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Everything posted by ABay

  1. The show has always had its ups and downs. I think some of my disenchantment stems from higher expectations.
  2. The first episode was a let down. I hope the show gets sharper because I really want to like it.
  3. Being able to talk about all aspects of a show make it more fun to watch but when the only place to talk about it becomes a one-topic hate-fest, it can hamper enjoyment of the show. I've stopped reading Sleepy Hollow, Grimm, Dr. Who, and a few others because, even when I agree with the dislike of a character, the inability of people to discuss anything else takes the fun out of discussing the show. The one time I think the PTV mindset of "let's start a new thread for every stray thought!" can actually be used to advantage is to siphon off some of the bile into a hate-thread.
  4. Yeah, my eyebrows might've met my hairline when they accepted "crook" for what was supposed to be "bend." I'm sure it's used somewhere but never in my life have I used the phrase "crook in the river" unless referring to a criminal making an aquatic escape.
  5. Hey, giraffes need love, too. As long as Finch is around, so am I. I don't dislike the others and I hope they stay around for a long time, but Finch is the anchor for me.
  6. I haven't seen any of the nominated films in any of the categories. Grand Budapest Hotel is on my DVR from the last free premium-channel weekend so I'll probably watch that before the Oscars but I don't think any others are likely to be available before that. And yet I'll watch the show, or at least the red carpet.
  7. The worm wasn't the only objective, although I think it was Finch's main one. It was possible that Control did know something about Shaw's whereabouts, and that alone would've made kidnapping her Root and Reese's main objective. It was a two-fer.
  8. <<hugs>>, peeayebee. My mother also had Alzheimer's and everytime I forget anything--a word, why I entered a room, whether I locked the door or took a pill--a spark of panic shoots through me.
  9. Chris's rant alienated me a bit, an asshole wearing a backwards ball cap pissed me off (it's inherently douchey), and they lost me completely with the fat jokes.
  10. At the rate things have been happening to, and at the hands of, the police it's only a matter of time before Jon has another opportunity to say something.
  11. Re: The Sting...set up. Harold's plan was truly Ben-worthy and I may have squeed at the reveal.
  12. Now I'm looking forward to the showdown for control of the U.S. government between Samaritan and the Koch Brothers. Well. Not so much "looking forward to" as "weeping over while curled in a fetal ball".
  13. Re: Jenkins' name: I didn't hear "Galaes", I heard "deLance" and was diverted for several moments by thinking of John Delancie or Q showing up in the library.
  14. I had to leave right around Jack Black’s bit, so I’m catching up now as I read the thread. The announcer said Melissa McCartney rather than Melissa Mccarthy I took an instance dislike to the How to Train Your Dragon guy for completely failing to notice his co-winner until he was shooing her off the stage. Remember when Beckinsale and Brody were up-and-comers? And are now down-and-wents. Frances McDormand really does look annoyed at life. If the announcer hadn’t identified her, I wouldn’t have known that was Catherine Zeta Jones. I really appreciated how many of the nominees did not clap for themselves. It drives me nuts when people clap for themselves, Jessica Lange, Michael Keaton, Bill Murray. Jared Leto's suit + Matthew McConawhatever's accent = Col. Sanders
  15. quof, I think you're seeing Alan Cumming. He's in a monochrome outfit and Gina Rodriguez went past him.
  16. Sing it, sisters. It was the only off note of the would-you-rather routine, that anyone would possibly rather Colin Farrell. My suspension of disbelief doesn't extend that far.
  17. Enjoyed the dueling Cosby impressions. And the would-you-rather. Poor Linklater! Dear Announcer, I'm not anticipating 50 Shades of Grey, although I am anticipating it fading to black quickly.
  18. Nutmeg! Every time I see Carrell, I want him to talk about Colbert or the Daily Show. It's irrational, but I can't help it.
  19. A. Williams' dress reminds me of the Salsa outfits from Dancing with the Stars, but not as fringe-y. I just got a look at the Zosia Mamet dress mentioned above. I guess we know what Lena Dunham decided not to wear. I thought that was Ryan Murphy talking to Seacrest and just realized it's Michael Keaton. God, I feel so old.
  20. Jessica Chastain looked good. Sienna Miller, not so much. I think it's the straight waistline on the skirt. It's not a flattering look on anyone, imo.
  21. Dunham's dress would be a career worst for some but is a career best for her. I wish both E and NBC were faster with getting the names onscreen. It's like watching something on BBC--I vaguely recognize everyone but can't recall names.
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