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Everything posted by bijoux

  1. Can't they just use the old set for Laurel's apartment? I know they used it for the Yamashiros last year but it's not like it's needed for that purpose anymore.
  2. This is my first season watching the show live so to say. What's the usual deal with clips, do they release some for every episode or not?
  3. This is why I'm very open to the idea of them getting to be on friendlier terms. They need to be if the entire team is not to be killed in the field.
  4. I loved that too but felt I was already harping so much on how terrific she and Oliver were together that I was afraid mentioning it would be overkill.
  5. Do not tease me. I now want that too badly. He can even keep his shirt on. Ahahaha. So, while looking at the trailer again, I remembered someone here saying Curtis had the same shirt on in his scene with Oliver and when he and Felicity were attacked. He's not. Also, I wonder if the reconciliation with Dig takes a while and the Hoffmans are far away, will Curtis and his husband become Oliver and Felicity's couple friends? ETA: I was on Arrow Fashion Blog to see if they had the shoes that Felicity has on with that red dress above and came across this, her outfit from the next episode. It's definitely the blazer she has on when Oliver hands her lunch. But more importantly, is that Colton Haynes' jaw in the top right corner?
  6. Oh, that would be great. This even more so: Piss off, Lance. Where were you when Brick took over the Glades? C and D make me chortle. Thanks. But it's 99% got to be B. I find Oliver falling in love strange. I just didn't expect him to. I mean, he didn't fall in love with Shado who was all around great. Though he just might be so messed up in the flashbacks this year that he falls for someone who is clearly a psycho. Like if Helena and Isabel had a love child and gave her to Malcolm and Ra's to raise. Oh, to live in the glory days once more. I gasped out loud when that happened.
  7. I thought it was blanket at first too. Now I just can't tell one way or the other. Maybe I was staring at that gif for too long. Yeah, Star City feels strange for me too.
  8. I honestly don't want Laurel to die for Quentin's sake. I may be saying I'm done with him but I really don't want him to go through losing his kid for the third time. That would be worse than death. It would be kinder on him if he were the one in the grave rather than Laurel.
  9. Because it's Wednesday? :D In my mind this is after he and Dig almost get killed. He sustains some injuries and he's shirtless because Felicity has finished tending to them and wants him to keep still for a while so as not to hurt him. But he's on an adrenaline high and there are still things we can do and... yeah. Here's Barry and Oliver's scene from The Flash - https://youtu.be/UMRBs0-OXCA?t=115
  10. This being the man who tweeted their framed vacation photo? I can absolutely believe it. :)
  11. Yeah, there's Thea facing Darhk. Or Darkh? Where the hell does that H go?
  12. Seconded. I have to admit to not being a fan of the abundant cleavage for fighting. What if her boob pops out in a fight, does she ask for a time out to tuck it back in? Although I guess she can use it as a distraction.
  13. Did Sara used to use guns when fighting in the field? That felt a little off to me.
  14. Thanks. I'll have to go back and check. Oh, how I suffer. For... Well, my enjoyment, really.
  15. Not really sure. Three or four? But I'm pretty sure this is the Whatcha doin', Curtis? scene. Oh, Barry, that's cute. Usually when he saves the city, they try to hunt him down. Might change with the cit'y name changing. Calm. Down. I'm talking to myself here. So he's lying on his side. Maybe he's hurt and calls her to come over to make him feel better. I don't know. Is this real?!
  16. I actually thought that was Lance with Jerri Ryan but now I relaize it's Oliver. Too bad. If the dude got the chance to take a woman out on a date after all these years maybe he'd get marginally less grumpy and step away from cooperating with Evil Inc. Lair? Where?! Did not even catch that. As for Malcolm, here's hoping. It's not like it would mean Barrowman's off the show. Malcolm's a reptile anyway, I'm sure any severed body parts would grow back in.
  17. Yeah. I even thought maybe they were reusing old footage. Jaw's not right. -That's what I keep telling people. Oh. My. God. And Felicity's face! Could that scene be any more perfect? Neither do I but I look forward to finding out. Did Oliver's it's-my-fault syndrome rub off on Felicity?
  18. LOL Oh, just imagine if someone told him that. Laura, you are no longer welcome on my patio. You can take your slow cooker with you. The idea of them becoming friends is sound if they are to be parts of an effective team, I just don't put much faith in it going by what we've got from the actors and the characters in their previous interactions. I won't mind if I'm proven to be legitimately wrong.
  19. Oh, please let it be about Thea. It's probably going to be about Sara which is fine, but I need Thea to factor into it and for Laurel to acknowledge her problems especially if they're living together.
  20. Crossover shoot: So who's the guy on Cisco's left?
  21. Yeah, I'm not sure I would have wanted less censorship when Oliver and Laurel got it on in S1. What we saw was plenty awkward as it was. And 3x20 was fine (and foine) just as we had it.
  22. When did he say he wanted that? Inquiring mind wants to know. ;)
  23. Does this also take his name up on the death watch list? It has been brougt up but I refuse to entertain this horrid and ridiculous notion. #SaveWalter
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