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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. With an elephant in her womb. Whoever named this episode should get an Emmy
  2. And Emily revels in being the family “Wild Child.”
  3. Maybe they have because it's been radio silence since his last fight almost a year ago. https://www.tapology.com/fightcenter/bouts/592849-flex-fights-biniyam-shibre-babycool-vs-miguel-the-wolf-bernacet Interesting that his skinny opponent was on an 11 match LOSING streak and is ranked 266th of 267 featherweights in the Northeast. Bini didn't have to do much to defeat him! It was like production sought out the worst opponent they could find.
  4. IIRC, before Kobe's arrival, during the awkward "you are forbidden to get pregnant again in this house" conversation, Emily smugly told her parents that she HAD birth control, just hadn't "taken it yet" to which her mother responded, "then it's not going to work."
  5. It would be the equivalent of Bini telling her something like "Haile Selassie and my great grandmother went to the same dentist"
  6. Ummm, you mean he didn't? I always thought he discovered the "Theory of Bagel Relativity," the correct proportions of cream cheese to bagel. No?
  7. I wish there had been a thought bubble over Bini's head in the bonus scene when Ari asked him if he knew who Albert Einstein was, (of course he didn't) then launched into a big story about how her great grandfather had driven him home once. Bini's confused and disinterested expression was priceless! Adding an eyeroll would have been perfect!
  8. Wait a minute. In her TH after the picnic, Shaeeda said that Bilal “ruined their romantic date” by bringing up the prenup again. BUT SHAEEDA WAS THE ONE WHO BROUGHT IT UP when she was telling him about the visit from Shahida.
  9. I guess he was referring to the Pill, but FFS, there are many other forms of BC that are totally reversible as soon as you want to get pregnant. Not just a combo of a phone app and risky pull out in time. And did Kobe accompany her into the Women’s bathroom? I was just fascinated watching Emily drive with one hand while petting her hair with the other.
  10. while sitting at that sad, cluttered little makeup table.
  11. Maybe they should change the name of this program to "Horndogs Fishing for Fake Sister Wives"
  12. The thing that drives me crazy about these couples is how they continue to have unprotected sex despite the danger of STDs or pregnancy. It’s not like Ari and Bini (Emily and Kobe, et al) had an impulsive, drunken one night stand. Unfortunately, I think subjecting teens to watching this show as a warning probably would backfire as programs like “Teen Mom” and “Unexpected” only serve to glorify teen pregnancy.
  13. I think you're on to something here, they might picture themselves as the new Ricardos. "Chantel, you have some 'splainin' to do" and hilarity ensues. The only thing missing is the canned laugh track. And the talent!
  14. "John Boy," conveniently one less letter to spell and one less syllable to say! Wasn't "John Boy" the Walton son's nickname because he was a JUNIOR?
  15. We saw him comically spit it out behind her back, but where exactly did it go? Did that little doggy get it? Someone upthread posted a Brazilian Stroganoff recipe that surprisingly did, indeed, have chicken and ketchup but no mustard. Maybe novice cook Thais was substituting it for something else in the recipe that wasn't available but totally missed the mark.
  16. And Miona style eyebrows! Although Grandma does seem a bit adventurous with her patch of blue hair. I wonder where Mahala has her hair done because she appears to favor elaborate braided styles that I don't think she could do herself. (Where's Nanny Mimi when you need her?)
  17. My favorite overacted reaction is Pedro's "jaw drop" expression when Chantel accuses him of doing something wrong...and Scene!
  18. Of course he is, and he can’t hide his jealousy that Patrick has landed such a hot chick
  19. I have to admit, as a person with limp, baby fine hair, I covet her hair.
  20. According to this article from January, her due date is July 18th and she also revealed the baby's name (but maybe she changed her mind about the name since then and/or her due date may have been recalculated): https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/1000-lb-sisters-amy-halterman-slaton-reveals-sex-name-baby-2.html/
  21. And Patrick, with his main concerns being about Thais’s hotness and skill in the bedroom, is perpetuating the stereotype
  22. Thais has confessed in her THs that her father doesn't like Patrick but both Patrick and John have no idea that her father doesn't think he's a good guy.
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