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Everything posted by yorklee2

  1. If that's a nose job then if I were her I would sue the surgeon. I don't think it's too small if anything it dominates and overshadows the rest of her face. She has thin small lips and her nose makes it seem more so. I wouldn't judge her at all if she did want a nose job but surely a even slightly decent surgeon would not have left her nose like that.
  2. I can see why Arie likes Tia as a friend but I don't see any chemistry between them. I think Krystal is too. When she started complaining about the other women being mean to her and then pulled him aside at the RC (which had to look desperate) when he wanted to get on with it she was sealing her fate in my opinion. No man likes to hear complaining and desperation is not a good look. Confidence is sexy to a man. Which is why he's so attracted to Bekah in my opinion.
  3. I loved Arie's date with Sienna. So natural and effortless. She was so articulate and Arie really seemed to be interested in what she had to say. Good date. Bekah's date was revealing to say the least. I was really impressed with the way Arie handled the situation of her age. He rightly voiced his concerns but at the same time didn't immediately dismiss her and what they had built to that point. I think it would have looked worse and been selfish on his part if he had did that. Giving her fair warning that he would proceed with caution was fair and mature in my opinion. I am so sick of talking about Krystal. Her antics are so expected and been done to death. She's like a caricature of the mean girl at this point. I don't even take her seriously anymore and I don't think Arie does either. I think the producers are making him keep her. Since it was pointed out to me I've noticed that Tia does seem to get beeped a lot. I don't know if the show is over exaggerating it to force a narrative (I noticed there were others beeped tonight, Arie included) but it doesn't seem to jive with everything else we've been shown of her. She comes across to me as kind of boring and bland. I really can't see or understand the connection Arie seems to have with her and I think she is one of the least attractive women he has left. Just my opinion. I liked Caroline. Sad to see her go. Overall I was really impressed with Arie tonight. He seems to have finally come alive and hope it continues.
  4. I hadn't thought about it but now you have me curious. I wouldn't doubt it or put it past the producers at all. Now I want to watch that part again...lol. If so good catch, @peachmangosteen!
  5. Sounds like a life long habit of hers also. In the conversation with Marikh she tells her about a friend in school who told her she would never let her around any of her future boyfriends again because she took hers. Her attitude was, " poor pitiful me, don't hate me because I'm beautiful", when she knows exactly what she's doing. She loves being the girl others love to hate.
  6. The dumping of Olivia on the windy rocky beach (extremely windy as I recall because there was a storm coming in) was the first time I remember seeing the rose being picked up, carried..etc to then just send the person home. Then JoJo did it the next season (which is the first time I saw it on a 1 in 1 date) with Wells. I remember being a little shocked but as @saber5055 said it's now becoming more commonplace and we'll probably see it more in upcoming seasons.
  7. I've noticed a lot of opinions of posters being bored with Arie and this season (myself included). I saw in a internet article after the premiere that the shows ratings were way down. They mentioned that it could have been due to the fact that it had never premiered on New Years Day and it had to fight with the college playoffs but even still the ratings were significantly down. I wonder if they have continued to slip and if so if that would be due to boredom with Arie and the women or if viewers are finally getting burnt out after 22 seasons. Could this be the beginning of a downward spiral to this shows end? What do you guys think?
  8. I didn't see Arie on Emily's season so I had no opinion of him beforehand but since I had read for years about how hot/great he and his kissing were I was kind of looking forward to his season. Although I have seen worse in leads to me he has been somewhat of a letdown. He's not offending but he's just...boring. He does seem a little on the not so bright side and makes it more obvious than some that he's probably just there for the hot girls and making out. I just can't seem to get into this season as much as previous seasons so I don't know how much may be me just getting burnt out with the whole process or the fact that Arie is not that interesting or compelling. This is the first time in many years I haven't been spoiled so I think that's what's keeping me watching. I just don't think there's enough to keep me watching if I knew how it all ended.
  9. Oh...ok. Of course for many things on this show we as viewers have different perceptions and opinions. I honestly have not noticed that about Tia.
