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Everything posted by Jediknight

  1. Still disappointed that at no point in this episode neither Dean or Sam said "I got a rock."
  2. We all thought the Niners offseason was an anomaly, it turns out they were just ahead of the curve. With everything that's gone down, I'm just waiting for the revelation that Tom Brady is a time traveler and was actually Jack the Ripper, and The Zodiac.
  3. Man, between some fans still supporting Ray Rice, and what's going down with Adrian Peterson, Jon could have a field day with the NFL on Monday. And if he does it has to end with "You still think Michael Sam is too much of a distraction?"
  4. I liked this episode. The Harry Potter jokes (even though I'm not a Potter fan), Vinnie Jones being hilarious, and Desperaux reacting to Shawn and Gus's antics. There was just way too much making me laugh to not like it.
  5. Given the new report today, I could see Jon showing the Fox & Friends clip, and also the report that the NFL did have the tape, and there's proof.
  6. That's angering up the blood in a good way though. You're supposed to hate Chris, Billy, the few who laughed at Carrie after the blood was dumped on her, and Carrie's mom. You're supposed to sympathize with Carrie, because she was an innocent victim in all of it. Everything that had happened to her, caused her to lose it at that moment. Even people who had laughed at Carrie earlier, were completely horrified with what Chris had done. It's a moment that makes you despise one of the villains of the story.
  7. Sadly, Warehouse 13 the show of endless wonder, is no longer around. I don't remember a darn thing from this episode. I remember not liking it, but that's it. This episode is just so forgettable.
  8. Jonathan Kent in Man of Steel, I don't need to choose a moment because his entire character in that movie pissed me off. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Just 2 recent ones.
  9. On behalf of my gender, I apologize. It's flattering? Yeah, if I tried catcalls or anything like that with a woman, she'd show me her best attempt at being a placekicker in the NFL, I'd be on the ground crying, and I'd be peeing blood for a week. Something tells me the Fox people would have a different answer if it was a Republican Senator saying she was harassed.
  10. Watching the marathon and it of course showed "Dangerous Curves". What did I like about that episode? Bart and Lisa. From when they were young kids that wore out Grandpa and celebrated that they were going to stay up forever only to fall asleep immediately, but the best part was them in the pedal car and how they turned into a bickering married couple. Wasn't really a fan of anything else.
  11. "Damn Roosevelt. Cause of parent's death? Got in my way."
  12. Come back Benny, please come back. The best thing about the episode is by far the Dean and Benny scene.
  13. One thing I hated about this episode was that they trapped Zeus. He's freaking Zeus, nothing the Winchesters came up with should have worked. Zeus should have looked down at the symbol, said "Really? You think that's going to hold me?", and proceeded to step out of the symbol. For crying out loud it's Zeus. Also Dean not knowing the story of Prometheus was annoying. Granted in "Hammer of the Gods", neither Winchester had second thoughts about staying at a hotel named Elysian Fields, after everything that was happening.
  14. Exactly, and notice how after "Innocence" he was there helping Buffy, he didn't treat her like crap for Angelus. Like I mentioned, in "Phases" he even comforted her after Theresa attacked her and made a comment about Angel. So a Xander that hasn't had anger building up would have been there for Buffy. Her disappearing for 3 months, caused anger to build up, and at the party Buffy was about to run away again, and he only jumped in to defend Joyce. Everything that had been building for months exploded at that point, and I don't think you can use that party to show the character's real selves.
  15. Since it was just on Lisa: "If I don't make it out alive, I love you mom and dad. Maggie you can have my books. And Bart, I'll see you in Hell you booger eating wuss! That's right we all know!"
  16. One thing I hated about Buffy in this episode, was her saying to Xander that she couldn't go to him after running a sword through Angel. That's a slap to the face of Xander's friendship. Yeah he's let his feelings about Angel be known, but he's also always been there for Buffy. He wouldn't have been celebrating that Buffy did that, he would have been supportive. Hell, after Angel lost his soul, it took till "Passion" for him to say something about it. In "Phases" he even told Buffy that Angel wasn't the same guy she was with. She could have went to Xander and the rest of the Scoobies, and they would have had her back.
