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Everything posted by bijoux

  1. I actually read it as two separate things. 1. Thanks to WWE fans. 2. Notacoincidence - because it was a great episode. I don't know, I'm happy for their numbers because, while not perfect, it was a strong season premiere.
  2. Oh, I think the bowl is not a real hiding place, but a "hiding place" much like the souffle. It's like Oliver chickened out of asking her directly and he just figured he'd wait for her to stumble upon it and then quikly drop to his knee. My eye just twitched. Because Oliver's reaction would make sense then. And I'm now torn between my first reaction of noooo, not Walter, and quite frankly, but then Walter would have to be around a lot this season for this to have an impact and I might like that, hmmm. I feel disturbingly calculated.ETA: The wife from the suburbs is called Laura. I don't remember hearing the husband's first name, just their last - Hoffman.
  3. Also great is how he is able to mention that so casually.
  4. Yeah, Dig was stewing and lashed out. And it's taken me way too long to figure out this is pretty much the same accusation that Felicity hurled at Oliver last year in Sara. It felt wrong then too since if there is one truth about Oliver it's that he feels too much. And now I'm thinking that this is a sign of Dig and Felicity both knowing him and knowing where to hit him to make it really hurt. I can actually see how that added to Dig's resentment. Lyla is supposed to be his person. Oliver endangered her and their daughter. Then he went off with Felicity, who Dig also saw as the injured party right along with him. And all these people are forgiving Oliver! All it takes is for Sara to ask for him instead of daddy to give her piggyback rides. I see how this could infuriate Dig.
  5. This. It was also my exact reaction to Oliver's flip on the train. Completely bogus but I loved it.
  6. EBR sounded like she had a cold in some of her scenes. It makes sense for him to see it like that. What doesn't make sense is his non-reaction to seeing her in the lair. I guess I'll just have to pretend they Facetime all the time and they had a hug fest with Dig showing her Sara's photos while the other three were doing something else. It was amazing. It went from, "Ooh, a game, I like games. I like our games." to, "This is not a good game. I don't want to play this one. Nope. Can't make me." On the vacation thing, there were some photographs on the fridge that we have not seen before. Have they been shared anywhere yet?
  7. Oh, and the smile and the look after she started about wanting to get a rush from picking flatware. You can't keep doing this to me. Please, keep on doing it to me forever. There's a pretty sweet ring in it for you.
  8. Did anyone get what Waller told Oliver as he was passing out? And could she and Laurel please leave his bones alone? While on the flashbacks, I have to say as much flack as Oliver gets for his harikiri tendencies, his survival instinct trumps those by a mile. Seriously, if it had been me and I saw Hellhole Island again while in his state of mind (not feeling fit to go back home, i.e. not having any cause to push me forward), I'd rather not have opened that parachute and made a splat.
  9. You said there was no email! I don't know how to embed stuff from Instagram.
  10. I agree with you but have to admit this worries me at the same time. Because how many instance like these will it take for NotDig to become RealDig? I don't approve of this possibility seeing as I love Dig. On a lighter note, does part of Felicity's involvement with the team include swapping make up tips with Laurel and Thea? Because I couldn't help but notice all three sporting nude manicures when in the past they had not. I'm not judging, it just caught my eye. Just like a mere mention of Walter made me almost clap. Yay, Walter. Now come back for real. Oliver, call him up for an intervention with Thea. I'm so afraid he's gonna call Malcolm when Walter is a) local, and b) clearly the best of Thea's three dad by a ridiculously wide margin.
  11. It was a mistake not to show Dig, Laurel and Thea get in at least one win before being confronted with the ghosts. That, rather than telling us they were doing great up until that point, would have don a better job of selling them as a believable unit. As it was, there was no visible connection. Sparks of something between Thea and Laurel possibly but Dig looked like an island unto himself. How exasparated was Darhk at his henchmen? There he is waxing poetical and noone gets it! It was hilarious. You know he's thinking, I really need to enforce a stricter henchmen hiring policy. He who has not read the classics need not apply. Oliver and Felicity are so on game it's ridiculous. Him figuring her out and actually tricking her with the bank robberies, I believe, them figuring out the explosives carrying train a breath apart, and the fluidity of him circling the back of her chair, her looking up at him, the head kiss and the shoulder lean. That almost looked like a dance.
