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Everything posted by bijoux

  1. Ah, thanks. I forgot about which episodes were shot out of order. I hope Dig will be incorporated into Oliver's or Felicity's day job. You know what, now that he's brought up in relation to this, Dig would actually make a very good mayoral candidate. War vet, ina happy, stable marriage with an adorable child. It's Christmas come early. We don't know his fetishes, maybe he's into that.
  2. I think if Oliver found out about a possible kid in one episode it would make most sense if he went to meet up with the mother in the following one, not five episodes down. And did Laurel find a new resting face? When Oliver tells them the news it's the same face as when he gave them orders in the lair and in about four other scenes this season.
  3. Maybe it's about Lance's rendezvous with DD. And that's how the whole Sara thing comes out in the open. I think it's too soon for the baby mama. Also, why is there campaigning necessary in Star City? Just organize a vote, thank the sucker who put his neck on the line and tell him to update his will. I mean, I'm happy about Oliver getting a story line, don't get me wrong, it's just odd.
  4. Welcome back, old friend. Is Donna first supposed to come in 4x06? I feel like she is, but I do remember backstage pics of her with EBR wearing that same striped dress she's wearing in the HQ when Oliver tells everyone about his plans. I know they recycle Felicity's clothes and I'm all for it, I just don't think they've done it so close together since she's become a more prominent player. I guess that's really my long way of asking, Donna's not supposed to be in this episode, is she? Lance being put in the position of killing his own daughter is terrible but going to Darhk for advice is beyond the pale. What the hell is wrong with you, dude?! He was just threatening your other daughter last week. Have you forgotten that?
  5. Maybe that's how the campaign manager character comes in. He just waltzes in to Oliver's HQ, which could very well be Big Belly Burger at this point and goes, You have a photogenic sister and girlfriend, one of whom used to run a successful business in the downtrodden part of the city and the other is currently the CEO of one of the city's biggest employers which used to be your family's company. And you have them in the audience instead of on the podium with you for photo ops? You need me! By the way is your sister single?
  6. On a scale from one to ten how likely do you think it is Dig gives Oliver some shit about him giving in to Felicity's loud voice? Didn't hear you saying anything, Johnny. And then at the end of the episode they're all, "Pretty whipped, huh? - Yeah, it's kinda great. - The best."
  7. I can't think of specifica but she kept showing up at the lair and going out in the field with Roy while Diggle was promoted from black driver to black pilot, so I feel she must have been told. Though the team might as well have told her Oliver was using up his vacation days and fishing in Alaska.
  8. Gimme. Gimme more. Oh my, Felicity puts them in a time out! Awesome. These tthree are the ones who need to go to a spa and bond. Or take baby Sara to the arcades where Dig and Oliver can tossle in the ball pit (not an innuendo!) and work throuh this like guys. Meanwhile, Lyle is teaching Felicity how to shoot after thrashing whatever kids were playing the game before them. You have to be completely right about Double Down tracking them down. That way him expecting one of Felicity and Curtis to give him Green Arrow makes sense. Has he been on The Flash since they mention he's missing from Central City? It's goooood. Awesome. Da bomb.
  9. I finally watched Laurel and Nyssa's scene. As far as Laurel's scenes go, it's not the worst. She's still completely wrong and Nyssa is 150% in the right, but at least she's calmed down some and is softer in that scene than she is with any other character. Hell, if I hadn't known what her and Sara's relationship was like, I might even be buying that she believes in the spirit argument. Altohugh she's just ruined all of Nyssa's fond memories of milkshakes and fries, hasn't she?
  10. I keep forgetting to mention this in the episode thread, but didn't Curtis say something like, "Of course, I'll have to drive," when he was talking about being able to take a road trip with his husband once fired. Of course, I could have misheard, as this show makes me believe I'm going deaf but I got the impression that his husband could be disabled. Maybe it's the polar opposite of Ivo. He became a villain, whereas Curtis becomes a hero in order to help his loved one and others.
  11. Honestly, I have no problem with Malcolm doing it for shits and giggles. It makes sense for his character. If in turn the pit dries up and he's robbed of the chance to prolong his life, so much the better.
  12. You can sit with me. He makes me ragey but at the end of the day I still care what happens to him.
  13. I think it does grow out. It looked longer in The Flash promo at Jitters with Barry. Maybe SA just cuts it short over hiatus. It was short at the beginning of the last season as well.
  14. Now I absolutely need this to happen. A Lyla-Felicity PTA meeting. Dig: Sweetie... Lyla: Don't you sweetie me. Like going to Sara's daycare for being a biter wasn't humiliating enough! Oliver: You know, our neighbors gave me a tip about biters. Dig: *glares*
  15. Didn't she? I feel like she did in either S1 or S2 because I definitely noticed them and thought they were unusual at her job.
  16. As far as I remember, Oliver and Quentin are supposed to have an emotional scene and the new task force with the new cop appears for the first time in 4x04.
  17. Oliver: I'm done waiting for him to come around. This needs to be dealt with now!Felicity: how? ... You're bringing out the slow cooker, aren't you? Oliver: By God, I am. There will be food and desserts aplenty. Dig's heart and stomach shall be wrapped in my delicious baked goods and he shall forgive me!
  18. Soooo, Thea's part vampire now? Yay. OTA scenes. Multiple times. All the time. Those are three costume changes for Felicity! I know Oliver probably raises his hand defensively durng the loud voice but I like to amuse myself imagining he does it asking to speak in class.
  19. Never mind. Figured out the answer right after I posted the question.
  20. I have accepted that Sara is coming back but I want exactly none of these characters to be resurrected, as much as I may wish Tommy and Moira were still around. And Deadshot will pop up sooner or later, revealing he hasn't died.
  21. Sexual smirk. Ha! Well, Double Down is really getting down to business. From this preview and the promo with him, Felicity and Curtis, I already spy with my little eye... four dead bodies. Unless Oliver dropped the two here so they're not really dead.
  22. I prefer cozyforjate's. http://cozyforjate.tumblr.com/post/131437816177/olicity-crack-4x02 The whole 'idea loading' running thread is hilarious, and the sequence with Quentin, thoughts about Dig and Thea and Felicity's roles in local authorities had me in stitches. Oh, and a good day - Thea didn't kill anyone.
  23. The floater is supposed to be on all three shows each week? That sounds insane.
  24. I also liked someone's idea of DD doing the resurrecting in order to keep Lance in line.
  25. But Ollie probably wants that in his bones, so it's cool.
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