  10. I didn't hear anyone ask her that but I don't think Tia has had a trashy persona at all. Of course my definition of "trashy" may be different. To me "trashy" is just that...like something you would put in the trash. That definition more suited the blonde who was straddling Arie on the couch. Don't know her name but she was obviously drunk. I mean get a room already. Her parents must be so proud. I think you meant, "down home, country, southern", maybe? That the producers of this show so obviously like to exploit. I'm still amazed at how much the women who come on this show will allow themselves to be ridiculed and mocked for whatever perceived gain they think they're getting. What made the producers think that because she was from the south that she would like moonshine? Or Arie for that matter. I was disappointed in him.
  11. I think the season finally took off tonight with a lot happening and plenty to talk about. Krystal- Does anyone like this woman? Contestants or viewers? Honestly if I were one of the other women hearing that voice constantly would make me want to stick a needle in my eye! I noticed Lauren S who was eliminated had a similar voice but hers was more so on the husky side and seemed genuine. Does anyone really talk like this? So over the top and fake. Speaking of Lauren S I didn't see that elimination coming. Or wasn't expecting an elimination during a date I guess I should say. Krystal was so obvious with her half hearted attempt at dismayed shock when they came to get Lauren's suitcase. You could obviously see her smile through the hands over her mouth. And then the little condescending speech for everyone. Ugh. Good on Caroline for seeing right through it. Who by the way I am liking more and more every time I see her. I liked that they showed more of Tia's personality. She seems real laid back and easy to get along with. I don't think she is one of the prettier ones but I like her attitude so far and liked the comraderie between her and Bibiana. I can see why Arie likes her. Really like Becca. I could see way more chemistry this time around. There's a ease between them. Hope she makes it far. Annaliese- OMG girl how have you got to 32 and survived life this far..lol. I can see a traumatic event in childhood but she just seems like a perpetual victim or something. I bet she was so tiring as a child. No wonder Arie didn't have any attraction for her. Wet blanket. Bibiana was starting to get on my nerves with the whining but I honestly felt sorry for her when Arie used the cabana she had set up to woo the other women. But I have to say she took her elimination better than most anyone I've seen on this show. Hope she finds what she's looking for.
  12. I just got around to watching the episode and thought I would post my thoughts. I am posting on my tablet and since it won't let me do multi quotes I will do my best as I agreed with a lot of posters opinions and wanted to quote them. Dang got to get my PC fixed..lol. I think Arie is very laid back and easygoing which I like. He doesn't seem to be overly finicky and contrary to some opinions I don't think he seems that self involved. I think he is a good listener and is very attentive. I would just hope that he can avoid the pitfalls of maybe being a pushover or falling for obvious manipulation that can sometimes be the flip side of these types of personalities. So far I think he is doing good and I hope he doesn't let his compassion be a downfall. Or let lust over rule his decisions. There's a saying for this but I won't go there..lol. I think Krystal is a very lovely woman but obviously has some issues with the clingyness and being too self involved. I noticed when she was telling her sob story to Arie she was doing a lot of sniffling and from a back shot it showed as if she was going to wipe away a tear but I never saw the first one. Nope, dry face there. And like others I hate her whimpering breathy voice. She just seems super fake to me and knows exactly what she's doing, sob story and issues not withstanding. I liked Becca. Her date was pretty tame and she came across as levelheaded and very sincere. Unfortunately I didn't really see any chemistry there so I don't see her being there in the final stretch. And I like Bekah. I can see why others might have issues with her regarding age but she strikes me as being really mature for her age. She may be a little manipulative but no more than you would normally have to be in a situation like this. I love her upbeat attitude and the big thing for me is that she (so far) seems to get along with the others and doesn't seem like she's scheming or trying to throw others under the bus to get what she wants. I'm reminded of Krystal's coyness when with holding details of her date to put doubt and uncertainty in the others mind's or the selfishness of hogging Arie's time when she already had a rose. I don't see Bekah doing this. I think she's confident in who she is and doesn't need to resort to that. She just knows what she wants and is concentrating her time on Arie. And I wasn't turned off by her and Arie kissing. I think they have chemistry through the roof. You either have it or you don't but I think her confidence is sexy to him and has a lot to do with it. I can see her going far. I'm looking forward to seeing Arie have some time with Jacqueline and see how that goes. I think she is beautiful and seems so reserved and mysterious. I have nothing against Tia. She seems OK at the moment and I know this is shallow but her next to nothing lips coupled with the ski slope large nose is a little jarring to me. We may see she is a great person and that would go along way in negating that. I'm by no means saying she is hideous. She is very pretty otherwise but I can't help but see that every time she is on the screen. Mean I know but there it is.