  17. Yeah Dean's enthusiasm alone should be a sign they're not making fun of it. The first time Dean sees it he says "It actually looks kind of awesome." He was enjoying watching it, and really got into it having a blast.
  18. Oliver: You know us billionaire vigilantes, we do love our toys. Barry: I was eleven. One night, something just came into our house like a tornado. A blur. Somewhere inside the blur, I saw a person. My dad went to fight it. I tried to get out when suddenly I was twenty blocks away from our house. Nobody believed me. They thought I was trying to cover for my father. But what I saw that night was real, as real as the man that ripped down that metal door with his bare hands. That’s why I look into cases like this. The one’s nobody believes are possible. Maybe if I can just make sense of one, I might be able to find out who really killed my mother and free my dad.
  19. The best will always be Star Wars. Luke blows up the Death Star with help from Han and Chewie, and the medal ceremony. Just an absolutely perfect ending in every way. Well, except for Chewie not getting a medal.
  20. It would still be arrestable. The firm prides itself on only Harvard lawyers, and the clients know that. So if someone is working there that went to Idaho State for law school, and yet the firm says he went to Harvard, that's fraud. They'd get the crap sued out of them, and some would wind up in jail. I'd imagine with Rachel they let their clients know she's going to Columbia. If Mike was an investigator or consultant, there wouldn't be a problem. About Donna, I think she does genuinely like Louis. She forgave pretty quickly for the mock trial thing, she helped him get over his stage fright, she gave him the photo of her as Ophelia, she comforted him after Sheila left, and her "I'm sorry" was genuine. I think she wasn't sorry that Louis found out, she was genuinely sorry that she had lied to Louis and betrayed his trust. And like I had mentioned, that's what hurt Louis more than anything.
  21. Yeah, and after Donna said "I'm sorry", Louis gulps and has to gather himself for a second. For Louis Mike being a fraud, and Harvey and Jessica knowing about it are nothing compared to Donna knowing and not telling him. Mike, Harvey and Jessica were all a slap to the face, Donna on the other hand was a sword to the chest. He wanted his theory about Donna knowing to be wrong, instead he was right and he couldn't have felt worse that he was right. Hoffman played it perfectly, he played it as that was the worst thing that could happen to Louis, and that he was on the verge of tears.
  22. That was easily the best episode of the season, and possibly the best episode this show has done. I may have done the Daniel Bryan "YES!" taunt when Louis put it all together. Louis is why I stuck with the show. I know I probably should have hated Louis for blackmailing his way into name partner, but I can't. Everything he said was correct. They've broken the law and continue to break, and get rid of Louis when he does that, that's just 100% wrong. Thank you for that scene, and this episode. Now Louis' first act has to be to hire Katrina back. I'd like to hear them say that they wrote Harvey and Jessica as horrible people, so we wouldn't hate Louis when he threw it all back in Jessica's face.
  23. Watch the Riddles in the Dark scene from the first one, it is awesome. Of course it also features Andy Serkis as Gollum, so of course it was always going to be awesome. I'd also suggest giving Desolation of Smaug a watch. Smaug alone is great, Cumberbatch does a fantastic job with the voice. Speaking of Desolation, had they spent less time on Gandalf, it would have been better. Gandalf's scenes were the worst thing about the movie. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 -
  24. I take it she hasn't seen The Iron Giant, because if you've seen that and then find out Vin Diesel is voicing a character, you wouldn't be mad.
  25. There was that girl that Louis wanted as an associate, who would have been a great addition to the firm, but she would have know that Mike didn't go to Harvard, so Jessica had to stop Louis from hiring her. Yes, Mike fixes stuff, but so does Louis. Louis is the one that found out Hardman was setting someone up to the take the fall from looking at the files, his billables are above everyone else, he's the financial wizard that can track money through international banks, he stopped Allison Holt from getting a client because they were going to gut the company, by all accounts the associates he's turning out are top notch, he owned the US Attorney General last season, and when the former partner was trying to look at the books, Louis came up with the plan to stop him, and while the guy wasn't afraid of Jessica, he knew he was screwed when Louis showed up. He also fixed this mess. They both fix things, the big difference is Mike has a HUGE problem he can't fix.
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