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Everything posted by bijoux

  1. AK? Whoa. I didn't even spot that.Edit: Thanks for the reminder about the holidays, apinknightmare.
  2. Also saw it earlier this week and it's downright terrific,
  3. There a mention about "not even Walter Steele wanting to be mayor" in Spoilers Only. Do we actually get to see him in the premiere? *crossesfingers* I'd be thrilled for even a mention because that would give me hope that we'll see him further down in the season. And people he has ties to could all use his help - Oliver with running for mayor, Felicity with running a company, Thea with the crazy.
  4. Yeah, it's probably her. If we were in a pre-321 world, I'd say Dig. There's also Donna, but I doubt she gets mentioned in the premiere. On the flip side, it could be Darhk. Maybe it's intel he gathers. If that results in Malcolm being stuck with crazy Sara wrecking havoc on NP over the course of 404 and the league members starting to revolt against him because he has no clue how to control her, I would not be opposed to that. I didn't see anything that specifically stated that it was an engagement ring, though I imagine it will be. I doubt they'll lose time to explain which exact ring it is (oh, it's the solitaire that dad bought mom after she gave birth to Ollie). After all, people attach different meanings to those. Prince William gave Kate his mother's engagement ring and her marriage was pretty sucky, but I imagine he did it because of what his mother meant to him.
  5. LOL. Mostly it's stuff we've seen before. I only actually spotted Thea and two figures running away from an explosion as new content. No porn, though.
  6. That's Oliver and Dig getting away from an explosion, right? Maybe that's the incident Felicity reems them for.
  7. They're pulling a felicity. 'It's Thea!' 'It's possibly an engagement ring!' I don't get the connection.Rather than there being a ring or not (and if there is, it could well be EBR's, or maybe she's playing with a key ring), I'm distracted by how short that dress is. It's floor length originally. Did they make it into a mini or did she just bunch it up while sitting down!
  8. This really looks like the temporary lair, doesn't it? Does Felicity take him there after they're attacked? I know WM mentioned Curtis possibly cooperating with the team but I didn't think it would be so soon. I hope I'm wrong. It seems too hasty.
  9. Does Lance know Malcolm is alive? I really can't remember.
  10. Oh, this is an interesting thought. And the entire team gets pissed.Felicity: He took mom! Oliver: He took mom! Dig: He took Donna, who babysits on no notice and calls my daughter a little munchkin! Thea: He took Donna after she finally introduced me to primary colors! I'm stuck on Laurel but fill in the blank. :o Ditto. Make it happen. I assume the younger generation would be petrified but Donna would get Malcolm's number and cut him off at the knees faster than her daughter even.
  11. Parker Young is cute. His character should also pitch the idea of shooting a calender with dudes in suspenders featuring Oliver, Dig and himself. I suspect Quentin doesn't look bad in them either if he's less frosty with Oliver by this point. it could draw voters
  12. She blocked Ray when he tried to report Oliver for being The Arrow. Which he found out while flying around in his supersuit. So, yeah, explain that one, bubba. It was a pretty sweet scene. There were also some of her physically attacking and/or threatening violence to people under arrest. Definitely during the Brick storyline, but I remember those less clearly.
  13. Yeesh. This I did not know. Praise whoever scrapped that idea. Though not a love story, Sara and Oliver and their relationship as it was made sense at that point in time. They both benefited from it in a way and had a friend they could lean on. But Isabel? Shudder.
  14. Thea's dress actually looks matronly to me but Hopefully her attitude will make it possible to pull off.
  15. I'll take it over the half updo from Moira's get out of jail party, Dig and Lyla's wedding and riding off into the sunset. Those were really stiff. They haven't really mastered updos aside from the pony for Felicity. Then again, Laurel was cursed with limpid locks for a good while way back when, so obviously the hair department needs to step up a bit.
  16. Yes, the be protected or else mentality. I don't see her as having a job before Robert died. I imagine her on a number of boards, probably even chairing more than one. As for the Queen's Gambit, I assumed investigation and weapon to be used against Malcolm at an opportune time.
  17. My favorite may actually be his You're Trying my Patience voice. He can be such an old fart that I adore. And can sadly relate to.
