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Everything posted by Jediknight

  1. Disney can not find a better guy to take the fedora from Harrison Ford.
  2. Wait so Disney is wanting to reboot Indiana Jones with Chris Pratt as Indy? Awesome move Disney if it happens, you can not find anyone better to take the fedora from Harrison Ford.
  3. Paige is awesome, there's no way around it. I did have to laugh at them blurring her Misfits shirt, but not her Misfits hat. Bryan's snark about the crossbow was great, and his mention of the neighbors when Brie wanted to put up razor wire was a great point. It is also going on their fence, so they should be asked. Alexa Bliss has been busted open hardway on NXT, and she was the blonde that Paige and Alicia were beating the snot out of at the Performance Center. WWE's live action Disney Princess is a lot tougher than she appears. They've got a future star with her. Sorry kind of got off topic.
  4. As strange as it sounds, I find that believable. The human body is screwed up, people's parachutes don't open up when they're skydiving, the crash into the ground, and maybe get a broken toe. Someone steps off a curb wrong, and well, they completely screw up their back. There was a wrestler named Lita, who 10 years ago had a match with Trish Stratus (Canada's greatest export), Lita had a history of neck injuries, during the match Lita dove to the outside onto Trish, and when she hit the ground, her head bent back like a Pez dispenser hell her entire body was in a ball bent backwards, but she was perfectly fine. A few weeks she has another match with Trish where she jumped off the apron onto Trish, perfectly normal, but her leg hit wrong and she completely shredded her knee. So I can buy Oliver not having a broken bone from that fall.
  5. I think part of him is also worried that Thea might be overcoming the brainwashing. He could be seeing Thea's concern for Oliver as Thea fighting the brainwashing.
  6. Yeah, they've started this way too soon. Oliver trained with Slade and Shado on the island, and trained with ARGUS. Sara trained with the freaking League of Assassins. Diggle was elite military, so he knows a thing or two about fighting. Roy has been fighting his whole life, and has been training with Oliver and Diggle. Laurel has trained a little with Ted Grant, it's way too soon for them to flip the lightswitch and make her a vigilante. It would have worked better if it was episode 20, this way we know and could see Laurel get more training. And on the shallow, Katie does look nice in the outfit.
  7. I'm on Diggle and Roy's side when it comes to Felicity letting Brick and his crew get away. Felicity's decision wasn't the best, she's putting the lives of 2 ahead of the lives of many. I would have liked some comedy for Vinnie Jones, because it's Vinnie freaking Jones, and the guy is pretty damn good at comedy. But we'll be getting more of him as Brick, so it's cool. I'm still sticking with it all being a setup by Ra's, and Maseo is acting under his orders. No way does Ra's not know that Tatsu is living near the sacred ground. The League wants to know who really killed Sara. Which is one reason I think Malcolm wants to take off, along with him knowing that the brainwashing of Thea is about to wear off. I'll admit, I was just waiting for Malcolm to half smile and from off screen we hear "Hi Malcolm", and it's Ra's.
  8. Granted she wised up, but Claire's dumber than a doorknob. Yes those 2 random people you just met are going to stand a chance against a guy who's been fighting demons for most of his life, and just killed about 7 people with no problem. Next she's going to meet a weightlifter who she thinks can beat up Brock Lesnar or Haku/Meng. Don't care about Crowley's mom. Just bring the bromance back, and also Cain.
  9. Eddie's love of The Flash grows. Oh Eddie, you're going to be on cloud nine when you find out Barry is The Flash. Everyone's seen The Flash, so begins the path to The Flash Museum. The cops love him, and so does everyone in Central City. Love that they keep some of Cold's code of honor. Also that The Rogues don't really want world domination or any lofty goals, they want to steal. Cisco and Wells were a whole lot of fun this episode.
  10. I'm pretty sure Oswald, Zsasz, and Falcone by themselves could kill every single one of Falcone's enemies in 2 weeks. Also all 3 actors are perfect in their roles. Gordon is still a badass, and he kissed Inara. Way to go, Gordon.
