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Everything posted by bijoux

  1. I really hope it's the pit talking when it comes to Thea because it feels like such a throwback to her bratty S1 self who reemed Oliver for abandoning her then. And while she may not have realized the extent of hell he had gone through, being cast away on an abandoned island after being the only survivor of a wreck in which you have also lost your father does not sound like Club Med. Likewise, him "abandoning" her now happened after he had undergone some more physical and psychological torture. Let the man pull himself together. You obviously knew. Where he was when you came to find him so he was at your disposal when you needed him. Oliver's faults are plentiful, but I would really like an, "I'm glad you're happy, Ollie," from Thea in the near future. He deserves that much.
  2. Not current but awfully cute. The actual reality of being a penniless superhero.
  3. https://instagram.com/p/8-Ci_QFS1V/ Also posted yesterday. I think the whole thing about shooting three shows just mean that the actors from all three shows will be in the Arrow crossover. Which we know they will be. As for the pic, while having Black Canary and Flash cooperate should make sense, I just can't imagine it. I have no idea of how their energies will gel.
  4. What a lovely resurrection Sara gets. Thoguh Laurel's expression at seeing her in chains makes me laugh. So this is interesting. Is there a Big Belly Burger around here? I wouldn't mind dinner.
  5. Have any other villains been on both shows?
  6. Are they still filming the crossover? Because in a Facebook video SA mentioned them filming something new that he really liked in a house in the crossover. I have no idea what he's talking about. Superhero safe house?
  7. To me it looks both significantly longer and puller in the top gif.
  8. I don't mind the awkwardness. It has great potential for fun and the show is actually adressing them, meaning we have development, which in turn will lead to bringing them together eventually.
  9. I got used to the wig as well. I actually thought the one when he was found in the pilot was not even bad.
  10. Here's something strange. Felicity's hair gets really long at one point in the next episode. Maybe she really is DD's kid and it's magic.
  11. Felicity and Oliver are in the same outfits as they are in the behind the scenes photos with Donna who's appearing in 4x06.
  12. He's waving away Oliver as Green Arrow in 4x06, so I guess he only figures out that Felicity works with GA. Though it would be funny if after the "naaah", we saw Curtis round a corner and go, "OMG, it's him! Now what do I do?" Are Oliver's scenes with Quentin that both SA and PT mentioned in 4x04? Hope they connect over their disbelief about Laurel.
  13. Roy can light the meditation candle if Oliver had any he kept out of the previous lair.
  14. Oh, I'm sure he did, I just never thought about where the money for the redo came from.
  15. Wow. I had no idea about that. So Felicity was the sugar mama of the whole operation way back when. Now I'm really impressed with the faith she had Oliver would come back to not only the city (which made sense since his family was there and this was before the 'I chose to come back' revelation), but to the mission as well.
  16. Thanks for the clarification. I wish these actors would enunciate better. The tires thing is really cute and apt. But good on Diggle for being honest with Laurel who went behind his back last week and now again this week. Good pickings, Dig.
  17. LOL Okay, seriously, there had to have been a scene where they discussed Thea's community service together or Oliver dropped her off for it, right? Can't think of anything else, though. Oh, there was the 'they've been screwing each other' from drugged up Thea in early S1.
  18. Thanks. What did it say about dancing? As for Oliver being up there, I've got nothing. I guess that's something the quorum voted on off screen.
  19. Double Down definitely comes to Palmer Tech for Green Arrow not Felicity Smoak, CEO. So, it's either that Felicity has been made or, since he includes Curtis in the threat as well, the location of the lair, which I'm now 98% sure is in the Palmer Tech basement.
  20. So, here's another sign of Oliver changing. There was no this is all my fault for not keeping watch over Thea. I didn't even catch it the first time around and I find it legit impressive. To quote, Who are you? A thing I found funny is Dig telling in an urgent voice that Madison needed medical attention. I mean I've never been either kidnapped or had a broken bone, but Madison was only captive for a few hours and had a broken pinkie. It did not seem that dire. I'm all for getting the civilian out of there but the way it was presented seemed funny. Speaking of Madison, what did she say she was getting her degree in? It's got no importance but I don't like that I could understand it. It was something psychology. I also didn't understand Thea's teasing. Whose backup dancer? The actress in the flashback had a really bad accent. Another thing I didn't notice earlier.
  21. This gifset is going around Tumblr. And I'm trying to figure out what it is that has me raising an eyebrow. And it's the fact that Diggle is separated from both Oliver and Felicity by Laurel and Thea. Nice positioning there. Or, you know, not necessarily nice in a way I enjoy, but aware in a way I can appreciate. So, what I'm saying is good job there. Now start bringing the three of them closer again.
  22. It's a dream, not Oliver remembering what actually happened when they last saw each other before he went to fight Ra's. I never had problems with it. It was more like chose your own adventure, what if thing. What if she had asked, what if he had said yes?
  23. I was wondering about a guy that Felicity mentioned Lonnie Machlin had connections to earlier in the thread and found Guggenheim answered someone on this matter. So here it is if anyone else was wondering.
  24. There's also this: Yeah, I'll work as your slave driver. Thanks so much for the hair cut. You're getting a world's best boss mug as soon as I get my first paycheck!
  25. Well, Malcolm was expounding on the dangers of the pit. There have to have at least been some stories. I'm betting Thea is the one to convince him. It's the only marginally logical course of action. ... So maybe not.
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