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Everything posted by yorklee2

  1. Oh I would love this! I've always liked Wells and I would love if TPTB would go with someone totally unexpected. Like Nick last year.
  2. I agree that Mikey is the weakest singer left but I don't agree that Sergio is a weak singer. I think he has a good voice and the only reason he was in bottom two is because his personality hasn't stood out like so many of the others. So I kind of agree with Nick on that. He needs to find a way to shine more. He seems to have a good fan base though so maybe that will help him last long enough to do that.
  3. Wow after all the pages and pages of comments there isn't anything that hasn't been covered so not much to add. I just want to say that I honestly didn't like either one of the F2 for Rachel. I never warmed up to Bryan but time will tell if he's sincere. And all that Peter drama. Glad she didn't pick him but for all the differing opinions on both men the truth always seems to fall somewhere in the middle. Both sides of the argument has some truth to it. But I think what would have been a truly shocking ending is if she had went with Eric! Couldn't have been any worse than Bryan or Peter. At least she would have had a great foundation of friendship. As for Peter being the next Bachelor I'm just going to take it as it comes. It's hard not to think he would be hypocritical if he takes the lead spot but maybe he would be more at ease if he were in control. Who knows? We'll see how that goes. Unless by a slim chance they go with someone else but it's not looking likely right now. I would like them to pull a big surprise like they did with Nick and go with somebody totally unexpected.
  4. But that was before the show got so sleazy and with so much manufactured drama. Before all the shilling and just wanting exposure. And since no lead comes out unscathed I can't see a smart rich guy wanted to be a part of it. Not saying they could never cast a rich guy but I think most would have the sense to stay far away from it.
  5. That would be great but I can't see a legitimate catch wanting to do this show. If they have money and values then I can't see them even touching this show. More like they would run screaming. Besides a legitimate catch would not need to do this show.
  6. Yes! Thank you for this post. This is exactly what I was trying to explain in an earlier post. I'm from Tn and I agree there are some racist people here still holding on to their views but in my experience it's more so the older generation. But we're not wholly our parents or grandparents and things have evolved more. I try to take the many good things my ancestors have taught me and use them but I don't blanketly accept all their views as I realize some come from a place of ignorance and misunderstanding. Some of my closest work friends have been black and I have always taught my daughter to treat people the way you want to be treated regardless of their skin color. I believe racism can be a two way street and we all could and should be more tolerant of each others cultures. We should be able to come together regardless of the color of our skin, our politics and our cultures. That's why people like Lee infuriate me so much. As I noticed during the show that Kenny at one point did a imitation of Lee complete with the southern accent and mannerisms. And as I can understand Kenny's frustrations and perception of Lee it was a small affront to me as I considered it unnecessary. But I blame this on Lee. He is not a complete representation of our region and it's people. He is a awful and perfect example of racists no matter where they come from.
  7. I have no idea when the interview was as I didn't see it. I was referring to the post by @jacklyn88 where she stated she had saw the interviews. It's on page one. You could ask her. I actually think it looked as though they were auditioning both Dean and Kenny. As though they are keeping their options open. I really wish they would stop going with just their top 4 to pick their next lead. I think many viewers have favorites and like many of these men who don't make top 4. Like move it back to top 10. It's like they underestimate how much the viewers really like and identify with more than just the final few. Oftentimes their finalists are not as popular for various reasons than the ones who were eliminated before them. Like this season. I like Eric and Peter but Eric seems a little immature and Peter is boring. And please not Bryan. I have no interest in seeing his swarmy lines and suck face. I think most viewers have no problem with identifying and remembering the top 10. I for one wouldn't mind seeing Alex as the lead. Why do they always have to have this sob story back line to qualify for the spot. If anything the earlier ones have more time to get over any hurt or attachments they may have developed with the lead. Plus if they would broaden the playing field I think it would be more fun speculating for us viewers.
  8. I agree. I stated from I think the first (possibly second) episode that I didn't like Lee. This was even before the Kenny drama. I knew he was a troublemaker and shit stirrer. The things he has said and done are inexcusable in my opinion. But being from the south another reason he made me irate is the stereotypical image that he reinforced of southern people being predominately racist. There are pockets of people who still hold on to their racist views but most are not that way at all. Or at least not the majority of people I know. So in my view that's another group he needs to apologize to. And as I've stated before I hate when the actions of a few are misinterpreted to represent a whole region. I hope he has sincerely learned a valuable lesson from this but I have my doubts.
