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Everything posted by yorklee2

  1. He's in my top two. Dean being the other one. They both have a playful fun side that is so inviting. And the fact that they're hot is just icing on the cake.
  2. Good points. I did think of the possibility that the cameras are always rolling but I wasn't sure. And I thought of the fact that maybe Peter is her Achilles heel when it comes to her normal logical reasoning mind. I would say it's fair to speculate that all women may have had that one guy in their life who just pushed the right buttons for no logical reasons and made a mockery of their normal logical reasoning? Still it's hard to shake that a intelligent reasoning woman would make such nonsensical choices. ETA: Another thing I remembered that doesn't make sense is that we saw Peter being upset he didn't get the group date rose on one occasion so he couldn't be totally in the not interested camp unless he's acting. Which I know on this show is entirely possible. But their whole dynamic is puzzling to me.
  3. Good post. I agree Rachel has a good radar for who's into her and who's not. Except for Peter. Which doesn't make sense. She seems to logically and intuitively pick the right guys in my opinion so why the rose colored glasses with Peter? I have no doubt he'll be in the top 3 so what is she seeing and feeling that we're maybe not privy too? I keep thinking somethings going to be revealed or we'll see more chemistry between them to explain why she's keeping him around. I can only assume the show has been doing some heavy editing and we're not seeing the deeper connection they may have and maybe the shows trying to throw off the audience? I've already stated that I think Peter has a harder time making out for the cameras so maybe he's more inviting and comfortable when the cameras aren't around? She did mention (in an interview that other poster commented on) that on their one on one (when the cameras were not filming) that she was drawn to him for sharing or giving his lunch to a homeless man. Otherwise if nothing changes with Peter and she ends up picking him in the end, then theirs would be a long road of engagement to get to where they need to be or it would founder pretty quickly ATFR. On Nick's season I thought her comment was she had dated white guys before but he was the first one she would bring home to meet the parents. And I don't think she would get criticism from her family for her choices being that her sister is married to a white man. I still believe that even if, for arguments sake, she might have a slight preference for white men ultimately she's going to go with who shows her they want to be with her and she feels a connection with. The majority of the black men were not giving her that.
  4. She did ask him if he had thought about the possibility he might have to move and how that would work for him. He answered as long as he was in love they would make it work and he had no worries. He's a chiropractor so I'm not sure how easy it would be to reestablish himself in another location. I would think it wouldn't be too hard but I really have no idea. She also asked how his family would react to a woman of color and of course he said they would love her and things would be great. She had these same questions for, and discussed with, Peter on night one and their first one on one date. He even made the comment they would likely have children with gap teeth. He's way ahead of the curve on the important questions and topics and I think Rachel believes he would be more stable and trustworthy than Bryan. On the other hand she has a intense chemistry with Bryan but I think Rachel doesn't totally trust a relationship built just on physical chemistry. To me he came on way to fast and hasn't gave her much space to slow down and ask the serious questions until now. And the fact she had to ask them speaks volumes about where his head is at. Ultimately it's her decision to make about what's more important to her and her needs. Because even though we don't know the final placement of these guys I'm sure these two will be top three easily. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out on the remaining episodes.
  5. I feel the same way about Peter and Bryan. It's obvious they're the front runners but I can't get excited about either one. Can't wait to see what the Peter drama is about next week. But with this show's history I don't trust the drama they're signaling. I totally agree about Alex. I would love to see him as Bach too but coming in 7th doesn't quite put him up high enough to get the spot I think. I didn't think she would ultimately pick him but I was hoping he would get close enough to be in contention for the Bach. Sigh..