  13. You know as I was typing my last post I was thinking if any of the women had stood out to me besides Bekah and Jacqueline came to mind. I think she is lovely and yes she does remind anyone of Vivien Leigh. Plus I read her bio on the ABC website and she is very smart and accomplished as well. Which means she probably won't go far..lol. I also thought Valerie the brunette in the yellow gown was very pretty too.
  14. This is true. I have to agree. Most people are varying shades of pretty. Not many would be considered beautiful as in stunning. Attractive, lovely, cute, sure. But I agree that so many of these women just seem to be clones of each other and it takes more to really stand out. Ultimately though it comes down to, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". Although I admit I've questioned some of these leads choices.
  15. Slow posting as I just can't seem to get excited as I usually do when this show premieres. Hopefully I will be more enthused as the drama and story lines play out but for me the opening episode was just ok. Seems like the premiere always leaves plenty to talk about as we see the opening gimmicks and the crazy is often already on display. I think some of it is as @ellekotonyok so obviously showed was there were way to many blondes that looked alike and blended together. I was already thinking that and when she posted I had to chuckle as I see from her and others I'm not the only one thinking it. I actually thought Arie must prefer blondes since there were so many of them. I think I've read before on here that the producers give the leads somewhat of a choice in their preferences as I noticed on Nick's season that he seemed to prefer brunettes. I wouldn't be surprised if midway till the end we will see a slew of blondes with a token brunette thrown in so (as the producers probably think) it won't look so obvious. Just like Nick had his token blonde in Corrine. Who I didn't for one minute think he was ever seriously interested in. I may be wrong but I think it's safe to call this the season of the blondes. I agree with my fellow posters who don't think Chelsea is all that. She's ok but not what I would consider beautiful. And yes she does look like Olivia from Ben's season although I think Olivia was prettier. I'm gonna reserve judgement on Beckah as I'm not sure how to take her and I've learned with this show you can't always go by first impressions or more accurately first "edits". This show can take you from hating to loving a contestant and vice versa quite often. One thing I will say about her though is with her short hair she is definitely a nice change. Not every one can pull off a short cut but she has the face for it and it looks good on her. Not sure I'm liking the casting of Tia. I liked Raven in spite of all her quirks and flaws but another one sooo much like her so soon after her season is a little bit of overkill IMO. And that wiener bit in her introduction was a little cringe worthy. She may turn out to be great but I wonder if she makes it far if it would have anything to do with the fact that she's Raven's friend. To me, like Chelsea, she's ok looks wise but not what I would consider beautiful.
  16. My thought during that scene was why can't she or the other lady just buy individual onions? I mean it's not like it takes a whole bag to make one dish. I know that whole scenario was to show Rebecca's level of grief but I immediately thought of what I would do if that were to happen to me. If someone went off on me like that. I would be, "here you can have it I'll just grab me a couple over here. No problem. Are you OK, lady??"
  17. Yes I do remember that now that you mention it. I'm assuming you meant how obvious it was that the producers were trying to heighten the drama and sell the story of Kevin being that desperate to go to those measures. But geez could they not have researched that scenario a little better. I suppose there might be a small percentage of doctors who might still write scripts but I can't imagine any who would hand write scripts for narcotics. I guess the laws differ from state to state but in my state doctors stopped writing narcotic scripts years ago. They won't call them in either to try to stop fraudulent people, such as nurses from calling them in illegally. Believe me it happens hence the move to special printed scripts that have to be hand delivered to the pharmacy. It just seems to me that to try to sell and make Kevin's desperation fit, the show kind of insulted the viewers intelligence somewhat. I know to some it's nitpicking but there have been numerous inconsistences pointed out by viewers and stuff like that just bothers me. Typical Hollywood though.