  9. Yes and from what I saw Alex was the most enthusiastic about it. It reminds me of the Scandinavian group date where they had the faux Viking battles and the clips of them having so much playful fun with it. Apparently they developed a close comradery. I like to see that between contestants. Like Rachel and Raven from last season. I think they may have been acknowledging the guts and strength it took him to have that stressful hometown date with his father. Or that's my take on it. ETA: Also it came to mind that they could have good naturedly been teasing him because he's been so well received and gained a, ( I would think) sizeable fan base.
  10. Oh well I guess we won't get to see his handsome face as Bach and what he said makes a lot of sense. Actually makes me like him that much more for being perceptive enough to realize that. But still..would have been nice to see him as lead. Maybe he will reconsider if next season's bachelors are all duds and he's not seriously involved with someone. We can always hope.
  11. I know it's a minor point and you probably didn't realize you were doing it but it's Bachelor in Paradise not Bachelor Pad.
  12. You know even though I know Dean will be on BIP it still almost seemed as though he was being auditioned for the next Bachelor. I thought he seemed very articulate, well spoken and yes more mature. I think the break up with Rachel has a lot to do with that. Of the three that's left I would much rather see Dean as Bachelor than any of them.
  13. I agree with this. I was initially giving Peter the benefit of the doubt and thought it was just natural shyness and reserve on his part but halfway through the season I started to see the lack of serious attraction on his part and that he didn't seem to be trying. If he's made the next Bach then he's going to have to eat a lot of his words and it would be a little hard to take him seriously. I don't dislike Peter but I don't get the almost fanatical support for him as next Bach. I think Rachel is a very intelligent woman and for her to be so far gone on Bryan makes me think there were some serious conversations between them that were cut and we were not privy to. But I still can't warm up to him and really hope if he wants to make it work that he gives serious consideration to moving away from Miami. That MIL would seriously drive me up the wall.
  14. I think opinions vary somewhat based on who we like and don't like. For example where you focused in on negative comments about Vanessa so did I with Raven. I actually liked Vanessa at the start of the season and was neutral about Raven but as the season progressed, based on what we were shown, I grew to like Raven and dislike Vanessa. So point being I saw many posts talking about how hideous Raven looked, how much her accent was disliked, she was redneck bordering on stupid. Some were even saying she looked retarded because her eyes were too close together or some similar nonsense. And I was one who commented on how much Rachel was liked by the other women in the house but I didn't reference as opposed to Vanessa in any way. I stand by my opinion that Rachel was extremely well liked by her co-contestants. But we all have the right to our opinions so we just have to agree to disagree I suppose. Back on topic I'm one of those mentioned who don't have social media or follow it so I've not saw all the fanatic Peter love. Which I find odd. I don't understand getting that invested in a reality show contestant. I watch and have my favs and not so favs but once the show has aired I'm done. I don't frantically follow every detail of their life's as some of these people do. That's kind of scary. ETA: Just wanted to clarify that when I say "these people" I'm referring to people on social media not this board.
  15. I liked Raven and even though I didn't find her hideous as some posters did I did not think she was as pretty as Vanessa was. I did however find Raven more fun and real which is why I liked her. I think going for pretty over compatibility and an easy friendship oftentimes leads to regret. Not saying it will in Nick and Vanessa's case but highly temperamental, jealous and domineering people, as I think Vanessa is, don't always make for long term compatible relationships. I also think she came off as very smug towards the end of the season. My viewpoint comes from personal experience and I saw many red flags from Vanessa's behaviour that we were shown. I could be completely wrong of course and it was Nick's choice to make, not mine. Vanessa could have many other endearing qualities but I don't think that was what we were shown. And as you find the Vanessa hate irrational I in turn find the Raven hate irrational. But we are entitled to our opinions and as the saying goes to each his own. ETA- Posted before I saw the message to move on from the topic.
  16. It was slightly in a different way. He was more overly impressed with himself and thought all women should fall at his feet because he went to Harvard. Which he constantly mentioned in his TM's. He thought he was the cat's meow and all the other men couldn't possibly be as good a catch as him. No humility to speak of. Blech. He was a fairly attractive man IMO but not as much as he thought he was. Certainly that attitude negated any visual attractiveness.