  11. Gotta love how this show tries to tell us that Paige's sexual antics are her going off-script. Yeah, the office and Nattie wouldn't have known about the lick before Paige did it, and great timing by the cameraman to be zooming in at that particular moment. Paige has been the awesomest thing to happen to this show, ever. You had to love her defending Summer Rae, when Nattie even while watching a match talks crap about her. And hey, the show actually used the reason why Paige and Summer are friends, Paige has said Summer was the only one that was nice to her when she started with the company. Hell, with the constant pranking of Nattie, Paige is this show's Trickster. She's knocking Nattie down a peg to teach her a lesson. I want to see Total Divas Cena on Raw, instead of the Cena we get, and I say that as a Cena fan. His response to Nikki being mad about Cena not taking the competition seriously was great, they were playing Goofy Golf.
  12. Man, Jarvis is just a horrible guy to have call in an anonymous tip. Angie continues to deliver the great quotes. She had the quote about how Houdini is not a good thing, and then about her cousin Ralphie. I'm still sticking with her working with Howard, the new neighbor on the other hand, she's Leviathan. They're pushing that Sousa is the one to marry Peggy. We know he was the only one Peggy could stomach getting the credit, and he has a thing for her. The line about Peggy not trading in Captain America for him, seals it.
  13. "I know how you feel, blindsided, like when my cousin Ralphie got hit by a bus, granted he did just knockoff a news stand, but still big shock."
  14. Because his armor is iron. His teeth are swords. His claws are spears. His wings are a hurricane. He instills terror into the hearts of men. He is King Under the Mountain!
  15. I'd love if One Tree Douche made a comment to Peggy about that while Dum Dum Dugan and some other Howling Commandos are standing there, and Dugan just asks Peggy "Do you want to slug him or should I? I'm pretty sure Gabe will just go after us when we're done."
  16. My guess, Angie is working with Jarvis and Stark. They're right now setting up SHIELD, Angie will turn out to be an agent that Stark recruited. Peggy thinks all this is to find the missing weapons, which that's the main thing, but the mission is also to set up SHIELD.
  17. Unfortunately the attitudes of Steve, Howard, Phillips, and Sousa weren't exactly common in that time period. It makes real life sense.
  18. Simmons would love that, we know she's got a girlcrush on Peggy. Also Steve needs to have his dance with Peggy.
  19. "That's Sarah, she's a slut." Best line of the night. The 2nd hour had a lot more humor than the first. The first hour was straight up no humor, but at least in the 2nd we got stuff like the Captain America radio show and Peggy's reaction to it and her counterpart always being kidnapped, and Peggy's taking down of the escaping criminal. Hayley Atwell continues to be amazing as Peggy. Nice to see they've established in this episode Peggy while losing Steve, is going to wind up with someone like him in Sousa. We knew it from Winter Soldier, but there's no trying to win him over or get him to change his views. Also, can't believe Ron Wilson Bus Driver was that big of a douche in the diner.
  20. My guess he's Oh Frog Man, you won't be associated with a frog for much longer.
  21. Well those 2 are hilarious. Amanda Schull is the main woman for 12 Monkeys? Aw man, please tell me this doesn't mean she's not coming back to Suits.
  22. Nattie and Paige's portion of the episode was comedy gold. Nattie doesn't want to test positive so she crashes her car, and then wants to go to the emergency room. Of course she ignores that if you wind up at the hospital for a car accident, they might test you. That whole thing was great, and Paige is awesome. Brother Bella seriously needs his ass kicked.
  23. The quest to destroy The Ring was a secret, flying a bunch of Eagles into Mordor would have let Sauron know. Hell Sauron didn't even it was Frodo that had The Ring. Also, they'd be flying right into the middle of Sauron's army, so the Nazgul, and orc archers would be gunning for them. While The Eagles did fantastic at The Black Gate, let's see how well they do with individuals on their backs, against the Nazgul and their fell-beasts. There's also The Ring having a will of it's own. It would have found a way to fall and make it's way to Sauron, remember Frodo wore it around his neck for that reason. The Ring would have also corrupted The Eagles.
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