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Everything posted by yorklee2

  1. Being from the south myself I'm all for having a awesome Bachelorette from here but IMO Tia's not it. I don't mind tattoos as long as they are not overdone but that's not the issue with me. I don't like the excessive swearing it's not a classy look. And the tattling was so unnecessary and catty. I could over look the swearing if she cleaned it up but it would be hard to enjoy her as Bachelorette knowing she had to back stab someone to even be in contention for the spot.
  2. Oh I agree that's why I said earlier that I believe they were giving Ben a Bachelor edit. Not sure about Yuki. She was sweet and cute but there's only so much of that high pitched whine anyone could stand.
  3. It's not technically the same thing but Ben did/does a lot of mission charity trips to third world countries which I think is very commendable. But yeah props to Arie for supporting the troops.
  4. I didn't see her on Bachelor but it was hit and miss on BIP I think. But it has really stood out for the worse on Winter Games. Her whole persona is like some young teen wanting to play grown up. Brings to mind that movie, "13 going on 30". I agree with @Wandering Snark she just needs a life coach period. I hope you do mean separately and not together. As in a couple. If so you were joking, right?
  5. Somebody really needs to give Ashley some good fashion advice. It's like she knows no in between. It's either she tries to go for what she thinks is the sexy/racy look (the lingerie bodysuit, that gold boob undercut gown) or the schoolmarm look (that godawful midcalf monstrosity she was wearing tonight). Not to mention that biker babe leather thing she was wearing on her date. And she seems to wear things that don't flatter her shape. She needs a fashion intervention.
  6. Yeah it probably gave her flashbacks about how immature he was. To bad Lesley can't see it.
  7. I got cracked up at Rachel being so down on Dean and Lesley's kiss. Like, "I came here for a show darn it not this juvenile playground sh__t!" Lol. Poor Ally. Winter games just wasn't for her. First bruising her tail and then being sick in front of national TV. Hope her and Josiah can keep in touch and remain friends if nothing else. He was really sweet to her. Luke seemed really nervous to be kissing in front of JoJo but Stassi saved the day. I was a little surprised at the sensual way she kissed him. Maybe there was something to that "connection" Luke's been raving about.
  8. It's hazy but I seem to recall hearing that Ben was asked at some point after his breakup with Lauren if he would ever do the Bachelor again and he said something to the effect that he wouldn't rule it out. So I really want to believe that he was genuinely still that broken up about it but this franchise has made me so skeptical that a small part of me was thinking what a perfect resume and audition to do the Bachelor again. And the show (Chris H) love him. I remember Chris congratulating him on a great season and being one of the best they had ever had. Not that it would be completely a bad thing. They could and have done worse. ETA: I just saw where @JenE4 posted something similar so guess I'm not the only one thinking it.
  9. I think any of these women would be better than Tia. Well except maybe Lauren. I don't think she has enough personality to carry a show.
  10. I don't know I think she might have been trying to convince herself she was doing it in his best interest but deep down she knew exactly what she was doing. I think she thought if she told Bekah what she had done that it would erase any negativity her actions might warrant. But she 's an intelligent woman and she had to know that her words could have planted some doubt in Arie's mind and that was her intentions. I think she did it out of desperation and jealousy. But I see your point in that if TPTB want her as B'ette they will spin it that way. I'm just not buying it.
  11. Exactly so I'm hoping that will be Tia's downfall but you just don't ever know with this show.
  12. I didn't watch that season. So I'm assuming she was popular with the viewers then? I just can't see Tia's popularity. Her career is commendable but all that swearing is not a good look. The tattling on Bekah did it for me though. And I'm sorry but she's not that attractive IMO.
  13. I sincerely hope not. Has anyone ever gotten it who finished in 4th spot though? I've missed a lot of seasons in the past but I don't recall this happening before. And has the show ever portrayed a future lead in a bad light like when they showed Tia throwing Bekah under the bus? I'm trying to convince myself they won't pick her because I really don't want her as B'ette. I thought I would like to see Kendall in the lead but besides the creepy taxidermy last night showed she's not ready for a serious commitment IMO. But if the show can go back seasons to find a bachelor (Nick, Arie) they can do it for the B'ette too. Or go with Becca if she's not picked. At least with her we wouldn't have to see our lead bleeped every other word.
