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Everything posted by misstwpherecool

  1. Out of the blue is Burgess being groomed to be the next Hank. Are we simply seeing some Burgess backstory? Upton is the pleasant surprise of the season. She more than replaced Lindsay at this point.
  2. Was the screaming when the judge jumped the pedestrian reaction on the street after she went splat? The cleaner guy was pretty thorough and maticulous. I can't believe he wouldn't have a dead man's switch with information being sent to the police upon his death(which was unnecessarily cruel). Red needs Ressler in the FBI, it's to his benefit in more ways than one. Also didn't the cleaner guy keep a bodies in drums in storage somewhere? Also it's the better part of a year and team task force seems to operating as normal. Did Iram get his field training? Was Liz replaced? Maybe I missed some blacklist mumbo jumbo what did the terror attack in Toronto have to do with the cleaner again? Or the guy he arranged the suitcase swap for? I think Liz is getting ready to take over the family business. If she's able to successfully dispose of Navarro she's the new Red. Notice how he will be apparently 'disappeared' so even if Liz confesses there will be no body and he she still gets to play FBI agent-boooo
  3. ...she killed the Attorney General Oh that shark jump. Yep, murder as a tool, not just for law enforcement and military.
  4. How did they know the bones/suitcase were in circulation again?-Kaplan? Was 'Reddington' a mole from day one born and raised in the US or a KGB imposter from the Blacklist Redemption camp? Tom living/recovering in a Scottie vacation resort and Kaplan plotting some more moves.
  5. The ice cubes. Her vintage fridge/freezer must have a speed dial function to make ice cubes fast as well. And how did she break up the glass that small without being discovered while under observation. And cleaning the crime scene with no power to operate things like a vacuum to get all trace evidence? -Wasn't the generator sabotaged? Is this a set up/ground work epi to show how easy it is to become a Raymond Reddington? An heir to carry on the family business? They need a flash forward with Lizzie talking to FBI agents 10 years from now offering her help on unsolved murders starting with the Alaska cabin murders With all the shark jumping writing now a days I'm still not convinced Tom is dead. If anyone has the resources and know how to fake Tom's death and give him a new ID it's Scottie hence her seed planting appearance.
  6. I hope they don't pull a time travel gimmick of knocking her off then all is well when they return to the past. But now we're into paradoxes. Didn't one ball get lost in the fight. Could that be how May escaped using that as a weapon. The coup sounds plausible. Hope that's how it turns out.
  7. A question about the warehouse raid/shootout. Did they use that same warehouse on Taken in one of it's epis, also rescuing a child.
  8. Absolutely agree. Were the producers looking for younger contestants to advance? Were they and the coaches miffed that Emily took a vacation from a music career or thought she might do it again even after winning the show? Although one doesn't get to that level without sticking with it. During her performance it appeared she had everyone's attention including the judges, they weren't fidgeting, making comments etc. She has presence along with a voice. When Blake gave a rather crafted critique something seemed off right then and there. Especially now looking back I think they knew she wasn't going to make the cut if the others totally didn't flub it. After she sang I thought she was THE winner. I was stunned when Adam did not pick her. I thought she would be the first one placed on his team. This tells me the show is more 'produced' than we are led to believe and is nothing but a pretend job fair. The WWE of singing competitions.
  9. I was disappointed because this could've been a good episode to bring in a few 'Redemption' characters/allies Tom could trust. Looks like the DNA results/is Red really her father will be used as a hook for a while. I'm still unclear who kidnapped Tom again. A baddie associated with Red or someone who wants to leverage him. Out of no where how did this guy find out about the bones again? Mr Kaplan?-Is she really dead? And a stolen car with no rear windshield wouldn't attract attention ie police stop?
  10. They open Blind Spot with an MTV video now on the Blacklist there are 2 musical montages in a row-time killers that could be used adding to the story. Is Tom really dead or did Red tell Lizzie that because he wanted Tom out of her life. Was the black & white shots of Tom Lizzie's or Red's vision? I think that look Harold gave Red was more than what the heck happened. Heck was it even 1 year later. But Blind Spot time jumped as well.
  11. I guess ' if you have to ' was their disclaimer. Ms By The Book also accepted a 2 premium pistol set from a company that was part of an official investigation a few epis back.
  12. The entertainment industry needs to do what others have been doing for decades an give to simple basic cya anti harassment/equal treatment training to anyone(regardless of contract or status) working for their company or property. I can't believe industry lawyers don't mandate it to cover themselves. It shouldn't take a work place orientation to learn about harassment but if nothing else those that fear consequences might stop. Every year with all my employers we have to go through equal treatment meeting along with the usual safety etc. For the most part it seems to work. Just a call to one of those 1800 complaint lines can kill a manager's career if the issue is something they should've known about.
  13. With all allegations in the entertainment industry I can't believe there isn't somekind of anti harassment/equal treatment training even if videos which is how the private sector tends to do it. Along with a third party/1800 number to investigate any claims of impropriety or criminal acts. I've had to sit through the same videos and lectures every year. Once it's documented you had that training you are liable for your actions/ the company can do what they want for discipline and/or fire you. Just to step foot on their lots or use their studios & staff that should require a workplace orientation regardless of contracts or status. I'm surprised their lawyers don't require it because it makes it harder to play dumb or ignorant. It's basic cya policy.
  14. One would think the designers of the missile silos would've placed some bars and grates on the shaft to prevent what they did for entry. Didn't they ever see the movie The Dirty Dozen. I get they are highly trained field agents but even swat teams and military have to train with regularity to for things like tactical repelling let alone shooting/fire fight tactics. Don't they do administrative duties after shootingS at NCIS, seems like they don't even have to fill out paperwork. The frivolous mention of excessive shootouts by Mosley early on was exactly that-frivolous.
