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Everything posted by misstwpherecool

  1. Seemed a bit of a contrived and predictable episode. I guess the question is are Jane's handlers trying to manipulate events vs those who want to cover stuff up. Could Mayfair's friend be a victim of her own stalker and these events are nothing but a red herring? Zapata's confronting Reed about Mayfair was one of those contrived or forced events. But to push the story they need the set up for next week.
  2. So grandpa was a sleeper agent father of Lizze's mom? I'm with Ressler on the pot. Even though legal in DC it still would be a violation of many employer's policies, especially a government job where it's considered a drug free workplace. And Yeh I thought Dennehy was dead or retired as well. I do seem to remember something about him lying about military service? As much as they are showing Red's dispair is it because he know's Lizzie's alive but will never see again per his orders for her safety?
  3. I was wondering where he came from. He was more or less written out of the FBI last but he reminds of more of a bull than a brain to go with a nuclear terror revenge plot. Now I'm wondering if he shot the terrorist to hit Quantico to keep them quiet. Still doesn't make sense-why didn't he let the attack play out. Over the top and out of the blue. They'll have no story lines for next year.
  4. Or the punch in the stomach took care of that. May Elizabeth punched there on purpose knowing there was a chance she could be with Clarke's child. Also, in the most recent epi they made it a point to say "They married her". If that's a "legal" marriage could that be used to keep Martha from testifying against her husband but then again that would be null & void since it was done under fraudulent circumstances.
  5. I thought for sure after Philip took it while she slept that she would find it and/or shoot someone while wrestling for it. She still might have her sleeping pills though. It could be an out for her or she could slip someone a mickey.
  6. I think there will be a surprise defection this year. She is either there to prevent it OR maybe she's the one that wants to defect. Also if the plane/"her" pilot fails this opens the door to another direction/story with consequences to be paid.
  7. I think she took the place of the guy killed by the rogue agent/Navy Seal guy. She talked about how she felt something bad happened when she got ordered there.
  8. I thought the same. I was kind of wondering though how Elizabeth made it from the city to Martha quicker than Stan who was probably already in eyesight of that location. At first I thought Elizabeth shot or stabbed Martha and was going to with hold first aid unless she came with her. Still wondering how a women in a rain coat/bulking clothing can punch another women in bulky clothing/over coat and leave that much damage. That's an excellent point about having Martha transport the rat(how ironic). They kept showing it so it's part of the story somehow. I don't know if Martha has been written out of the show to Russia just yet. If they are going to Cuba via a drug smugglers route they could get intercepted. Think about the consequences they get a wanted spy and evidence that there is a mole in a bio lab. I'm not quite sure about what to think of the band of merry juvenile delinquents yet. Nothing but more friction between Stan and Philip.
  9. That was different. Channeling some Flashpoint I see. Brought up a lot of issues with an active shooter situation. I did think it was kind of silly they kept having announcements 'Suspect With A Gun, Cover In Place' yet the FBI Agents with no prominently displayed ID are going around campus with a gun. The shooter in the baseball cap looked more law enforcement than the agents. FBI doesn't issue neck lanyards/chains for ID? Disgruntled football players go full blown militia including intricate bomb and booby trap abilities? What kind of time frame was this? I'm still a little puzzled with the timeliness of the tattoo clues, someone had to get and analyze information, find a good and trust worthy tattoo artist and train Jane. My guess is that this will be a radical Snowden type organization protesting someone who did alot of domestic spying/had a ton a data they did nothing with. And the FBI just by coincidence shows up on campus the day of a mass shooting? My guess they are going to frame Mayfair for CIA guy's murder. Without re-watching I thought Mayfair said she gave her ex 8,000 dollars, not the 48,000 we saw on the screen earlier.
  10. Yet another epi with a massive shootout, no questioning by supervisors and shrinks, no administrative leave simply on to the 'next' job/chase & shoot out. And what do agents do at the end of an 8 hour day that should be 16 with shootout paper work and interviews-take in a basketball game-uh huh. The Densi stufffff is way too old and annoying at this point, married couple agents? Unless their permanent cover is that of a married couple this doesn't fly and even then it doesn't fly. They need to send Deeks to Washington for advanced training by Gibbs, it would buy them time with a replacement for Dinozo. Granger story contrived, a bit different for the show but contrived. Not even a clue on the mole, ooops forget that's a contrivance as well. Did this contrived cartoon get renewed?
  11. Doggedly pursued by the authorities or Russian spies? If it was months later would she know that Red had Liz? Also if Liz comes from a Russian sleeper agent family was Red a potential recruit for that family/those spies? Since Red was on a career in the Navy did Lizzie's mom try to turn Red into a sleeper by sleeping with him as a handler?
  12. So 1980s stalker in the house stuff. Great, Now they have TWO murders to cover up... The religious guy is going to crack, he might die but he is going to crack.
  13. zzzzzz....... zzzzzzz...... zzzzzzz...... In stead of issuing 3 D glasses like in a movie theater they should've issued night vision goggles for this one. I'm still lost on ghost girl. zzzzzz..... zzzzzzz..... zzzzzz......
