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Everything posted by Jediknight

  1. At this point the show has to end with the firm coming crashing down. Donna impersonates someone from the NTSB to illegally obtain evidence, add that into Mike's secret, and Donna knowingly destroying evidence (she didn't know it was false at the time) in a legal matter and getting hired back before it was proven to be false. The firm's got to collapse at the end of the show.
  2. But why would Colin Firth or Mark Strong appear on a CW show? Sorry watched Kingsman, so I immediately thought of them.
  3. At least Dooley went out like a badass. They're giving more layers to Thompson's character, with his believing in Peggy, and warning Sousa and meaning both of them. Speaking of Sousa it looked like he was about to say he didn't see Peggy as invisible, he saw her as an agent.
  4. Wells has great taste in movies. Don't freaking do it Barry! You have no idea what you will unleash. Your mother is supposed to stay dead. Realize there are things you can't change. Here's hoping Joe tries to explain to Barry that some things shouldn't be changed, and you have no idea what will happen if you stop the murder. Also this show doesn't have the resources to do that story justice. Grodd, and Wells are working together, nice. I'm also still saying there's a time traveling Thawne (not Eddie), helping them out.
  5. I was expecting her to show up when Eggsy was fighting Gazelle, and it would become Eggsy and Roxy vs Gazelle, or just Roxy vs Gazelle.
  6. Just got back from it, that was awesome and fun. Yeah, I'm definitely getting it on Blu-Ray when it comes out.
  7. We're all looking at Jerome as The Joker, but who's to say The Joker isn't the kid in the coonskin cap that was leading the blind man into GCPD? All they "guaranteed" is that Gotham's next villain is no joke, so we saw Joker in this episode. That kid could have been friends with Jerome, and adopts some of Jerome's actions later on. He may have even been the son of the clown that Jerome's mother was banging. They won't solve the mystery of Joker's origins this quickly and obviously. I love that Leslie and Nygma are working together. She obviously knows Nygma's smart, so she won't throw a fit like the incompetent M.E.
  8. Three excellent questions. Yeah, we didn't get a 4th season of Veronica Mars unfortunately. It also robbed everyone of the possible chance to see Logan meet the business end of a Louisville Slugger.
  9. Mike helped save McKernon Motors, and Dominic Barone, the guy who is the reason McKernon is so successful seemed to like Mike. I don't think Barone, and the owner of McKernon (who bought it thanks to Harvey) would have a problem with Mike taking over.
  10. The big thing last night was the newest NXT special. That dominated Twitter for a few hours. Hell it's what I was watching live instead of Arrow, and I don't regret it for a moment. Love that Thea knows, and didn't hate Oliver for it. Love that DJ Douche is dead, I also love that Slade should be returning.
  11. Better than last week. Good to see that Louis and Mike are repairing their relationship, and that Louis can fight. I don't know why we needed to see Rachel getting hired, that was the definition of a random add-on scene. Thanks USA for showing a preview of a movie I actually want to see.
  12. On behalf of my state I apologize. Like I said earlier in the thread, I was hoping they would tear Brownback down. I loved Jordan's response of "That seems like terrible parenting."
  13. As a resident of Kansas, I ask that Jon tear Sam Brownback a new one tonight
  14. And yep, Barry went full Flashpoint. Just please don't do a full Flashpoint storyline, because the show won't be able to do the consequences of Barry saving Nora justice.
  15. I was kind of hoping Miss Kringle would have been Joker. Penguin and Nygma, not much else needs to be said about them. And good news, Nygma likes Leslie, although that's partly because she smells nice.
  16. So would you be cool with Emma Stone as Spider-Gwen?
  17. They were expecting $1 billion, spent a whole lot on advertising, and the film wasn't as well received as the first Amazing. So it was a disappointment, add in Sony having to sell the merchandising rights back to Marvel in 2011, and that hurt Sony massively. So all the toys associated with the movie, or Spidey in general that came out at that time, did nothing to help Sony, Marvel got all the money from it. Fox still has the merchandise rights for X-Men and Fantastic Four movies though.
  18. I'm not a fan of Garfield not being Spidey anymore. The guy was the perfect Spidey, plus his interactions with the other actors would have been to notch. That's the only downside to this.
  19. You know you're out of it when you see "Stay With Me" trending, people talking about it, and you think they're talking about the song by Faces. Although I don't know if I ever was with it.
  20. There's a chance they'd get along, because I can see her asking Gordon about Nygma, and Gordon being completely honest about Nygma's intelligence and ability. So I don't see her undercutting Nygma, and actually working with him. Cory Michael Smith has been fantastic in his role. This show when all is said and done just might be able to say they gave us the definitive Riddler and Penguin. Penguin looks to be a no brainer, but with Cory Michael Smith's performance and how they've written Nygma, this version of Riddler looks to be on the track to become just that.
  21. I fifth that. The only way I'd read it, or watch it, is if one of them is an alien and the other is a secret government spy sent to get information on the alien invasion. No romance or anything like that, they could call it Fifty Shades of Greys. On the other hand, I really want to see Kingsman.
  22. I think he knows Oliver is Arrow, but is just playing stupid.
  23. Oliver's an idiot. Yes, by all means get in bed with Malcolm Merlyn. He knows Malcolm brainwashed Thea, causing the death of Sara, and he wants to work with Malcolm, there's no way that can backfire. Nice to see that Quentin knows Sara isn't back, thanks to Sin. Come on, Sin is the one to begin to tell Quentin the truth? Loved seeing Sin back though, hopefully she pops up a few more times. Laurel and Roy need to never say that line ever again. Only Oliver can deliver the "You have failed this city" line correctly.
  24. Captain Cold came before Iceman, Heat Wave came before Pyro, and Pied Piper came before Banshee.
  25. Gordon: "The same M.E. who said my last witness stabbed himself to death in the back with an icepick? No, no thanks."
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