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Carrie Ann

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Everything posted by Carrie Ann

  1. I make her turkey meatloaf all the time, but instead of using FIVE POUNDS of ground turkey, I quarter the recipe and use the standard 1.25 lb. package. I use the recipe with ground beef too. My second-most often used recipe is the Banana Crunch muffin, for which I also use her granola recipe. Highly recommend both. I've made the lemon yogurt cake a few times, and the level of lemon doesn't bother me, but I can't seem to get the texture right. It's always a little...bouncy. Tight. I don't know how to explain it.
  2. I love the potential of the ARGUS/HIVE/Suicide Squad storylines because at this point, it's more about Diggle than it is about Oliver. And that's refreshing and important to keeping him central to the story. At this point, I'm just hoping for that to happen in Season 3.
  3. Aw snap. I've been thinking about that one for a week. The presenters of a British news program chafe when forced to move in with the producer's crotchety father-in-law.
  4. I didn't like Talisa either, but she was more of a character than Jeyne. At least they tried to provide some reason that Robb would be such an idiot. In the books, you just had to sort of infer that they had some connection.
  5. Yeah, I think I know most of them. Here's the tracklist and where they were used: • We Used To Be Friends (Alejandro Escovedo): busker outside Piz's office • Go Captain and Pinlighter (Emperor X): Veronica's arrival at the airport and V/P breakup scene • Holding My Breath (Mr. Twin Sister): in videos of Bonnie and Ruby karaoke • All Around and Away We Go (Mr. Twin Sister): at the 09er, Ruby dances to it • Criminal (ZZ Ward featuring Freddie Gibbs): at the 09er, while douches are hitting on Veronica • Chicago (Sufjan Stevens): Veronica and Logan "take the long way home" in his convertible • Stick Up (Max): Reunion after-party at Gia's • Never Give In (Mackintosh Braun): Same, also used briefly at the 09er • Prosthetic Love (Typhoon): Logan drives Veronica home from the hospital, make-out/sex scene • You’ll Never Find Another Love Like Mine (Lou Rawls):
  6. Yeah, I thought the episode was excellent. I like that they're starting to show the toll the job has taken on Phillip, Elizabeth, and even Claudia. Like, you can sort of tell that for years, Elizabeth was able to compartmentalize her pain and fear, but now that she's been shot and fallen in love with Phillip, she can't keep those feelings down. Like her cover as the grad student who'd been raped, in the same way she herself was. Like her trying to protect Lucia from having to first have sex with and then having to kill the Congressional Aide. And I think she sort of knew what she was asking for when she wanted Phillip to be Clark, but it's like she NEEDS to confront these feelings now. That scene though...oof. I just wonder where this will take her. Will she resent the Motherland/Centre for putting them in these positions? Will she hate the US even more, for the same reason? Also liked the revelation that Arkady knows Oleg is going after Beeman. (That was a revelation, right?)
  7. I love Spike too, but I think some people ended up not liking him because of the hero treatment he got in Seasons 5-7. A LOT of time was spent on Spike and his relationship with Buffy, and some people felt that that came at the expense of other characters and relationships. (Plus, you know, he attempted to rape Buffy, which can be hard to move past.) When I rewatched earlier this year, I actually liked Spike's arc more than I did when it originally aired. And while I'll always miss the evil Spike of the early seasons, I like having him around, and they just really couldn't have done that without making him less evil. And I appreciate his journey to trying to be a good person. Maybe it was originally for the wrong reasons (Buffy), but that's why I like the Spike arc of Season 7. Because he actually has no expectations or demands of Buffy. Once he's de-crazified, he just wants to help if they want his help. There are a bunch of similar characters/arcs on other shows that skip this critical piece of redemption and they are not as successful because of it.
  8. This was fantastic. My MVP for the episode was Susanna Thompson, who just killed it in every moment (except for the previously-mentioned silly debate, but that's not her fault). Maybe I was in a mood or something, but when she said, "For five years, I was the woman who had lost her son," I just kinda gulped and watched the rest of that scene through watery eyes. Moira looked so small and lost. She is written and acted so well that she can trick you with that ice queen stuff sometimes. But this distance Oliver has put between them must hurt her so badly after losing him for all that time. She's a mother who loves her children and whose failings have hurt them in ways a stranger never could have, and it's killing her. Props to Stephen Amell too, who showed Oliver experiencing the same realization.
  9. I thought it was interesting too, because there have been a few times this season where Oliver has set off half-cocked to take some baddie on, and Felicity has been the one to step in to question him. I think it might have been Cyrus Gold both times I'm thinking of actually. She was worried he was unbeatable and that Oliver was heading to his own death. Presumably, she might have thought the same thing here, but Slade had Thea, so being cautious wasn't the right play. Similarly, she was never comfortable with Oliver killing people in Season 1, and has helped support his attempts to avoid killing when possible. But I think she has also come to recognize that it's not always possible. And now she's sort of like the keeper of that moral line for Oliver. So in that scene, she was just affirming for him that yes, it is OK to kill Slade. Even if you feel guilty for turning him into what he is. Even if he was your friend once.
