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bad things are bad

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Everything posted by bad things are bad

  1. What will they say when Toyota beats feet for the "business friendly" state of Texas? And will you Californians continue to buy so damn many Toyotas?
  2. Everyone involved in this one was nuts. The plaintiff should have insisted on dealing with the BF directly, not with ditzy middlewoman. Ditzy actually did say what she wanted, so I don't understand why the plaintiff thought a Ranger outside the model year range was equivalent to an F150 long bed (specified in the texts). But of course Ditzy should have NEVER told plaintiff to go ahead. And plaintiff, once stuck with the truck, might have had better luck selling the Ranger herself, since she believed it was really a deal. BF was a typical guy (which I say from my experience working as a service writer, trying to talk to wife with husband instructing her in background but refusing to talk directly to me himself. Happened quite frequently) As for JJ on Supreme Court, Christopher Buckley wrote a novel based on that premise a few years ago. Not as funny as you'd think, though http://www.amazon.com/Supreme-Courtship-Christopher-Buckley/dp/B0041T4Q2E
  3. One of our nicknames is the Mitten State so I'm OK with it Get-su-mah-nay, a la francais and completely exaggerated Although does anyone really know it was pronounced in 33 AD? I'm thinking not
  4. As a proud Metro Detroit resident, I was annoyed by the gratuitous and dated shot at Detroit. Hey, show, 2009 called and it said that joke was played even then
  5. VW is in apology mode. This has apparently influenced the ad team, which will henceforth include some sort of expression of regret in all ads. VW APOLOGY TOUR 2016--saw it at the Detroit Auto show, did not get the T-shirt.
  6. Well, he had a few valid points. And he actually went after the VW Beetle as well, but no one remembers that At least you can credit him with getting the conversation moving about auto safety. We have about half as many people dying in wrecks today as we did in the 60s, but way more cars on the road. My antipathy towards Nader is based more on 2000. The gift that keeps on giving. I'm assuming it's just faster. If you try to get a quote from a legit insurer, they want actual facts--State Farm wants a drivers license number, among a crapton of other things. The General probably lets you put in whatever you want
  7. I think that if cat-killing kid is a bedwetter, he needs to be in a full time residency program away from the rest of society. AuntiePam has a point, though...he may not be a perv (which was my first thought) so much as a boy profoundly uncomfortable with kids his own age
  8. Delorean guy was a bit too cute for me with the flux capacitor preciousness. If you look at classic car ads, they're full of "invested $30000, asking $20000". A lot of these guys have a high idea of what their baby is worth, until they try to sell it. I imagine John Z figured what he paid + what he's spent on repairs and stuff = worth. He really didn't want to say the relative pittance he paid, but of course in the end it was moot.
  9. Anyone else thinking Frank Zappa "Moving to Montana" right about now? Just me and the pygmy pony, then...
  10. Not to go too far off topic, but I was in what used to be one of the "nicer" Macy's a couple of days ago and it looked like Kmart, with overloaded sale racks and disheveled merchandise everywhere. Those ads must be part of a downmarket strategy; Macy's isn't as elegant as either of its predecessors here (Marshall Fields and before that, Hudson's).
  11. Happy Festivus...and even if it's under the tree, try to get a document that states it's a gift and not a loan :)
  12. Hokey smoke, I had a hard time believing that someone who lives in a condo doesn't get that. That guy was not an it-getter
  13. believe me, there's a whole industry devoted to that very thing.
  14. Deanna was the only person (along with Reg) who seemed to think of a future. She was proactive. Rick and CDB are reactive. Of course she had that luxury and CDB other than the time at the prison has not. Maybe Michonne will take up that mantle. I agree with another poster who said they wanted to see the world rebuilding; the tentative nature of civilization restarting, figuring out the lower-tech ways things got done 150 years ago. You'll always have the zombie threat, but there really does have to be some point other than JSS.
  15. She was a free-range niece, apparently, born to roam free. Unlike the poor dog.
  16. and "don't touch my dart" was pretty much the same setup as teh walmart commercials Creativity is overrated
  17. I had exactly the same thought! Wonder why they didn't use it earlier
  18. scroll down to #3 http://jalopnik.com/5908130/the-ten-scariest-dmv-horror-stories/
  19. Yup. Dude wipes will be advertised with two greasy guys standing under a hoist with a car in the air. Possibly drinking a beer. Saying man stuff
  20. Christ on a focus-grouped cracker. "Becomers"? And children as consumers. Definitely a Christian message there. I think i'm becomering sick.
  21. Yes. The phrase "office team building" should NEVER be used without "stupid" preceding it.
  22. I told my DH "$20 says Mary Barra is one of the answers" I was wrong. At least that means there are more than 5 "girl" CEOs out there!
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