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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. I think my closed captioning showed Louis Vuitton, but I can understand how that could sound like Louboutins.
  2. you didn't miss much and no, the parents haven't been told yet. Emily and Kobe are still at the drugstore.
  3. I read five years, that's almost a Golden Anniversary in this franchise
  4. I forget, is Jergens a sponsor of this show? I'm imagining a scrawny, yappy little chihuahua and three chubby pugs (no offense to chihuahuas or pugs)
  5. I would have thrown mine through one of their windows, accidentally of course.
  6. As is “The Frenchman” Any ideas what he could call HER?
  7. Personally, I thought their shiny, flesh colored shoes were ugly, designer or not.
  8. TLC probably hired the same faux Frenchman Actor.
  9. Maybe Miona has changed the wedding venue to Joshua Tree because, to her, a "beach wedding" means that it's held on the SAND and whether or not there's any body of water nearby isn't important?
  10. yeah, that whole thing was fake AF. I had totally forgotten about her ILLNESS, but you would think someone who was worried about possibly having it return during a pregnancy would take major precautions when she "lost her celibacy."
  11. I think it’s just a matter of time before several episodes of this show is devoted to Moriah wanting and getting breast implants
  12. The Ari/Bini and Emily/Kobe story lines are almost exactly the same. Both women got pregnant by their vacation fling then brought them to the US. Both men don't have any job skills or way to support a family even after they are allowed to work and the women don't have jobs, either. Both women are entitled brats who totally freeload off their parents and use their children to guilt the grandparents into financing everything. Both couples don't use birth control and now have had another pregnancy scare but the big difference is 1 line for Ari and 2 for Emily. Edited to add: How could I forget to include Kahlani and Asuelu in this group of deadbeats?
  13. Oh, I missed that, but it makes sense. Nice bridesmaids gift!
  14. Even Kerry's mother acted like an idiot. I agree, Gretchen and her sisters were much more likeable. They had a sad backstory, but were able to stay together and apparently all are doing well. I couldn't help but wonder how they could all afford matching LV shoes.
  15. Yes, that gets on my last nerve, too. Or in her case “exth-pecially”
  16. I’m sure that Emily, at least, knows very well how babies are made and my theory is that she got pregnant again deliberately. Her parents’ house rules mean nothing to her as she’s flaunted them all her life with no repercussions. I’ll bet her ovulation app indicated it was a peak conception time when she made that surprise stop off night at the hotel after she picked him up at the airport.
  17. I think @Pepper Mostly was using the word "conversate" in a nod to Love After Lockup. It is a real word that has become popular in the Urban Dictionary and can be used in place of "converse." We did conversate about its usage here at some length. Mo has only been here a couple of months and he's already anxious to get back to Egypt and Mommy? Who's paying for that little junket? Why don't Mo and Yve get married at "Medieval Times"?
  18. Actually, because of the “E”, Kara’s tattoo likely says “not fussed”. Wouldn’t that be a term for someone who is NOT bothered by things? If so, she must have gotten the tat when she was black out drunk because she seems to be just the opposite of laid back and nonplussed.* * I don’t think I’ve ever used that word in a sentence before, I hope it’s correct. Otherwise I’d be fussed.
  19. So it looks like Patrick won’t even spring for a $30 pillow from a home store
  20. From the sunglasses on her head, I was going to guess Miona
  21. They act like these are the only two options for birth control.
  22. That seems to be a new trend, instead of going to the trouble of having your wedding gown "bustled" for the reception, just get a SECOND gown! As an added bonus, you get to make two grand entrances in the same day!
  23. @Floatingbison marked himself as "safe" during tonight's episode. He's exhausted from a kitchen reno project. Next Saturday, he is biking from Seattle to Portland so he's going to be too tired to join us, but he will catch up and sends his regards.
  24. My husband just looked up from his newspaper at the preview for next week when Kobe is talking to his friend about Emily’s pregnancy and said, “Dude, you’ve already relieved yourself of the load…”
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