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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. There was also a large blood drop on Nicoles back that was likely not hers.. It was "lost". I remember everything about this case. Everything. And I Can't watch the miniseries. Once years ago, I was driving through Brentwood. I passed Rockingham. Kept going, minutes later I passed Bundy. I remember all of the crap about how he wouldn't have had time etc etc... Bullcrap
  2. Many of the Adjuncts who work at my CC also work at UCF. They are teaching the EXACT same class at both schools. The difference is that the one at UCF costs twice what the one costs at CC. Another thing that is being seen a lot now days is very good students choosing to do their first two years at CC because it is half the price of a University. I too applied to 2 high ranking private schools(Not Standford high) , Rollins and Stetson, and got offered large scholarships to both. IN the end UCF had a better program for my degree topic so I stuck with them.
  3. Got to jump in and defend CC for a minute, here, although not Clown College. All CC's offer remedial classes for credit, Usually in English and Math. They are assigned credit values because those are needed to figure out financial aid and GPA for things like "satisfactory attendance" etc. They help determine if a student is full time, part, three-quarter time, etc. Otherwise, students get less financial aid, GI benefits, etc.. They do NOT count towards your degree. AN Associate's Degree requires 60 credits, and remedial classes don't apply. A student will have to complete them, plus as additional 60 credits. I went back to school at 43, and despite having taken Algebra and Geometry back in the stone age, I had not retained them for an additional 25 years. I took two remedial Maths and then two more college level ones. Only the college level ones count towards a degree. I'm now Junior at a Florida University, On the Presidents List, preparing honors theses and, intending on going to grad school. And I started with remedial Math. Not defending this idiot. Just explaining how it works
  4. As a New Englander I laughed at the Southie thing. It's totally what a Bostonian might say. yes, it's definitely a thing. That cop had a think working class Boston accent.Someone with a love for Boston was working on this.. So many references. And as a Former Marine, they could theoretically fly from Langley AFB or Edwards .. I can't recall if Quantico has an airfield, but I don't think so.
  5. I went back at 43. I'm a Junior now and planning on Grad school. I'm about to start deciding on my honors Thesis. Kyle can do this.
  6. Duh. I didn't think to look there. Sorry everyone. I can't wait to read the snark.
  7. I don't want to go back 5 pages. Has anyone seen Gigi on Celebrity Masterchef? She is playing for a Lyme disease charitiy and talking about how her Mom, Sister and brother have it. She is also a "foodie". Maybe she will make dippers.
  8. Those look like standard issue glasses that we were given in the Marines. They are called BC glassed. Birth control glasses, because no man will ever touch you when you wear them.
  9. Can we please not mention that man and sex in the same sentence? Please?
  10. If gods plan includes misery and suffering then god is a jerk
  11. There was a a brief period of time in my 20's when I tried to go back to the Catholic CHurch. I wanted to give them a chance as an adult and I wanted to try to understand the things I did not know. I have been HIV Pos since 1990 when I was 20 and I have spent the last 22 year with an HIV negative man. When I asked the church about using contraceptives to prevent transmission I was told that I had to just trust in god. That was the end for me. They have changed their stance on this since then, and there is much to like in the current Pope. I'll also be the first one to explain how and why Catholics don't worship(or shouldn't) Mary or the Saints.