  15. I always heard have it's best to have at least 100 epis for syndication. And it's 'free' marketing for the Marvel movies. Keeps the brand out there. Especially if this Inhumans doesn't workout.
  16. Sometimes I think the producers and actors don't 'get' their own show. I think they misplayed the family dinner scenes because the entire family is there. Viewers want that scene. The murder and hot button topic of the week can change. Family stability was a constant underlying theme. Judging by the lack of publicity about her contract expiring I think it was win win for her. She stays gets a little more money. She leaves which is what I think she wanted to do unless it was really made worth her while. These issues played out in the final product sometimes don't show up until syndication because they are really noticeable binge watching. Which is why I wonder why they jeopardize their resale value sometimes.
  17. In the last epi/end of the season the CIA guy Teddy and Franklin both showed their dark ruthless side. Teddy eliminated the contra guy although the character seems opposed to killing but again he is CIA. I know a lot of shows and movies show it but killing on US soil let alone running the op put hims in more jeopardy although no one in the US will miss him. Although Franklin is conman, narcissist, selfish, ambitious criminal I'm not quite getting where some of the gangster stuff is coming from(his escalation needed just a little more). Gustavo has escalated from reluctant killer to ruthless criminal although they seem to show his motivation and progression a little better. Same for Emily Rios.
  18. I agree, they could've handled her absence quite differently. This was a message to other actors and/or Amy. I would've wrote her off as ticked at Danny for almost getting them killed and house burnt down. Quit police work or else! She already has some stress issues from getting shot and I think mugged/kidnapped at a free clinic trailer or something. They could've progressed a separation to a divorce with her living out of state with friends or family. It would've allowed writing room and/or a way for the actress to return even if once a year. Reading forums, not news stories I get the impression she simply didn't want to do it anymore. She was probably asked to stay and said no multiple times. I don't think it was necessarily a negotiation ploy but it ticked off the producers and writers and might have even turned into a game of chicken-return or character will be permanently killed off with no chance of you coming back. There could other reasons like health or yes a equal pay for supporting cast thing and not so much about mega bucks. People leave/change jobs every day. Acting is a job. Besides money sometimes one keeps or leaves a job for career, location, perception, co workers, change etc but they always look at it as a job, nothing more nothing less, a job.
  19. Disappointed Franklin left his buds at the party and he roams the streets and by sheer luck he discovers crack. By sheer luck the 'crack' dealers not only let him live but they showed him their trade secrets. Franklin is also lucky his bud's connection didn't kill him. He might be the smart one but he is also self absorbed sob. Then we have the power play in the Latino gang. Did the brother tell him about the murder as well as him and sister selling on their own?
  20. One of things I really didn't like about this last season is that they altered a major character-Allison. In the final year you figure they would try to hold the characters much closer to the form that gave them popularity and familiarity. I missed soccer mom.
  21. I found the last season to be a bit disappointing. After they explained Beth's backstory I think it ran out of gas or didn't know where to go. And how did they explain all those dead bodies. Not only was I disappointed at Sarah not getting her GED but killing the head guy like that. She could've let him die or kept him alive to help finishing exposing the organization? What happened to Art's ex partner Detective Angie? Was the medical assistant a clone of the guy with the tail that managed the clone club? Sarah was right though having to move out of the place where S was killed.
  22. It was a slow set up giving back story which they could've done flashback style. They're already showing how drug dealing in general has affected many in the neighborhood. Franklin is becoming a slick businessman, his associates are going from hanging out to full fledged participation in a criminal enterprise. Franklin's fan girl wants to be entertained with more than a dinner date. Party girl with cop father not ending well. The final set up was the last epi with the revenge seeking thieves who will probably bring overt and aggressive violence to Franklin's neighborhood. Regardless of the drug immersing one's self into a higher profile criminal culture will have consequences. I think for contrast is why they told back story first. The last epi explaining the drug trade/cocaine non sales is set up to show what will happen if Franklin goes into a product/culture the elders learned long ago to stay from.
  23. The first few epis tried to show the background and motivations of the CIA and rebel guy, the last few epis seem to be showing the transformation of Gustavo and Franklin into hardcore criminals. Franklin gets himself into trouble with lies and half truths but now it looks like he's all in. The CIA and rebel guy are the only true believers/fully committed to their goals and plans which are clear unlike the local players in the neighborhood. Avi is ruthless businessman. Gustavo and Lucia are quietly stealing the show. More Emily Rios. CIA & Rebel guy have their own buddy movie. Franklin started as a strong lead but his character seems to be fading. I see why they said the first half of the series moves slow but it's set up and backstory. They could've bumped the speed but it still tells a tense story.
  24. No wonder Nick made such a good junky. Apparently qualities like manipulation, lying, cover up, hiding etc are family traits. Nick is a sanctimonious sober junky putting a bullet in Otto. Disappointed they had Strand destroy the boat. Even if wasn't used in a story right away-No escape from Planet of the Apes salvaging the ship to travel where ever. The question is will or what third party will threaten the ranch and tribe. How will Strand treat Ophelia if he runs across her.
  25. I almost wrote it off in the beginning with naked bodies and a straw up a butt as gratuitous. But I see how they introduced the characters and their story. They said they were going to avoid conspiracy theories but since a CIA handler was already in on drug money for guns I guess that's how they avoided it. I'm also intrigued by the wrestler's handlers, are they CIA, DEA, cons I don't know what to think. They were very professional when recruiting. Remind me of 'the couple' on the Americans(same tech advisors I thought) Also thought I was watching Boogie Nights there at the party. And CSI when the CIA guy was cleaning the party scene/drug house-this is the 1980s with forensics still in it's infancy. The wimpy private school boy will probably be the first to die or flip.
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