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bad things are bad

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Everything posted by bad things are bad

  1. I officially have a rooting interest now...yesterday there was a local interest story on the radio about Jared and they gave his last name. My son was in the car with me and said "Jared BOBKIN? I know him from high school!" He also hung out with Jared's brother although I don't remember meeting either of them. The restaurant Jared works at is pretty good as well.
  2. I have it from a well informed source that Granholm will be working a lot with HRC's campaign. She has charisma. And she's a better speaker unrehearsed, IMO. She might make a good MSNBC host someday but if HRC wins, I could see cabinet or SCOTUS.
  3. so so true! WTH is "clean" food? And authentic...and friends...and clean...and study group...and clean...and food...and awesomeness...and family...and clean Can I has copeeriter job now plz?
  4. damn. used to love B. Williams when he'd show up on The Daily Show. WTH happened?
  5. That can only bode well for your Schadenfreude!
  6. And didn't she major in journalism? (i think the quote actually works for both kinds of sentences!)
  7. More signs of the impending apocalypse 'And Food Network will have more kids’ competitions like a junior version of “Next Food Network Star.”' http://variety.com/2016/tv/news/comedians-food-network-scripps-kathleen-finch-1201722959/ Blecch. If you think FN sucks now, just wait
  8. I figured Victoria is just too quaint, so Vancouver was it for me. VW was instaget as it's the most fascinating soap opera/legal thriller in the auto industry right now. I'm reading about every word I can find on the subject. So much crap hitting so many fans. Could not believe tostada was a TS! Seriously, were you people never poor enough to eat at Taco Hell?
  9. I don't remember which retro network is airing the Dick Cavett show, but I have to say it's a treat to watch. So much of the content is relevant today, and the conversations with disparate people, with depth, are interesting especially with the benefit of hindsight. Jimmy Hoffa talking about prison reform...wow. Mohammed Ali and Joe Frazier talking about whether they'd encourage young boys to take up boxing because of potential brain damage, heartbreaking in light of what issues Ali has (and he said he would tell a 12 year old who wanted to box NOT to do it).
  10. Spurgeon? Ye gods and little fishes, as my grandma used to say Like a Spurgeon, touched for the very first time (by uncle Joshie...)
  11. I like Katrina. I think she looks like the offspring of Kristen Schaal and Lewis Black (two people I'm inordinately fond of) Count me as one who never heard about the tall poppies.
  12. http://www.eater.com/2016/3/9/11174990/bobs-burgers-cookbook-recipes-burger-puns All RIGHT!
  13. Columbus seemed far too elementary for the FJ answer, so I was casting around for alternatives. Mario Lopez was a hoot. Has anyone actually Clavined FJ?
  14. If they had won the minivan, would they have kept it?
  15. I got FJ and Connie Mack, which I couldn't believe was a TS
  16. guess I'm not the only one who was annoyed by the ending.
  17. Damn. Bring Olbermann back, if he promises to take his meds It was talked about last fall. I know he was anti-Hillary in 2008, curious to see what his take would be now. And he'd have buckets o'fun with Adolf Trumpler
  18. I thought of Montpelier first but then second guessed myself, thinking it had been settled earlier than the 1780s (Ethan Allen and all that). Settled on Augusta ME.
  19. I had no clue...I was yelling "Trump" at the TV. That might have gotten a laugh from the audience
  20. I learned a new French word yesterday...there was a story on the NY Times website about how Europeans view Trump. The cover of a French magazine had a caption "Un dingue en la Maison Blanche". I didn't know "dingue" (pronounced more or less "dang") so I asked my native French coworker. It means crazy person. I'm sure AngelaHunter can use that in many a JJ post en francais :)
  21. Look inside a Hummer. They are very much lacking in cargo room
  22. The only Bobby show I enjoy is Brunch@Bobby's. No competition, no guests. Just cooking delicious looking food.
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