  12. To start with Lancet, questions the treatment in medical facilities. Denial of pain meds and others because she believed humans needed to suffer. Copying from one article , Shattering the Myth of Mother Theresa Teresa’s free clinics provided care that was at best rudimentary and haphazard and at worst unsanitary and dangerous, despite the enormous amounts of donations she received. Multiple volunteers at Teresa’s clinics, such as Mary Loudon and Susan Shields, have testified to the inadequate care provided to the dying. Despite routinely receiving millions of dollars in donations, Teresa deliberately kept her clinics barren and austere, lacking all but the most rudimentary and haphazard care. Volunteers such as Loudon, and Western doctors such as Robin Fox of the Lancet, wrote with shock of what they found in Teresa’s clinics. No tests were performed to determine the patients’ ailments. No modern medical equipment was available. Even people dying of cancer, suffering terrible agony, were given no painkillers other than aspirin. Needles were rinsed and reused, without proper sterilization. No one was ever sent to the hospital, even people in clear need of emergency surgery or other treatment. and Teresa considered converting the sick and the poor to be a higher priority than providing for their actual needs, and believed that human suffering was beneficial and even “beautiful”. The following quote from Teresa says it all: “I think it is very beautiful for the poor to accept their lot, to share it with the passion of Christ. I think the world is being much helped by the suffering of the poor people.” On another occasion, Teresa told a terminal cancer patient, who was dying in extreme pain, that he should consider himself fortunate: “You are suffering like Christ on the cross. So Jesus must be kissing you.” (She freely related his reply, which she seemed not to realize was meant as a putdown: “Then please tell him to stop kissing me.”) And while I do understand the Catholic churches position on abortion and contraception, I am bothered by one who would deny contraception to women whose existing children were already dying of starvation. There is much to be found if you google her,
  13. Well, I don't exactly view Mother Theresa as a good person.
  14. To say it at it's simplest, evangelicals believe they have an obligation to spread the gospel,to Evangelize. Fundamentalists see the bible as the absolute literal word of God. They tend to be far more conservative , like the Duggars. Pretty much all Fundamentalists are evangelical, but not all evangelicals are fundamentalists.
  15. IT's very very difficult to leave a religion that you were raised in, especially if it's one with a strong cultural component, Catholicism, Judaism, Baptist. It's a part of who you are, even if you don't believe the doctrine. It's hard just to cross denominations. It's even harder to switch religions completely, like I did, from Christianity to Judaism. My life would have been so much easier had I just stayed Catholic. In some ways it felt like turning my back on my entire family, and like I was repudiating my upbringing. I wanted very badly to fit in and to just believe. The bottom line was , I just couldn't. BUt some people can. They find ways to accept some things and to discard others. Maybe they are fooling themselves? Or maybe they figure the religion is right, it's just people who screw it up. I'm 45 and I still feel some guilt about leaving.
  16. ITs harder if your religion is belief based yes. ON the other hand, if a religion, like Judaism believes that the "commentary" is meant only for Jews, they aren't out there trying to stop others who wish to do those things.. ITs why you don't see Jews holding God Hates Prawns signs... Jewish Law is for Jews and there is no need to force beliefs on other
  17. I would call the Baptists I belonged to Fundies, but they were Independent Fundamental Baptists.. To me there is also a difference between Evangelical and Fundamentalist
  18. Well, as a Catholic, on Good Friday, my church would bring out a big cross and we would be given nails to go put in the cross. This was to remind us that our sin was in part, responsible for Jesus's death. Very family friendly.
  19. The Talmud tells a story of Rabbi Hillel, who lived around the time of Jesus. A pagan came to him saying that he would convert to Judaism if Hillel could teach him the whole of the Torah in the time he could stand on one foot. Rabbi Hillel replied, "What is hateful to yourself, do not do to your fellow man. That is the whole Torah; the rest is just commentary. That's how religion should work. That's the Golden Rule, Jewish style.. One form or another of the rule has existed in almost all societies and religions. Too bad we aren't so good at following it. The Duggars included.
  20. A cross is just a cross.. A crucifix has a dead body on it. I still have nightmares of my childhood, of staring at dead Jesus, on a cross.
  21. Aww, that's so sweet about Jana, but I much prefer giving ungodly advice.
  22. I should add to, that an element of that acceptance as a Jew comes via birthright. A Jew is Jewish if they had a Jewish mother, so an Orthodox Jew would view a Reform Jew as a Jew if they had a Jewish mother. Now, conversely, Jewish lineage comes via the paternal line.
  23. I would say that there is less division between Jewish movements than with Christian denominations. But of course I am generalizing and there are exceptions. Hasidic Jews believe Reform Jews are Jews. The only place where there can be some question is with Conversion. An Orthodox Jew may not view my Reform conversion as legitimate. I've not experienced that and have been warmly accepted by the Orthodox and Hasidic Jews I have met, and as I said, Orthodox and Hasidic Jews taught me in my Pathways to Judaism, conversion classes. When I studied with JW's and Baptists they certainly had no issues with telling me my Catholic upbringing was not a Christian one.
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