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bad things are bad

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Everything posted by bad things are bad

  1. You might be thinking of Subaru One thing that ad convinced us to do was to get a bedliner for the F150 we leased :)
  2. A useful German word was used frequently to describe Ted Cruz when he was running for President: Backpfeifengesicht. Means a face that begs to be slapped . That niece needs slapping BADLY.
  3. actually I didn't mind Andrea most of the time. She made sure to pitch in, didn't want to be relegated to "women's work" and spoke her mind. Michonne's grief when she died really raised my estimation of her. But the whole Governor thing was stupid
  4. count me in with the immediate naming of Captain Kangaroo...and the sullying of his memory should not go unpunished. In other news, on the next Judge Judy (I wish, but these cars are far above the maximum she can award) http://jalopnik.com/man-allegedly-conned-multiple-women-into-buying-him-a-l-1787882801
  5. I saw that RAC ad for the first time sometime in September and was suitably aghast.
  6. http://theconcourse.deadspin.com/alex-trebek-hilariously-shits-on-jeopardy-contestant-a-1787733083
  7. And now I wish I'd written down her affronts to the English language as my brain has suppressed them. But they were many. I wish JJ had said directly to these awful people "so you were willing to allow this puppy to die a lingering and painful death to save a few dollars?" Would have been better to euthanize the poor thing but of course that would have cost money too...
  8. Can't watch anymore. The whole pageant world seems to be purposefully created to make mean girls out of the contestants. They will grow up to put far too much value on their looks, and to tear down other women because "they know how women are" (and to let men justify negative attitudes towards women). I used to love the hate watching, but now I think it's a crime to make girls think this is the way to success.
  9. Went to the Fox News website to see if they were having a cow about the Cat Stevens Jeep ad. Saw headline that their poll said Trump won the debate, didn't have the heart to go any further. Oh please let Howard Dean's tweet turn into something...
  10. Cannot get over that answer of the B-52s instead of Band Aid. It gives me pain to think anyone could mistake the incomparable B-52s for a gathering of random singers.
  11. shapeshifter, sorry about the chemo I assume you are quite young since you don't remember Richard Dawson and his kissy schtick (also a permanent "celebrity" on Match Game)
  12. I'd cut the Lutherans some slack because of fond memories of "Davey and Goliath". I've read more than one story on the automotive websites I frequent about people who freak out when their key fob goes dead and they can't figure out how to get in their car. Here's another thought, USE THE PHYSICAL KEY.
  13. Hoses that aren't labelled "safe" for drinking apparently have significant amounts of lead and other unsavory chemicals, and I drank from the hose when I was a kid too! Still do on occasion. If you really want to drink from a hose, look for a hose that's specifically labelled as safe for drinking.
  14. For a female judge (or two...no law says they can only have one) with cred, either Martha Stewart and/or Rose Levy Beranbaum
  15. Wow. Totally surprised at Ruby's tweets about Paul. Not the content, but that she said stuff out loud, as it were. If C4 thinks Paul is the main person on that show, I think they've misinterpreted something. To me Mary is far more central
  16. We bought a couple of these, one for our RV and one for the yard, The RV application is great since it's stored out of the light and does shrink up nicely but they do tell you not to drink the water from the hose (like most other hoses). Since we don't drink from the trailer tank, it's fine. The yard one is OK, but it doesn't shrink all that well, and the storage thing i bought for it is useless (hangs off the faucet, theoretically. In actual use, falls off). Love the idea of a cat litter container, will try that.
  17. Both DH and I wondered as well. Mole or some sort of jewelry? Either way, not very attractive.
  18. I've expressed my hate (and so have many others) for the Entresto "sun will come out tomorrow" ads before, and they seem to be listening. The newer ad is much less annoying; the music is in the background, instrumental only. And no one's taking a shower
  19. But that's just who he is! Albert Schweitzer the second, apparently. What a humanitarian! Also, JACK!
  20. Hopefully Melania will be job hunting in November so she's possible. :) We're not comparing US KN to GBBO. I hope you're right and Channel 4 doesn't tinker too much with the pleasantness that is GBBO. But we've seen US Food Network turn into pseudo celebrity faux drama competition hell, and we're fearful that GBBO might take the same path because some suit wants to jack up his profit synergizing metrics enhancement revenue-driven crapola.
  21. Hmm. Best you don't watch Wheeler Dealers or any Canadian TV. Both the Brits and Canadians I know pronounce it more like "Hi YOON Dye
  22. Art, precisely what we fear. Check out US Kitchen Nightmares and compare/contrast to UK KN. The few, the proud who watch GBBO don't WANT American style reality faux drama and product placement. I don't really need to see any "modern" twists either. If I want modern, I've got the US.
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