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Everything posted by bijoux

  1. That's actually not bad thinking. A wider shot could show some of the lair which is not the best idea.
  2. I think part of the point is that they didn't do those things they could have done without him. Had they actually given him any information, it would have painted them as a competent team.
  3. I saw that on Tumblr, so I can't say anything about delivery but it looks like gentle ribbing to me, nothing malicious.
  4. Ah. Okay. Thanks. Because I was sort of surprised about when he would have found time. Although I wouldn't blame him if he went to hang with Barry and get away from the "team".
  5. Wait, was Oliver actually on the last episode of The Flash? Tell me so I can Youtube his scenes.
  6. I didn't really think her clothes in S3 were too small, but rather that a lot of them were the completely wrong cut for her and not flattering to her body type. Completely agree on the issue of the top. It was adorable on her and wouldn't have worked on someone with a bigger chest. Or would have in an entirely different way.
  7. That is a very good point. I haven't really thought about it until now but it would make the possibility much more palpatable.I see some people are much more open to the option of Vandal Savage being Felicity's father than DD. Why does this make more sense since he's a 6000 year immortal as I have read somewhere than it being DD who's only in his mid one hundreds, a veritable fetus by comparison? Actually, what makes me unreceptive of either of those theories is that had Felicity's dad been a complete rat bastard, wouldn't he have wanted to keep his genius kid around and cultivate her to fight at his side? Something like Ra's and Nyssa.
  8. Is Vandal Savage supposed to be on Arrow or just LoT? I don't think Felicity has black hair, I thought they intentionally made it look dyed in the flashback. I always thought her natural hair color was somewhere between that and the blonde.
  9. 1x22, the caper at Merlyn Global. It is not something or other, it is one of the greatest things this show has done. And you can't identify it. For shame. ;) I can. It was bee-yoo-tiful on the first date. No wonder Oliver was a mess when he sat down. He actually kept his cool pretty well there since he wasn't all, "You're so pretty, can I just roll around in your sunshine hair and have it warm my marred skin and tortured soul forever and ever?" Also, the post-coital scene. So, so pretty. Maybe it's a screen width thing? She looked really fit and bangin' in that skirt on mine. I don't really get why she was wearing it for a cross counry travel, but it fit her and accentuated her assets really well from where I was sitting. Yes, seeing her in jeans was a really nice change of pace. Although I do admit that I like that she's never been afraid to show her femininity in her appearance.
  10. So, the Damien Darhk storyline actually seems to have direction. I like. The thing about him wanting to befriend Oliver is a little reminiscent of Brother Blood, although in this situation Oliver knows who the bastard shaking his hand is. And my God, can you imagine Oliver actually having to shake his hand after their last encounter? Darhk did not kind touch him. Or even better, when he offers his hand to someone else. Likely Thea if they are to have their first encounter without the hood and the mask in 402, where Thea is at the rally with Oliver. It turns out he drugs his guys, which isn't too bad. I was just hoping that he would have all his men have the same face, namely the dude he touched to death. A) Creepy and appropriate because they're not people to him, they're just mindless drones. B) Hot.
  11. Ahaha. I had Oliver bringing an elaborate dessert as being the reason for Dig being freaked out (who are you at all?!), but this works too.
  12. Luckily, they go to Dig and Lyla's when Donna comes to visit. And I just realized that's the same episode where their scene with Curtis is from. They're even in the same outfits so Oliver probably comes to pick Felicity up for dinner.
  13. I'm not saying it's for sure, it's just that that was my first thought when they announced he would be appearing on The Flash and LoT.
  14. Why is she away? Not that I don't approve and support that. Oh, if we're casting wishes - Lyla! Get her on board. She's awesome, knows how to function as both part and leader of a team, and sees the fight as a worthy cause Sara can be proud of. As for Sara and Roy, I thought they worked really well as additions if I ignore that phase where Oliver and Sara had their own show. But they were brought back into the fold quickly enough.
  15. I really didn't mind that one much since it connected to a woman he used to love (Sara) and a woman he is supposed to love (Thea), and how he was throwing his chips in with Malcolm after what he had done to the both of them.
  16. This part made me laugh out loud. I imagine it delivered in Mrs Cooper's (TBBT) voice.
  17. What's wrong with that one? I'm speaking from a grammatical and semantic point of view. If we're bitching, I hate the overuse of "I" instead of "me". It's overcorrecting and just wrong. I can't pinpoint an exact quote but I do know it has happened multiple times and was delivered by multiple characters.
  18. I just hope that they won't pull some stupid let the fans vote for the codename crap. I'd rather if they're just doing it to generate traffic and interest.
  19. True, but when get around to it, this time it can actually be explained that it's also due to the Lazarus Pt. Although, I always like to point out that Thea was more than ready to gun down Malcolm even in season 2. So maybe she has less issues with this than Oliver. Which makes sense, since the blood she has on her hands is negligable when compared to that on his.
  20. Didn't Oliver's grandfather start the company? Why do I have that in my head? That he set up an iron works and Robert expanded the business.
  21. My first reaction was oh. My. God. Just no. Keep the Arrow villain on Arrow. But I actually don't mind this back in time thing. Not that I'll be watching it but it sounds ok. Yeah, I'm confused about the whole storyline now too because it lined up differently in my head. Although it's not like we actually know that much (or anything really) about either her or the flashback bad guy.
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