  6. I loved this episode until the very end. I think Rachel made the right decision letting Kenny go home. It was I think inevitable and a mutual decision. I'm just glad she was able to validate him over the mess with Lee. Speaking of which, good riddance. I can see why she likes Eric. He's fun, easy to be around, sweet, and I can see they do have some chemistry. I can see him in the F4 but not F1. Then again you never know. How uncomfortable was that rooftop scene with Will? Obviously no romantic chemistry there. Finally saw a serious conversation with Bryan. But I'm beginning to see where Peter might have a slight edge over Bryan. She obviously has chemistry with both but I think she trusts Peter more. Just like her cool head and reasoning prevailing with the Lee and Kenny fiasco I think that even though she has a intense physical relationship with Bryan she trusts what she's got with Peter more. And like on Nick"s season, as she stated again tonight, she has trouble believing what seems to be to good to be true. She's very measured and logical in her thinking. That's one thing I like about her. Josiah brought to mind the saying, "he's a legend in his own mind". Way too cocky. Rachel saw this and made a good call. Loved the Vikings game. Loved the camaraderie between all the guys especially Alex and Dean at the end. Alex was looking hot. Which leads me to why Rachel why did you keep Matt and Adam over Alex! I know the shows heavily edited but we've seen almost no one on one with Matt and Alex. Alex was kind, smarter than he looked, with an great playful side. To me he was so believable when he said he got butterfly's when around her. Maybe she thought in the end he wasn't serious enough but you could tell it hurt her to let him go. I thought all her eliminations choices were spot on until she let him go. Oh well maybe we'll see him on BIP.
  7. I noticed this also. He even made the comment that not getting the rose made him question and step back a little from trusting what she's feeling. His whole persona screams reserve and caution. I have a feeling that, although he's been in the modeling world, he's not totally comfortable with kissing and making out in front of the cameras. He's seems perfectly fine and comfortable when he and Rachel are talking and getting to know each other. But I agree he needs to step it up instead of retreating.
  8. Count me in as another who thinks Jack Stone was a little creepy and totally not aware of the clues she was giving off. I had second hand embarrassment for him. I mean come on couldn't he tell she didn't want to kiss him? He kept talking about how much he was really getting to know her and how well it was going. Based on what?? And someone needs to tell him quick that he needs to stop with the head pointed down and those little slivers of eyes pointed back up at a woman. That was just creepy. I also agree about there's something not right about Bryan. He's seems sincere on one hand but...he's just too smooth. When Rachel said it sounded too good to be true she needed to play close attention to that inner voice or instinct that was telling her that. Where's the asking questions to really get to know her or any future plans. Peter may be on the reserved side but I give him points for asking important future oriented questions. He and Rachel have talked a lot about what their future may entail. I love Dean and Alex. Dean is handsome, emotionally intelligent, and fun to be around. Ditto Alex. He's really starting to grow on me. I love the almost boyish glee he has when he's around Rachel. And it seems very genuine. Not sure Dean is old enough to carry the Bach but hey he can't be any worse than Ben H. who was young also. I can imagine Alex would make a good Bach but I think he would be a better fit for BIP as it would showcase his adorable fun side. Regardless I hope these two go far.
  9. Well that makes me wonder if Rachel as intelligent as she is was still mislead by the producers or if she agreed to it . Whether totally or partially. Or in other words was she aware producers would use some controversy but not to the extinct they did or was it part of her contract and she had no choice? Or was she aware of the extinct and still agreed? How much authority did she have in the matter?
  10. Right. I've been saying this from the start. He's a agitator, shit stirrier, and a despicable troublemaker. He really has issues. I hope, if he really is a songwriter, that when he returns to Nashville he will be shunned and ostracized. If I was a musical professional I would not want to be associated with him in any way.
  11. I agree. Good post. I had thought of this earlier and you are so right that he is not going after the white men. This along with other things prove his attacks are racially motivated.