  17. That would have been Ian from Kaitlyn's season. Yes he had a impressive education but unfortunately he had a oversized ego to match. Way to cocky. He let his true colors show when he went off on Kaitlyn (warranted or not) and said some pretty offensive things.
  18. Thanks JudyObscure I like you too! I have to say that I too can get carried away and have oftentimes felt like a lone wolf in my attempting to clarify and uphold my views and stated reasons. And yes it can be hard to step away from. If you need to apologize then I certainly have needed to in my time on this board. But I don't think you have anything to apologize for.
  19. Thanks for posting. I don't understand why it wasn't shown either. Bryans' taking the watch off and doing the little twirl with it was a little smug and show-offy in my opinion. I really can't stand that type of behaviour. Not much humility there. I thought as she was buying it that other than Corrine's flashy clothes purchases for Nick last season I have never saw a lead purchase anything that expensive before. And it's surprising to me that the show would spring for it considering how cheap they can be. I mean she buys Anthony a cowboy hat and boots but I can't imagine they would be as expensive as that nice watch. Has anyone here ever noticed a expensive purchase like that before by a lead?
  20. I've noticed on the ads for the upcoming ESPY'S that she's being shown as a announcer along with sport and Hollywood elites. I think I read on here the speculation that she wanted to possibly pursue something in the legal/sport field? If true it looks like she may have her foot in the door.
  21. On the "they may be faking the cancer" speculation I wanted to respond to it. As a stage 4 colon cancer patient and survivor I can tell you that not all patients look awful all the time. I'm currently in treatment and people tell me all the time that I look good for someone going through chemo. Not all patients lose their hair and on weeks your not taking chemo you actually look halfway human. I also haven't lost a tremendous amount of weight. And yes he may be in remission. So I don't for one minute think they are faking it. But on the small chance they are shame on them for using something that millions suffer from every day to try and gain an advantage on the other competitors. But like I said I don't think that's the case.
  22. I understand what your saying. But I don't know, as others have said he seems more open and flirty with her on the group dates so that seems to suggest that he's not as comfortable with the more intimate one on one time with her. Yes it's a tv show, yes he knew that going in but I think that's his basic persona. Honestly I would be the same. There's something to be said for a little reserve and wanting to keep intimacy private. It does make me question his ability to be the next Bach if he isn't F1 though. Unless he would be more open if he's in control and can go at his own pace. But he does seem to be a little uncomfortable with the process to me.
  23. You've said exactly what I've been thinking but used much better words to get it across. He's not letting himself go in the process because he's not totally comfortable with it. And yes he seems more intrigued than "in love". It's almost like he's still stuck in the early, first getting to know you stage this far in the game.
  24. Boy am I late to the party! I was having a hard time trying to figure out the dynamic between Rachel and Peter. Since I don't usually read speculations and spoilers (a quick pick before the season starts) I just found out RS had changed his F1 prediction. I kept thinking since we're in this stage of the season that Peter wasn't progressing enough to be the F1. I was puzzled so I decided to check S&S to see what people were saying and now I know why it wasn't making sense. I do have to wonder, as others have stated, if RS is 100% accurate since he didn't seem quite as confident in his announcement of the change. I agree with others it makes the rest of the season more interesting when you can have that little bit of wondering if he could be wrong. Does make you wonder if ABC is messing with him.
  25. Could be but then again it could be genuine rejection and hurt also. 50/50 there. I don't know why I keep trying to make sense out of a show that's not meant to be totally real. But on the other hand I don't think it can be totally fake either. Not all of it is scripted. I think in some ways that's the fun of watching. Trying to figure out what's real and what's not. For the sake of argument if we imagined he is into her than what would make him behave the way he does? In real life I have known men like him (if he's into her) that are as one poster put it, low energy. They are sincere but they will not be hurried and take longer to totally commit. It either leads to the woman getting frustrated and giving up or a long stable rewarding relationship. Like I said the whole dynamic is puzzling and intriguing to me. As for what we've been shown it looks as though, if he's sincere, that he's not physical into her but admires, respects, doesn't want to hurt her but is caught in a situation that makes it hard to express that. Or he's acting and doesn't really care as long as he gets what he wants out of it. I'm beginning to believe it's the former. He doesn't strike me as the type who would go to these kind of extremes to get what he wants. ETA: I guess I've always been the type who gives one the benefit of the doubt until all the cards are in. But he's running out of time to make his plays.
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