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Everything posted by misstwpherecool

  1. They seem to have hinted at a "Vigilance" group from POI being Jane's handlers.
  2. Not liking that too much. Bouncing shows don't always bounce back in the ratings. Do they watch what time people watch on demand or something?
  3. Dark eyes? Special effects dept over does it?
  4. Whew, thanks for small favors and not wiping Jane's memory again. My guess Jane is Sheppard? The Scooby gang with no gray hair did nothing but wait for it-detective and investigative work without a shot being fired even though off book. Marshal lady will be on Jane's case next season for answers. How do they turn the Mayfair murder scene into an official crime scene-or do they. For Marcos! a purposeful clue, warning or marker for Mayfair's body? Mobile home handler accomplice guy?
  5. One of the things that puzzle me is that not only Red and Dembe know about the FBI's complicity so does a henchman/sniper guy. I think Red's bearded security knows Red works with the FBI but does he know the details. What's the first rule of premeditated murder-no witnesses. So that means one kills or leverages a witness. That henchman in particular could not only spread the word but get in a jam himself and have Ressler or even Harold do a favor that will dig them in deeper. Besides stupid this is sloppy. You could trust Red or Dembe but the contractors Red hires not so sure. Maybe bearded security guy.
  6. The Darth Vader routine doesn't take Red out of the running just yet. I'm beginning to wonder if Red was a KGB plant like in The Americans or No Way Out. That's how he knows all these criminal & spy types. He might have being groomed to be a KGB spy but rejected formal training and career path mother Russia would've wanted. An affair with one of these spies who was Lizzie's mom? Liz has dark black hair the father looked like he greying brown or blonde hair? (issue not addressed or ignored in production?)
  7. She should've been the one brought back from the dead.
  8. Yep, as soon as I saw the IV. Blood said I must find her NOW. Lizzie, I am your father. I want blood and your first born. Disappointed not seeing more decisive action from Ressler. All that he had to do was have surprise raid or warn his security.. I'm still having trouble with the vigilante division of the FBI, no wonder they're HQd in a basement. Framing somebody not cool either. A guy like Reddington could've/would've hunted the "killer" down even if it took years without the FBI's help. Didn't like what Navabi said that they'll get used to it. My guess this team will go all black ops next year working for the CIA, NSA etc. The stunt in the grocery store was predictable but I thought she would be a decoy for the bad guys. At least the dog got treated to something special
  9. What the heck is it the USA schedule and erratic encore showings. The first couple of epi's this season on USA were encored and shown several days week. Now it seems they are missing weeks and it's shown one night week if lucky.
  10. Just a A thought. Could it be a twist ie Mayfair still alive after she made a deal with the handler to get her ex? I'm still a little unclear on how she found that exact address, floor and room. How come the handler didn't deal with Mayfair earlier or was he on a dinner break. What do people do in a lair all day-dressed to the hilt.
  11. Daisy/Chloe Bennet had a different look this epi, not just the disguise. Maybe it was the crying scenes that made her look tired. Also she looked skinny in the final scene. I'm not a hater and her character and actress have improved steadily through out the show. I still have her in some kind of leadership role. 6 Month jump? I guess to match when the show returns/'real time'?
  12. Something didn't seem right when Mayfair was told by Reed and Zapata that they trusted her. What the heck is Jane's handler doing that he comes in at the last minute to save Jane and/or shoot someone two times now. Bathroom break? Who is/was buried in the yard? Jane v Mayfair would've been an excellent story line in itself. Phew, the shipper stuff hopefully be gone for a while. Some Orphan Black floating around here? Jane a clone/experiment?
  13. Once it goes too far over the top that means a shark has been jumped. (Was this an un-used Sharknado script) Man for a drunk Liam is technically proficient and great shape running back and fourth between camera and fake evidence plantings along with his day job. Also must flown himself with wings from NY to Quantico And again another back door political statement ie anti law enforcement/how the FBI screwed many(which is possible in individual cases) but at best somebody's friend or ally will vouch for them if they are so lucky.
  14. Reaction to backdoor pilot/spin off. Ummmm, Nah, No, NO WAY, GTF out of here, ARE YOU KIDDING ME, Buh Bye As soon as the FBI in on an illegal revenge plot and the federal crime of bank robbery I was done. Didn't even take/wait until they tried to execute their plan and "accidently" injure an innocent bystander. They pushed their luck with Harold the last 2 seasons. There is/was no room left for this type of crap. A stupid epi as far as I'm concerned. Someone just needs to be happy with Blindspot and move on.
  15. Some revenge for Alex! - YES, still need more. My guess is the captain or strand was on her list as well. A few epi's back when she questioned them debating to let them board you knew she would be back. That was a set up for future epis. That's actually a good idea to set up shop on that dry docked ship. Walkers can't do ladders. I'm still wondering about money and Mexico? I guess it's too early in the apocalypse.
  16. My guess is that he was mad her for wanting him to resign for having an affair with a cadet/Alex. I think she rejected his advances of wanting to rekindle an old affair with her as well. I was beginning to wonder because Liam was only in the flashbacks and not present this epi. They could've flipped a coin for anyone to be the culprit with all the stuff they showed everyone doing.
  17. Why not? A child for a show filled with childish antics and juvenile behavior. Can't get any worse. Hopefully they suffer the same fate as Castle and Beckett.
  18. I don't mind a hardliner for a boss but I lost all respect for the character a while back when he shot out a guy's eardrum. Not only is it a physical injury that guys hearing will never be the same. It's takes a bit of a sociopath to do that. But it is a show where machismo rules and is over played to the hilt. Deeks does not count as a counter balance. If I want 24 I'm sure I can find it somewhere. It seemed like Ferrer seemed ill for a season or two looking extremely frail and thin. Wonder if something similar with Hunt is going on. I think Hunt does the narrative for some charity commercials.
  19. Pffffffttttttttttttttttttt Has gone from over intense cartoonish action and light humor to stupid juvenile improvised pranks. It's also promoting drinking in the workplace along with drinking before driving. The whole show is nothing but an over used cliche. And enough with the shipper stuff. Who cares. It's unprofessional to say the least.
  20. Wondering if Elizabeth really did kill her informant. How the heck did she get cut on the neck after she whacked her the head and she was on the floor woosey. I was thinking maybe she let her go. Or if she was on the war path with Paige maybe she did do it out of shear anger. Wouldn't Elizabeth have called for a clean up crew or I forget do they cover up their own murders. Eh, maybe I'm reading too much into it. I don't know seemed like a filler and set up epi to me.
  21. This promo is better than the story line because it gets right to the point. Watch Sunday live or see the spoiler Monday!
  22. Or fight scenes with shoes with high heels.
  23. They apparently hung around long enough that Cole was able to flatout buy that hotel room. In last week's epi didn't manager tell the clerk that Cole bought the room and himself or family was entilted to use it anytime?
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