  12. I do have to wonder why ABC would allow such a powder keg of a issue to be allowed on a escapist reality show. I mean this is not a documentary or a drama show. They say they didn't know about his racist tweets before he was cast but I don't buy that. We know that they thoroughly have to research these people before they cast them. To believe they don't check the contestants SM before they cast them is unbelievable. I believe they know perfectly well the less than desirable people they are casting and purposely cast them to create drama. But to cast someone who they knew had racial tendencies in a larger than usual black cast is creating drama that goes way beyond their usual villain casting in my opinion. And with the first black lead you would think they would want to keep out any racial innuendo. It's almost like they're setting up Rachel for failure by bringing in the race issue. From the beginning I have stated I don't like Lee. He's despicable and I like others hope next week is the last we see of him. Because like SABER5055 I'm getting tired of all the racist BS that is taking away from the fun of watching this show. And I'm tired of extremists from all races making it appear as if the majority who don't agree with their ideology are just like them. Like having a blanket generalization of a whole race based upon what a few do or say.
  13. Regarding how bad this would affect the franchise I happened to remember that just recently we had the Chris Soules arrest. Although it wasn't directly related to the show he was a contestant, as a lead no less, which had to have gave the show somewhat of a black eye. Now this. Sounds like maybe some bad karma coming back on them for all the plying and encouraging of booze on everyone and their less than factual edits to induce drama. Ironically now where is all the drama focused? Like another poster said it's finally starting to come back and bit them in the ass.
  14. I wouldn't doubt this one bit. The fact that Demario's story blew any pretense the show had about being legit and real, confirms to me, and no doubt many others, my suspension last year that Corrine was a p!ant. Otherwise why would Nick have kept her on so long. I never believed he had any serious intentions toward her. On the whipped cream scene he was supposed to be shocked at what she was up to but when she told him to get the whipped cream he knew exactly where it was at. Which was behind him at at a angle that he would not have saw when he came out and he had to stretch way behind his back to get. Which tells me they knew beforehand the story production wanted them to play. So for me it's not a far stretch to believe she had a boyfriend beforehand. As regards to who said or did what and who's to blame is only speculation until more is known. One thing's for certain though. This is one giant screwed up mess that I hope doesn't bring the whole franchise down.
  15. Thanks for the link. His posts, to me, seem to be more political than racist. He made some racist comments but the majority were more political to me. I'm not getting into politics because that would be 1- off topic and 2- not allowed but he's just not "good people" as we say around here. And it seems he has some drama with the black contestants coming up that looks to be racially motivated so yeah he's an ass. I don't doubt for a minute the producers recruited him to stir up drama. It makes sense that, that would be the reason he come on. Not Rachel but fame and money. Which is what a good percentage of contestants do honestly. Still I dislike him more than any villain they've had in awhile.
  16. I'll admit I haven't seen Lee's twitter posts or know what his statements were exactly but I'm assuming from my fellow posters that he made some racist remarks. So I have to conclude that he definitely isn't on the show for Rachel and might possibly be faking it. Otherwise why would someone who's racist be on a dating show competing for a black woman?? I don't have Twitter so I have no idea how it works. Were his comments made just recently or does it seem to be an ongoing thing from past tweets from before he would have been chosen to be a Bach/Bette contestant? It just makes me wonder if his whole persona is totally fake and something the producers have encouraged for ratings? Like, "post these comments on your Twitter and make sure to stir the shit as much as possible". I really don't think that's the case but I wouldn't put anything past these producers. It just doesn't make sense to me how someone who's a racist would be willing to compete for any minority mate. But regardless if he's faking or not I still despise him. Anyone who would let themselves be portrayed as racist when their not is obviously more interested in fame and money than they are their dignity and reputation. Still a asshole. If it's the real him (which I think it is) than I side eye his credibility in pursuing a woman of color.
  17. Me neither and I said it since day one. I know TPTB are amping up the drama but I think what we're seeing is his basic personality. I don't know what his job title is but how does this dude keep a job?? Can you imagine the workplace drama he stirs up? Of course brown nosers do. And he so fits the description. He seems a little on the short side. Makes me think little man syndrome perhaps? Don't know but this guys got some issues that's pretty clear.