  10. I find him almost unbearably attractive. Stephen, more than Oliver/Arrow. I think it's because Stephen smiles and laughs so much more than Oliver does. Plus, on Twitter, if he makes a spelling/grammar mistake, he always gets mad at himself and corrects it. Grammar nerds are hot. He posted a video the other day of him playing peekaboo with his baby, and I almost died.
  11. Yeah, I can totally understand why some fans just can't get interested in Sansa, but I really love her. She was the perfect little lady until she got to Kings Landing, and it has been her undoing. She grew up around good people, and was kept from a lot of hard truths, so she was unskilled in the arts of deception and war. The fact that she was so sheltered means that it took her quite a bit of time to come around to realizing that what happened with Joffrey and her father wasn't some blip. The world is just pretty hostile and out to get her, basically. Now she has to figure out how to adjust herself to that new viewpoint. I look forward to seeing more of her growth.
  12. I don't ship Stelena or Delena, though I used to ship both, but in the times that Stefan and Elena were actually together (so, not counting him being the Ripper and having his humanity turned off by Klaus), they were clearly a healthier couple than Damon and Elena. So many reasons that are off-topic in this thread, though we can get into them somewhere else! But step one: Stefan doesn't hurt or threaten to hurt her friends and family. So to answer the previous poster's question: No, as far as we know, Elena isn't aware of Damon's most recent attempt to kill Jeremy. Honestly, I wouldn't be sure except that Elena wouldn't be so surprised that Jeremy wanted to move out. But at this point, I really don't think it's that big of a drama, compared to all the other things Damon's done this season and even just in the time Kat was in Elena's body, so I don't even think the writers are saving it for some big moment of shock and anger. I think they just don't care to address it.
  13. I think the poster was saying it was placed around the city, ready to be used, and then removed from those places back into whatever holding facility the pyromancers had for it. But yes, it is the same wildfire. I think it's generally considered sort of inhumane to use, so I fully believe that the Mad King's plans for it would have been hushed up by anyone still alive who knew about it.
  14. I'm not sure she'd be "goofy," but I could imagine in a scenario that pushed certain buttons for her and just made her lose control a little bit.
  15. Yeah, I only realized that when I got to That's when I pulled out the DVDs and insisted my husband watch it that way instead.
  16. Watching a lot of sports this time of year means that I have seen this 5 Hour Energy commercial like a million times. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvayIrNg8hk Among other meaningless cliches about FOCUS, it spouts this bit of nonsense: Good luck keeping your head down while also keeping your eye on the ball, bro. Also, I'm pretty sure if you diagram that sentence, the last clause suggests that you're hitting your own head out of the park. Focus is LIFE!
  17. I second your wish about Rosa and Boyle--nothing would be a bigger turn-off to me. I don't want the show to soften Rosa, but I like having her be three-dimensional, so I'd like to see more moments of her being a good friend, and appreciative of people, etc. I loved her little smile in Holt's office as Jake was starting his "And YOUR mother!" storm-out. I'd love to see more of Holt and his husband, because that party episode was...just not long enough.
  18. I agree about Sam and Patrick. I saw a lot more chemistry between them than I did with either of their current pairings (or obvious future re-pairings, in Patrick's case). Putting them together would lead to some good drama if Robin/Jason come back.
  19. No rules about boards on boards. The only things is to avoid personal attacks, and any hate speech/slurs (racism, homophobia, misogyny, etc.). So naming a thread "Liz: Saint or Slut?" is out. But talking about other threads, posters, etc, is fine. Thanks for the clarification about Det. West, y'all. That's what I meant when I said I probably missed some critical info. I pretty much missed a month of the show while on vacation, and then returning to find that I was pretty uninterested in everything going on. Just tuned back in in time to see the engagement party blow up.
  20. I don't actually hate Sonny as a presence on the show. I just see him as a toxic presence in everyone's lives. Like, he can't have a healthy relationship with anyone and usually being connected to him means you or a close loved one will die or come close. So I find that dynamic--his ability to keep everyone in his sphere while constantly causing them pain, demanding so much from others and not giving as much in return--sort of interesting. I just have to reframe the show/storylines in my mind to make that work. Also, I think I like MB better than a lot of you do! So that makes Sonny more tolerable too.
  21. Yeah, as far as anyone still being in Neptune, I believed all of it. It didn't seem far-fetched to me. For Logan, someone explained that his rank means that he has a college degree, so presumably, he's been in the service for about five years. Most of that time would have been spent away from Neptune. Why would he have established a homebase in a new place when he wouldn't even live there very often? It made sense to me that when he's not deployed, he'd just live at Dick's house.
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