  12. I found this part strange. Has the writer seen the past seasons, season one in particular? Those were two very different characters as well.
  13. DA walking: Maybe we should have you focused on catching these ghosts. Quentin: That's just what the media calls them. DA: Because they disappear like ghosts. Quentin: Yeah, I didn't say it wasn't cute. Snarky Quentin is the bomb.
  14. I sort of have Quentin pegged too. Partly because I think he's playing Darhk and is with him only to throw him off track. He's obiously not going to rat out Laurel and he can't to that to the others without risking her. Plus, it sort of pushes him into Oliver's role before everyone and their mother knowing about him being the Arrow in a way. There we had Oliver playing drunken fuckboy Queen who was throwing tasteless going to jail parties while he was actually saving people. Here we could have Quentin apparently in cahoots with the big bad while actually keeping him off his intended targets. That would make Oliver's comment about him feeling it was his fault in the past, but now seeing it as his responisibility. Because Qunetin bites the bullet for protecting him. Or maybe it's just Sara. They like killing her.
  15. It's the "we both know I'm that good" that pushed it into greatness.
  16. This is not okay. Why are they releasing these clips and killing me? Stop it.
  17. And no mention of Tommy's death? For shame.
  18. I think this is the best video Stephen Amell has posted: Flash preview
  19. I love Tommy but don't want him back. The scene that I possibly most associate with S1 is his death. Open your eyes, Tommy! Insert wobbling chin. That was hard and had a real impact, I don't want that taken away from. Of course, I reserve my right to change my mind on not bringing him back should the show go into season 5. Until then I'm counting on seeing him in flashbacks.
  20. I always want Walter back. He should pop up in at least a few episodes a season.
  21. I think it was about their neighbors mentioning kids. Something like, when are you two having one? This is true. It should definitely make Laurel madder than Felicity who didn't even know Oliver at the time.The only reason why I really dislike this spoiler is that I know about it already. I think I'll need to take a step back. But I can see it going either way. It makes sense for the kid to show up in S4, what with the theme of the season and the mayoral race. Who knows, maybe it's just another tease and neither Oliver nor the audience find out anything for sure. Maybe they're there as a threat of scandal but it turns out that it's not his kid after all but one that Sandra had relatively soon after a miscarriage or an abortion. Maybe he's reluctant to believe Sandra because she's đenying what she herself told him and Moira isn't there to defend herself, but Felicity is more open to the idea as she experienced Moira threatening her. As for wanting kids, I wouldn't be surprised if Felicity either wanted or didn't want them (right now). Her age and current situation point one way. however, she's been shown as a woman ready to grab life by the horns so far - she's kept up a full time job and thrived in it while being on a crime fighting team and also wanted a real relationship. She might just react to the idea of having a child with, 'bring it.'
  22. Ray's Has Dig's age been specifically stated on the show?
  23. He shoots for the moon. Terrible joke, I know. Oliver would probably approve.
  24. I'm always bothered by how little her mask covers. it would be perfect for a fancy Halloween party, but as far as making criminals think, nope, that's not ADA Lance, whom I've seen at the courthouse and in interrogation, not so much. Smear some grease paint under it, make up department, for effs sake. That's adorable.What I don't get about only Arrow actors on The Flash is why in God's name those scenes aren't taking place on Arrow?! Unrelated to the current crop of spoilers, I've been thinking. Why is Darhk targetting Starling and not Nanda Parbat? The previous Ra's is dead, Malcolm is an obvious usurper, it would be the perfect time to stage a coup. Unless he is just over the whole League thing? Yeah, whatever, I prefer indoor plumbing. Besides, having the waters sprayed on me from a state of the art shower is much more time efficient than lolling around in a hot tub. That would relly cut down on my villaining time. Plus, the rings don't fit my aesthetic. Cheers, Malcolm.
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