  18. Well they are close friends so I assume Rachel told her? I didn't catch it myself but it could have been a slip up on both Raven and the TPTB part that it was revealed.
  19. Yeah I got that feeling too. She may have done it on her own but I don't trust these producers either. And regarding Jonathan's giant hands she sure seemed to like it. She was going with it and having a good time. I can see that but at some point they would have to come off and and it would be time to get serious.
  20. This makes so much sense. You said it perfectly. I understand why some would think he's not that much into Rachel but I also think people are reading too much into it too soon. People fall in love in different ways and at different paces. Not every good relationship starts out with guns a blazing. Let's just see how it develops. If down the road he's acting too reserved and closed up then yeah I'll agree he's not as invested as she is. Besides how invested can you be after 1 date? Time will tell.
  21. So as with the Lucas and Blake exit she can now eliminate Lee, Iggy and Eric next in my opinion. Eric is insecure and whiny. Lee is a troublemaker (has been since day one) and a instigator. And Iggy should be a smart enough man (especially if he's ever watched this show) to realize it wasn't worth his time to get involved with Eric's issues. I feel Eric was right in that they had no business getting in his but I am so tired of all this wasted time (as with Blake and Lucas) on these silly squabbles. Just eliminate them next week and get on with the show. Count me in as one of the Alex's admirers. It was nice to hear him expound on the eye body language and show he's not just a dumb jock.
  22. Right and didn't she have it up? With a headband or something? I noticed and commented when she was on Nick's season how she looked much better with her hair up and now we see it again. And ditto with the hair extensions that do her no favors. As one poster commented she needs a good hair stylist because the one she's got now isn't up to par.
  23. I agree. Obviously everyone's target audience is no longer the long time fans of the show. With all these changes it's obvious they are going for the millennial's. Trying to induce all the drama they can (to be continued) to entice new viewers. I have always enjoyed reading Stephanie and Jeff's take on the episodes. Hilarious always. These new podcasts just aren't the same.
  24. Rachel being as intelligent and mature as she is you would think so but there seems to be a long history on this show of bad behavior by contestants who put on the charm for the lead but are horrible to the other contestants. And then when the other contestant feels forced to say something they are often ostracized by the lead. And Rachel did seem to really be warming up to him as evidenced by her voice over and ITM during the basketball game. I do agree with you for the most part however. I think she would have eventually been on to him but with this show nothing surprises me. You could be right but I think it's a little early to call that now. I saw his responses as more measured and cautious than any perceived lack of interest on his part. He struck me as someone who even though they may be good looking isn't totally at ease or confident when he's getting to know someone. And the fact that he mentioned seeing a therapist because of hurtful past relationships would imply caution too. I can't help but think too that some of the best relationships don't start out fiery. Sometimes the fiery start burns out quick and the slow burning builds to a satisfying glow that endures the test of time.
  25. I totally agree. I hate that their doing this again. RC's at the start of the show just aren't right. Seems so out of place. I like when they are held at the end of the show because it's the bookend to the episode. Next week fresh start. I wonder if fans complained enough if it would make the producers stop. Probably not but wow that's so annoying. I know it's not wise sometimes to form early impressions of the contestants, as the producers love to play with the editing, but I really don't like Lee. That could change of course since it's so early in the season but I don't think so. He's your classic troublemaker that loves to instigate drama. He strikes me as the little dog in a pack of bigger dogs who barks excessively to get a fight started with another big dog but when the dog strikes he runs back to his bigger friends to fight for him..lol. That's what I thought of when he was stirring up Fred and running into the mansion to alert the other guys that DeMario was back. Ditto most posters impression of Peter and the date. I actually liked what some thought of as dull personality. It strikes me as he's really taking this seriously so he's not rushing and wants to get to know Rachel better. Some come off so fake with their canned responses and coming on to fast. He's just being him. I think that's what Rachel liked and appreciated about him especially if she's really looking for a husband. That kind of quite, reserved, steadfast demeanor usually lasts for the long haul.
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