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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. I don't know what to do tonight. The reunion and election returns start at the same time
  2. Leeanne's husband looks like a regular sized Matt Roloff.
  3. I think you described yourself as a bleeding heart somewhere else? If so then yes.
  4. Return, Kyle, Lisa V, Lisa R, Eileen, Kathryn Go, Yolanda and Erica
  5. Hell, I am as liberal as they come but I was in the MIitary in the late 80's. I would NOT have been cool with a KGB agent around. I also would have been well aware of the dangers. I can't believe someone of his age wouldn't be even more aware and concerned, liberal or not.
  6. Me too, but I am watching. My 21 year old son watches all the 80's stuff with me.
  7. It's actually a series and I think this week's episode is the 4th. One was on Tv/Film, another the AIDS crisis and the last one was the Reagan Admin
  8. I see Skinny Girl here in Florida at Publix and it's at my local liquor chain
  9. This is really long but it describes the entire production of the episode from the table read to post production. http://www.vox.com/2016/4/14/11411564/how-tv-gets-made-americans-fx-production
  10. Hope this isn't too off topic, but one of my History professors was an MP in Moldova. He specialized in Moldovan history and politics along with various Holocaust and Cold War Topics. He is the first person I ever met from . Is there an OT thread in this forum? Maybe some of you smart people can help me come up with a topic for my honors thesis.
  11. See for me, Phillip is a better human being than stand. I know he is Soviet, so I'm not supposed to do that. Philip does the things he does for the good of his country. He really believes that. He feels guilt and sadness when he does these things, but he feels he must. As someone else described Stan a few posts ago, he does most of what he does for personal gain.
  12. The Pastor Ted story is pretty boring. It can end already.
  13. She looked like she ate an Everlasting Gobstopper. Someone roll her to the juicing room.
  14. Kim, you are not OK. The fact that you don't admit that you are not OK, tells me that you aren't OK But LR needs to back off with Kim.
  15. Can we please have no more seasons of RH focused on whether or not someone is sick/exaggerating? Please. Pretty Please? Has Yolanda ever responded to an inquiry about how she is feeling with anything but bad/fair, followed by frowny face?
  16. Yeah, I am not bothered by sick one day fine the next. That's just how it goes with chronic illness. You may be fine in he morning and bad at night. feel OK one day and terrible the next. You may even have weeks or months of feeling good and then feeling bad. You can guess how you will feel, but you don't always know. and sometimes sick people just have to pick and choose. I was never puzzled by her healthy one day, IV instagram the next. It happens.
  17. Compassion, yes. It's nice. But I don't believe that I am entitled to any more than anyone else. I don't want special treatment. In fact, pity, sadness etc, that just makes it harder. My close friends are the ones who treat me just like anyone else. My kids sing the You Have AIDS song from Family Guy and I think it's funny.. But there is a difference between laughing with someone and laughing at someone.I do think the ladies were laughing at Yolanda and that's not cool.
  18. Agreed, because thing is, it's not a contest. We all have something. Illness, addiction, divorce, family issues. I am not more important than my friends because I have HIV. Most sick people just want to be normal. They want to be treated like everyone else. I know that's what I want. I don't want to be treated like some fragile porcelain doll. I just want to be a person. I have been a LOT of sick people. Most are like me; a few are like Yo has been depicted. And I have a weird thing about phones. I HATE talking on the phone. My friends and family know to text me, not call. These are not Yolanda's close friends. They are colleagues who maybe knew each other for a short time before Yo got sick.
  19. OH.... So excited. I love Tyrant. Season 3 starts soon. The show is about a family who rules a fiction middle eastern country. The main character is the son of the king, who left his country and became an American Doctor. 20 years later he returns home and stuff happens.. The second season ocusus on an ISIS type uprising. Season 2 is better than season one, but I think Americans fans might like it. It's not as good as the Americans, but it's good
  20. I believe SJP ancestor was Rebecca Eames, whose name was on one of the documents that they did a close up on.
  21. I cried a little at the end of this one. My 8th Great Grandmother was Martha Carrier(Allen) , executed Salem Witch. She was hanged on Aug 19,1992. As the poster above mentioned, it was about a lot more than just witchcraft. Martha was a loud, outspoken woman. She was blamed for bringing Smallpox first to Billerica and then Andover. She had some disputes over land. Not just that but her husband Thomas Carrier was rumored to have been the executioner of Charles I of England. Her children were tortured and eventually testified against her. The description of their torture was " the children were reportedly hung by their heels "until the blood was ready to come out of their noses". Cotton Mather called her the Queen of Hell. On the gallows ,she refused to confess to a "filthy Falsehood". I know it's silly to get emotional over and ancestor from 300 years ago, but I did. I understand why It also go to him. I also spent 4 years of my childhood in Peabody Ma, which was next to Salem. I spent a lot of time there as a child and I had no idea my ancestor was one of the 19.
  22. Actually, technically, the USSR would view both children and Soviet citizens based on the fact That the USSR determined citizenship via jus sanguinis’... Citizenship via descent/blood. While I doubt they would view her as a traitor, they technically could
  23. The thing is. I don't think Yolanda's friends walked away from her. Some did, but not all. I didn't personally find it terribly painful when people walked away from me. Some people just aren't good around sick people and I accept that. But I absolutely agree that it should have been talked about off camera. I wasn't terribly hurt by people who couldn't deal. But the ones who talked about me behind my back, that did hurt. I was in the Marines, and while most people said nothing to my face, but word actually spread from Camp Pendleton to Kuwait(1st Gulf war). People were actually talking about me there. For me, there are 2 issues,the backing away, and the gossip. But to be fair, these women can't simply fade away as they are coworkers. And I'm sorry but I have little time for Yolanda, someone who lets herself be defined by her disease. It's like she revels in being sick. reminds me of my mother. I had sympathy for her early on, but not anymore. In the interest of full disclosure, I've not liked Yolanda from the beginning, so I am biased.
  24. Thanks! Makes sense. Re "communal". In the 50's and 60's, there were major housing shortages. Most people lived in Khrushchyovka, named after Kruschev. The were 3 to five-story apartment buildings with shared kitchens and bathrooms. The average apt was about 350 so feet for one room and about 650 SQ feet for two rooms. In the book, I am reading for class right now called " Soviet Baby Boomers, most people remember the communal living fondly. I guess Elizabeth grew up in one. Starting in the 70's people were often given much bigger apartments.
  25. This is why I am anti-DP. Not because I'm so sympathetic to the executed, but because I worry about what it does to the people involved and what it does to the psyche of Americans when people are executed in their name. The DP had been banned in the USSR at various and in the 80's it had been reduced to the punishment for, I think 5 crimes when it had at one point been used for 20. The plan was to phase out executions completely as true communism was achieved. They really did believe that the method used was humane. The USSR in the 80's had 4 squads that did the executions. When it became known that one group was making the condemned kneel down, the whole group was fired as making the condemned kneel was considered dehumanizing. Russia has not executed anyone since 1996. I was in the military in the late 80's when the USSR was failing. I once attended a rodeo on Camp Pendleton with a group of Soviet Solders. Talk about weird when my whole life they had been the enemy. I do believe Elizabeth and Phillip believe that what they are doing is for the greater good. While I don't think we will see them experience the fall of the Warsaw Pact nations. I'm curious to know if we will see them react to Gorbachov, Perestroika, glasnost , etc.
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