  14. After the initial shock of being eliminated wore off I think she was concentrating on giving a B'ette worthy performance. Right about the time sitting on the bench when she said, "I'm ready to go". Also Arie didn't seem that broken up about sending her home. He seemed more upset sending Bekah home as he actually shed tears. I noticed that too. There obviously was/is more footage of these two that we weren't shown because their deep connection seems to have come out of no where and I could actually see it tonight for the first time. And yes the fact that he was so nervous around her family spoke volumes.
  15. Oh ok I did not realize it worked that way! You would think their IT department could fix that.
  16. I realize that's what you were doing but if you go up the page just a little you will see that what you quoted were Judy's words not mine. I said, "how about "Paradise Cuts and Styles", and that it wasn't as good as hers but it was fun to join in. I was just quoting her original post. It's not a big deal I'm just curious how technically her words got attributed to me.
  17. Right. I remember her sucking up to Victoria with her condescending remark about Cleary, "I was not aware she was Catholic when I hired her". That plus the fact she was put in charge of finding out who had leaked it to the press that there had been an intruder in the palace makes me think she was some kind of overseer of the staff as well as Penge? Can anyone clarify?
  18. Cuts for 65, full color jobs for 165 dollars! I know that's California and prices vary depending on what part of the country your in but geez that's pricey. Here in Tn you can get a nice cut for 25 and color job for 60-80 bucks. So @JudyObscure may have had something when she said she probably charged triple the going rate...lol.
  19. I don't know what's wrong with the board but they had me down for the original poster that you quoted and that was @JudyObscure not me. They sent me a notification that I had been quoted and I noticed it right away. I had responded to her post earlier but I don't know how that happened.
  20. Yes it was really sad to see Lehzen dismissed but I agree that she was set in her ways and was constantly undermining Albert. It looks like Victoria could have secured her a position elsewhere after so many years of faithful service though. Count me surprised also with the Duchess Buccalaugh revelation. I guess there's more to her than just the stuffy, cantankerous old woman, huh? I wondered too if maybe the show is angling towards a Lord Alfred/Miss Coke pairing next season. Will be interesting to see how that develops. The downstairs characters/stories are starting to seem relevant and likeable now. Penge for the first time actually seemed like he had a heart when he showed compassion to Lehzen on her departure and Skeritt/Franketelli are coming along nicely.
  21. I think you were meaning antipyretics. Antiemetics are used to combat nausea and vomiting. Which at that time they had neither one. Well maybe only herbal remedies. How scary especially when a child is sick.
  22. Ha!..funny Judy. How about, "Paradise Cuts and Styles"? Not as good as yours but fun to join in.
  23. I agree and that's why I think we as viewers are shocked when some of these relationships last longer than 6 months or so. Besides the obvious ones who married off the top of my head I can think of Kaitlyn/Shawn, JoJo/Jordan, Rachel/Bryan, who did. Maybe more from previous seasons that I didn't watch but I think some do manage to make genuine connections. Given the crazy premise of this show lasting past 6 months is an accomplishment in my opinion.
  24. Please no. If she's not his F1, (and we all know the chances of that are extremely high given how besotted he seems with Lauren), then unless she has a redemption arc at the WTA I can't or don't want to see her as the B'ette. After she tattled to Arie I think it really hurt her chances. She would have to make a sincere apology to Bekah at the WTA, (and those are always doubtful) for me to see her as the B'ette. I would much rather see Kendall get it. Or even Becca, Jacqueline or Seinne for that matter.
  25. I was thinking the same thing. He just acts lost to me. Since they showed JoJo would be a commentator on the next episode I can't help but wonder if it might briefly cross his mind what might have been. On the same note I wonder if they booked Rachel as commentator when she thought Peter was booked as a contestant and if so if that might be why he decided not to come on...hmm Yeah Clare's, "why can't I find love" mantra is wearing thin. It's becoming obvious that it's her own fault. It's like she's subconsciously sabotaging her own chances by picking the wrong guys. By now at 36 she should be aware she's doing this. Yeah I don't feel sorry for her. I think Lesley is stunning. Why is she wasting her time with immature Dean? I would much rather feel Ben out if I were her.
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