  14. May be I'm miss reading but I think they are quietly laying the ground work for a defection of Oleg's dad and/or wife let alone Oleg. They spoke how his mother couldn't come to phone etc. Oleg's dad seems to be showing disappointment if frustration with the war in Afghanistan. Could this be a twist by the season final?
  15. I missed that too. Also did they say found a "dead" Clarke in Atlanta? Didn't Gadd mention something about death certificates. Using IDs of dead people, isn't that how it works for false ids in the spy world. Also wasn't Atlanta where the dead KGB family operated out of? So Philip is blown as is "Clarke".
  16. Neither was I. I think there was a lot of unnecessary language and stuff in that segment. Was there an actual purpose for Martha to do that. Was she that naive that she thought sex would be a leverage or negotiation points? Also she is scared enough to pack her pistol yet not sleep with it knowing she is at the end of the line. Or better/actually worse yet take sleeping pills when you need to be on your toes waiting to seize an opportunity to escape? I agree for the show and Martha it's probably is or best if the CIA does wind up with her if for no other reason the minute she describes/ gives an artist a description of Philip Stan knows. So they have to keep Stan away from the case to or the show & case would be darn near over.
  17. I am curious, will I watch-eh. But the show was STALE. They need a format/story a rabid or new fan can pick up on. Bones' format and characters last while Castle's don't. What's the big difference.
  18. I liked that it was different but the freed criminal came about because one of the tattoos. And even though a different epi it was still filled with some of the same stufffff wether it be silly, stupid or over the top. Got to get that action in. Also for a while the supporting cast was getting a lot of time which I liked but this epi they were back to background.
  19. Haven't watched first run in years and can barely tolerate syndication but I figured the wedding thing would be the beginning of the end. Sometimes they take themselves too seriously other times it's too silly. I'm guess Katic pushed or implied for too much in contract negotiations. Might not even be money. I'm wondering if the captain thing was her idea-ridiculous with the character's record. I'm surprised they didn't keep Jones, I would've expanded her role. I will say if money and/or conflicts were the problem why not go the route cable does with their shows with a new set of epi's every three months or so. Major Crimes has it right, not a favorite but it's first run year round yet not saturated or stale. Also when I saw the show Forever I think it was I thought that was going to be Castle's replacement. What happened there.
  20. Now Cole is the softy and Cassie is the bad ass. Not a shipper but where exactly will Cassie & Deacon go-future trouble with Cole or Ramsey? Interesting. Jennifer goes speed dating. Need I say more
  21. What's with the Gatsby thing again? Yes it was nice to see Alexander without tattoos but it did look silly her the only one there over dressed to say the least. Loved the look of 'huh?' she gave the criminal in the interrogation room early in the epi. Channeling Leverage this week I see. Samurai sword fight? Dancing pistol guy was stupid and annoying. I kept on thinking the movie True Romance during the shootout between to the two agencies. So the expert told them where to get the scanning machine? Now if they were stealing ie breaking & entering to steal on private property wouldn't the purposely positioning the owner to be shot(Weller using the painting booby trap) a felony for the average criminal? If someone gets killed during the commission of felony isn't that felony murder for everyone there? Dead wife pops up where they only showed a suicide note early in season not a surprise. But never the less a soap opera twist with her new mate now in the picture.
  22. One of the things the sort of got right is that a lot of the people admitted into the FBI were rich, successful or politically connected meaning they probably used connections and not just test scores and interviews to get in. Just in a local police department you wouldn't believe all the hires that are connected to police and politicians.
  23. This show is eye candy and bubble gum and sometimes makes for good light Sunday night fodder. But enough already with the politicizing. A show produced in Canada is pumping out Hollywood ideology including a pc swipe at scientology. It's too blatant. It takes away from the story regardless of political leanings because they are trying associate themselves with reality yet it's some of the most over the top fiction out there. If they want a theme to 'a' story fine but seems to hit political talking points every show, especially the last epi. Last night topics included Ted Cruz, Muslim citizenship, scientology, drug abuse, instructor abuse of authority yet sex was used for an illegal recording. Just from a story telling stand point they need to focus in on one theme for that show, multiple story arcs but the constant slipping in of side commentary is not necessary.
  24. I just hope they have a clear plan and don't do it JUST to set up the spin off or wait for social media to send them in a direction. With no clear direction any unresolved issues or questions will become nothing but red herrings. We shouldn't have to factor in the spin off and characters. It should be written with in the series and episodes to observe/figure out what happened. So based on the series alone Mr Kaplan wants Liz out knowing that life no good for the baby or Liz. Liz wants nothing to do with Red. The doctor likes Liz. Liz trusts Tom enough to start raising and protect their baby. The wild card is does Red put the same priority on getting the baby away from 'the life' along with getting Liz in his corner(no way with child). So far the best suspects in "this" case are Mr Kaplan, the doc and Liz. Red IS the wild card.
  25. I thought Blindspot was the pseudo backdoor spinoff of the Blacklist.
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