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Yes- that whole ep was good. Remember Whits guitar playing to his “girlfriend!” Shep should have left this show. I was his #1 fan early on but man, not so much now. He’s declined in all aspects. And he hasn’t done anything to my knowledge. He had a bar- is that still around? He shits on Craig who has a store and I believe gig on HSN as well as a law degree. He’s a Vandy grad and does Southern Charm. He needs to do something real- I think all this idle time has made him angry and yes….jealous. Until he stops thinking he’s the smartest person in the room it will never get better. I fault Whit more than Naomie if that is true. If there is legit attraction- great- but my word, like Shep, Naomie has tumbled for me. She seems so desperate. Latex to the bonfire? Oh wow- you’re here Craig!? I had no idea…. SC was must see tv but I’m having a hard time reconciling they did a dog wedding. And push Austen. Remember when they used to say when Clinton entered a room he stole the show? That didn’t translate to me who had never seen him in person but does Austen have some magnetism in person?
I agree. I was like we are having a dog wedding? I DVR this shit and FF through. It’s boring
I’m kind of surprised Shep isn’t into Olivia. She seems to come from the background that appeals. Though as I type that I realize Taylor could be a Vanderbilt- doesn’t seem it maybe she is. Naomie also seems to come from deep pockets. I always go back to that scene where he and his mom are dining outdoors and they both just say one disgusting thing after another. (Paraphrased) I need someone as comfortable at St Barts as at a crab boil says Shep. Yes, my perfect child, you do says mom. If I had to guess I’d say he broke up with her.
So had the same! She never lost that love and it’s fine. In the world of quirks I’m down :)
Me too. I feel for her. At that party they almost all looked like identical siblings. And I think her brain is like- I’m on a reality show- I have to go there. Which sucks. Her style and likely OCD I wish was the main focus. She definitely has an It factor with her fashion….damn! As a dog owner I find this not only great but I get that t! She labels stuff and ole Chuck deserves his own bins….agreee to disagree :)
I just texted my friend while watching how amazing she looks this season. I’d like to know what she did….bc she was always gorgeous but wow! I can’t get the right words to convey but Paige seems very “on” like “This is what an adorable person looks like in a relationship” instead of the real deal connection. Madison’s guy is a Mormon? Was not expecting to hear that. Very meh season- they need to can Austen- like from Bravo. Instead he’s everywhere I look and I don’t get it.
I agree! The only upside is as a viewer I feel even though it’s ep one I know I them better than normal. The teams felt more cohesive And I guess I need to try pot roast in my instant pot now.
You are like me with The Voice except I don’t watch the end. Ok guys I’m feeling optimistic here. There are some truly beautiful girls and Clayton is ok thus far. He’s not my physical preference but I concede in person his “presence” may be (Bill Clinton has this apparently lol). One of the non descriptive blondes was driving me crazy why she looked familiar and she’s Josh Altman from Bravos show wife Heather doppelgänger. He did offer her a rose. I’m excited to be on this journey with you and glad to be back! While I recognize she was a fan fave I found Michelle and her slow speak and monotone nearly unwatchable. We have a pool of gorgeous women (with real jobs! So many nurses- so few influencers and other random occupations) and I can’t wait!
To a degree I’m with you but as someone who watches more candid reality than Joseph Smith intended I have to say- we are getting some good footage this season. The only fakery I see is Meri, which is pathetic. And I gagged a bit when Janelle said each year she feels stronger- or similar. Christine is done- and Kody is done with plural marriage. If these asshats hadn’t signed onto TLC they’d probably be thriving as a family. Robyn for sure is the actress though. Her eyebrows and her words deceive. She really thinks the viewers are stupid. But the entire breakdown of the family, sadly, seems very real. Kody is miserable- I say- even with Robyn. When you’re in love and happy you’re not constantly an asshole with a face of death and words of venom. Christine even saw it with Tony and his volcano of yellow diarrhea- they talk and laugh- foreign words when you know Kody. So enjoy Robyn! He’s all yours!
I’m so sorry -sweet Bandit
When Knox was 2 or 3 we lived in an apt complex. We were walking normal path and she grabbed something- rat tail hanging out of one part of mouth- head the other- the rat was dead. I was horrified and screamed “drop it”! A lot of instinct kicked in on her and she was like “hell no- this is my best day ever”. Sounds sexist, so be it, I had quasi made friends with my male neighbor and went to his door and he took care of the situation. We wound up being great friends. On a lighter note, Knox is now 11. Since I’ve been working from home I watch TV on a Google Nest thing. Anyway, at the end of the work day I say “hey Google, turn off” and she promptly gets out of the dog bed next to me to get on with the evening. I didn’t teach her that- dogs are just that smart and good.
S11.E24: Reunion (Part 4)
KnoxForPres replied to jewel21's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
It was a flip phone for Gawds sake! What more could you possibly need (please read this in Blanche Devereaux speech) -
Christine Brown Woolley: Nacho Sister Wife Anymore
KnoxForPres replied to Rhondinella's topic in Sister Wives
I think what makes me saddest about this is that Christine actually appeared to be the only wife who loved Kody. I think the isolation asshole Kody has created pushed her to the breaking point. And when I say sad I mean that- for her- I think she thought he was amazing. And to realize an unrequited love- after 25 years of being together is a lot. I don’t think any of the others give a shit. Look- we all have eyes and ears and know he sucks. They do too. Robyn is enjoying the jealousy but will one day have so much regret. I watch so much reality garbage it’s unhealthy but I teared up with the scene on the porch with Ysabel (bc we cannot be close- COVID!!) and her upcoming surgery. It was cruel on every level. Honestly Fuck him and I think/hope Christine felt it too. I think she will be fine. I don’t want her to do a spin-off I want her to end the season leaving in a car and a zoom on a license plate “Done”. It’s over and move forward- you’re a wonderful mother and have been a wonderful wife…:now go- enjoy- we’ve been expecting you! -
Do you guys think Austen is one of these people who in real life is much hotter and exudes charm(pun not intended). Bc I just cannot get my head around why anyone find appeal, either. Luke has never done much for me but in a talking head I got a Ryan Philippe vibe and now I’m liking him better! Kyle on his “important” phone calls in the middle of the kitchen- gag. He and Amanda have never been compelling TV for me and that continues. The house always looks dirty. People just throw all kinds of shit everywhere. I find myself distracted in scenes looking at all the various items laying around. One person- maybe Luke? Seems to keep a tidy room.
Thank you so much! And in Sept we got a Trader Joe’s! What are the odds! Thank you!