  18. :D [happy Oliver voice]Hello, Star City. No need to fret. Team Name To Be Determined has your back.[/dorky wave] [cue Arrow voice]Damien Darhk, you on the other hand, do fret. Be afraid.[/aims arrow at the camera] I am of two minds about the mayoral campaign from the start. Logically, it makes no sense for him to be putting his image out there so much and raising awareness of his presence and, more importantly, lack of presence at crucial times highly visible. Emotionally, it gives me all the feels. Because that's Oliver being brave as hell, publically admitting to care about his city deeply and backing it up, instead of using his real identity as another mask as he did early on by posing as Ollie Queen, the playboy, even when he was no longer one. He's being himself out in the open and I just... Sniffle. Never mind, move it along.
  19. I can see really young Ollie being one, especially if it was shortly after Rebecca died and he tried to make his friend laugh.Oh, so, Stephen Amell is a bad dancer? I've read comments about him only dancing wit his wife that I couldn't make head or tail of. This makes sense. Yeah, since Susannah Thompson isn't coming back, I suppose that will never get cleared up. I find it hard to believe that she would have let even Robert get on a boat she knew had been sabotaged, let alone her son, so I'll just spin it that she only found out after the boat wnet down, when Malcolm threatened something similar would happen to her and Thea lest she fell in line.
  20. Maybe I phrased it wrong. I don't think Robert shouldn't have put his kid's life before his own. For all his faults, I fully believe he loved his children just like Moira. I just don't see how he could have expected Ollie to be capable of survival stuck in the middle of the ocean with a dead man. That's where I think the blind faith came in. Oliver's certainly proven to have survival instincts afterwards, I'm just not sure how Robert could have sussed that out based on his experiences with Ollie. It's not something that I lose sleep over, I can attribute it to desperation, lack of food, water, and sunstroke. But it did hit me when watching the scene that his dad told him to survive, only gave him no tools to do it, neither in the boat nor in his past 22 years.
  21. Yeah, I'm thinking the rich thing was his chief benefit. I mean, I totally get going for Oliver, even if he probably is more than most can handle. It's Ollie I have problem with when it comes to seeing his appeal. But then I suppose his pre-island conquests are pretty far removed from my own experiences so I'd have no idea what those girls found attractive anyway. Yeah, Tommy doing the work would make sense. In fact, when it comes to dancing (which is something that came up on the boars recently), I have my own head cannon. Moira made Oliver take dance lessons as a kid because anything else would not make sense. Tommy also went because while the Queens were messed up, they made sure to include him while Malcolm was off playing his sad little trombone in NP. Oliver was the jokester, while Tommy was quiet at the time, so Ollie started out as the popular one. Only once the dancing started he was uncoordinated and getting more horrible as lessons went on. Tommy on the other hand cut the floor like Fred Astaire and all the girls wanted to pair up with him, leaving Ollie shunned and pouting on the sidelines. That's why he doesn't dance. Sort of going back to the elder Queens Robert's suicide always astounds me. Putting aside the emotional damage he was enflicting on his kid, that kid was Ollie, a complete blob of human tissue incapable of pretty much anything. If he had been my kid, I probably would have been afraid to let him leave off for college. Frankly, I imagine Moira would have been relieved when he was kicked out of schools and back home where she could keep an eye on him so that he wouldn't trip over his shoelaces and brain himself. And there was Robert, all 'survive'. Yeah. I was always astounded by the blind faith there.
  22. I'm looking forward to it too. Hopefully it work as well as Felicity, Lyla and Caitlin working together.Okay, I have to be honest. The omelette line was too meta and would have been better off left to memes, photocaps and cons. But I do love Felicity perking up on seeing Oliver come home. Look at this thing I've done! Not to mention Oliver Howdy Neighbor Queen. It. Is. Awesome. I lauged and laughed and want a gif rigt now. I will never for the life of me understand how Ollie scored with so many girls, the boy has no game whatsoever. I love it and him. Can we please get him talking about what coal to buy for the neighborhood barbecue with Joe next door before he and Felicity go back? It gets heated. :) Is Diggle's scene with Sara new? I'd have to look at the outfits but I think it may be from last season when Lyla quit Argus. I'm liking the little tidbits we see of Darkh and Anarky. The only thing I don't like about the preview? 'We are all one big show.' No. Stop that.
  23. I thought the actress was distractingly awful in her first episode. Like she had trouble standing like a living human being. She got better though and I wouldn't mind her appearing in an episode or two per season.
  24. Looking at this I think the team should just send out Green Arrow grinning from ear to ear like a fool. I bet a good portion of the bad guys would think he's finally lost his damn mind and skedaddle right out of town. Damn, man. He's gonna pull the Joker on us!
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