  18. Regarding the prescription pad and the specific language. While most people don't understand it, in the medical field you don't have to be a doctor or pharmacist to understand it. Nurses certainly would and a lot of occupations on the wider spectrum of the health field. I worked for years in the medical office as a patient representative or in lay terms a office clerk and I was taught how to read a script as part of my training. QD is once a day, BID is twice a day, TID is three times a day etc. Or a horizonal line with three vertical lines underneath it would be three times a day and so forth. Which is why I found the scene where Kevin is waiting in line and looks down at the script a little farfetched. It looked like it had been written by a professional and we haven't been shown anything that would make us viewers think he would any idea how to do that. People who have lived the drug lifestyle for awhile may be able to do it. Especially if they know unscrupulous people in the health field but Kevin is a fairly new addict so that scene didn't ring true to me. Also as others have said most doctors today don't even hand write scripts anymore. It's all done electronically or in the case of narcotics it would be printed out on special paper and hand delivered to the pharmacy. So when Kevin finds the pad in Charlotte's drawer my first thought was...why would she keep a prescription pad at home? As others have said he would most definitely have been caught if he had tried to fill that.
  19. You know Judy I'm not 100% on that. He might actually have said "fighting" but my recollection is that he said "chasing". But I am 100% sure he started the conversation out with the question of why she was chasing/fighting Dean when he wouldn't chase/fight for her.
  20. I'm with you Judy. Nude modeling and prostitution are degrading. So your not the only one. Not sure this makes any difference but I watched that scene over and Wells actually started with, "why do you want to chase a man who is not chasing you" Then he proceeded to tell her she could do better, she was beautiful smart and basically said there are plenty of men who would chase you so why do you want to chase one who doesn't want you. That was his initial reaction when he heard what was going on with Raven and Kristina. His tone of voice and facial expressions showed he thought she was being a fool for letting Dean use her that way. I think due to her reaction he then softened his tone and was trying to lift her up by being encouraging.
  21. So I think we can agree that both women made mistakes in that conversation as Raven (being intoxicated) should maybe have shut it down and walked away earlier and Kristina was being irrational for not even trying to see the truth. They were both human. One was hurting the other was trying to help (IMO) and things just got out of hand. But I very much think Raven made a mistake in the heat of the moment with her ex. I do agree though that her thinking it was ok to tell it on national tv was wrong. She'll learn as will Kristina. Or let's hope so anyway.
  22. Kristina asked Raven to come sit with her because she had a question about something DLo or Dean was supposed to have said or did. I'm sure since Kristina opened and invited the conversation that Raven (yes as a friend) felt free and open to discuss the issue with Kristina. When the scene opened Kristina was already on the defensive as she said, speaking about DLo, "I don't believe for one minute she's innocent". So we don't even know what was said before hand. I suspect the conversation started out civil and as Kristina saw that Raven didn't agree with her she's the one who escalated the situation because as we saw she was already getting hot when the scene first opened. And Raven never told Kristina she was wrong for chasing Dean or even implied it. All she was trying to say was Kristina shouldn't put all the blame on DLo when Dean was the one who did her wrong and kept the situation going by lying to both of them. I've found that women will always listen when a man tells them these things as opposed to another woman (here she went again blaming the woman) so I don't see a big difference in what Adam and Raven said. Raven has never claimed to be perfect and we all make mistakes. So if we've all made mistakes that means we're not qualified to give advice? There sure wouldn't be any more advising going on. I really don't understand the Raven hate.
  23. Chase? I think you have him confused with someone else. Chase was on JoJo's season and wasn't on BIP.
  24. She felt the need to defend her position because when someone is raising their voice and getting defensive with you human nature is to defend your position. Yes she could have walked off and let it go but alcohol wasn't making either one of them think clearly. And she did walk off after she saw Kristina was getting defensive and loud. I watched it over and Kristina stated she asked Raven over to ask her about something DLo or Dean had said. She injected Raven into the situation. When Raven walked off and people were asking her what was going on only then did she state what had happened. Wells was listening and though he felt sorry for Kristina he immediately asked her why she was chasing someone who wasn't chasing her. So he was essentially agreeing with Raven. It was an unfortunate situation that got out of control but to say Raven wasn't being her friend or just wanting to hear herself talk is not right in my opinion.
  25. I always liked Kristina but I can see your point here. If that's the case then she's going to have to learn some more hard lessons in life. Things don't always go the way you like. Sometimes you have to take some hard times, guys can be a__holes, and other countless things. I know she was hurting in the moment but hopefully in time she will look back and realize Raven was right and cringe at the thought of Dean.
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