out a logical short term solution to the "no fries" thing. Like go to Target and buy a Fry Daddy for $50
  17. Me either. Condescending much? As to the issue of annoying and flaky women, if they didn't call Rachel Maddow they should have. Or Elizabeth Warren. Or Doris Kearns Goodwin. Or Sam Bee. Any or all of them would be AWESOME
  18. Great googly moogly. So very very bad. I was hoping that DJ would have Colors that are Red, or Name a Number...any number. Michael Steele would have been outplayed by a wooden post.
  19. I I remember TDA very well, but I also remember it wasn't a one-off. There was Special Bulletin in 1983, as well as a Whitley Strieber/James Kunetka post apocalyptic book, Warday in 1984. Plus WarGames in 1983 (and Red Dawn, to stretch a bit). A ripe time for post nuclear apocalypse/war with USSR stuff; TDA didn't appear in a vacuum (forgive me if these have already been mentioned, I only read about half the pages of posts!) I read and saw all of these, as a 20-something. The body of work definitely left an impression. The Day After was something "everyone" saw and discussed IIRC. The Americans got it almost as right as the JFK assassination in Mad Men.
  20. It's not a specific commercial that annoys me, but I watch the early news (Early Today at 4:30 am so REALLY early) and for some reason they run the same commercial multiple times, sometimes with only a ten second ad for another product in between. The Northern toilet paper ad with the kid who's going to use the big vase as a potty...at least 4 times per news show. Culligan water softeners. Sometimes the Carrie Underwood AMERICA WOO makeup ads. Local ads. Jeez. Bugs the hell out of me.
  21. The Google tells me shift interlock did not become law until 2005, but not mandatory until the 2010 model year.
  22. OMG. The air of entitlement was palpable. One wonders why her daughter lives with her dad (actually one does NOT wonder AT.ALL.) Being a housewife is work (well, yeah, it's work but it's not a job, and I've done stay at home mom, thanks)! I can't buy Xmas presents for $300! (what, her kids are that much of assholes?) It was a GIFT! She's not a typical 81 year old (WTH did that mean?) Slappage was indeed called for. Many many slaps.
  23. Ellen Degeneres would be a great role model for her. A little butch but softened.
  24. Liked this episode a lot for the Boo Boo storyline, but I'm getting frustrated with Bob and his aversion to any sort of success. Although it's kind of non-canonical...Gene handing out samples, flyers with promotions, sending burgers to the bank hostages so he'd get his name on TV...all these things happened in the past, why doesn't Bob want publicity now?
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