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Everything posted by yorklee2

  1. I've seen clips of the "break up special" but didn't watch Jake's season so he didn't immediately come to mind. Which makes me realize that there's been quite a few worse than Nick.
  2. I disagree. Ben was so arrogant at times. When one of the girls, who was a pretty blond and extremely intelligent, tried to tell him about despicable Courtney he point blank told her she had better, "tread lightly". What a jerk. I have never saw a bachelor act like this before or since. With absolutely no reason to be so cocky. I mean look at him. He wasn't nothing to write home about but his attitude made him downright ugly. He didn't know how to have a real conversation, unlike Nick, and seemed more interested in just making out constantly. Nick may have his boring moments but he is head and shoulders above Ben F in my opinion.
  3. Of course everyone has their opinion about Nick's breakdown but considering everything I have seen of him I think a small part of it was simply that it's getting harder to send the women home this far in the game. From the start he would tell all the women he was sorry when he let them go. Which I think was a telling sign since I've never noticed another bachelor expressing that so much. They would say more like, (as Nick does as well), "I wish you the best" or "thank you for coming", but never as many, "I'm sorry" as much as he does. And although to this point I don't think he has cared deeply about the women he has sent home it's still part of his nature as a sensitive, in touch with his feelings person to really hate hurting anyone. I know a lot of women hate that kind of man but as long as it's not over the top I see that as a asset. Some people (man or woman) are just that way. They tend to feel things more deeply and are more aware of hurts and slights to others as well. I think that's why he has so many female friends and why they gravitate to him. But for the most part I agree with others that he was upset that the day had went so bad and I think it really gets to him when he has to be the bad guy. Not so sure about all the, "I don't know if I will be able to find love" bit as much as I think he's just getting more scared and cold feet the closer it gets to choosing the F1. I think they showed something similar with Ben last year with all that, "unloveable" baloney, and the stress, tears and indecision in the final weeks. I do think Nick was being somewhat selfish though.He shouldn't have said what he did in a way to make the women feel like they might not have what it takes for him to fall in love with them.He may have been feeling that way but he didn't need to let them know that. Something like, "it's been a long day and tonight's been really tough. It's just going to get tougher so I ask for your patience" Something to that effect. Even better would have been to wait until the next morning and talk to them when he had calmed down and his head had cleared.
  4. Just an observation. I thought Rachel's updo was so cute on her. It gave her more of a soft flirty look in my opinion and fit her personality better.
  5. The women he kept and the ones he sent home all made perfect sense to me according to what we've been shown. I think it's odd that there are always ones who think they have this close relationship with the lead (Taylor and Whitney) when clearly they don't. You could always argue that they have time with him and we're just not shown everything but the producers know who the final ones are and edit accordingly. Honestly if I had been Jasmine I think I would have willingly went home. That far in the game with no 1 on 1 or date rose I think they should clearly see the writing on the wall. Thankfully Kristina has had a group date rose or I would be more worried about her this late in the game. She is beautiful and her story had me in tears. The more I see of her the more I like her. She is one of just a few that I wouldn't mind being the next b'ette. Nick had a physical attraction to Danielle L initially which is why I think she got a early 1 on 1 but the more he developed stronger bonds with the others her overuse of "like" and that nervous giggle really stood out in my opinion. Put me down as one who also noticed how much more Corrine was getting along with the others. But then she does her little "platinum vagine" spiel next week so it will probably be back to square one as I'm sure the others will not like that at all. And you can be sure they will find out as the producers will make sure of that.
  6. Yes now I'm sure that different cultures and regions of the country have a different but similar take on this treat just with different names for it. These "dough boys" sound very similar to funnel cakes the only difference is instead of a slab of dough we use a funnel shaped pastry bag to drizzle the dough into the hot oil which gives it the distinct winding and ropy shape and hence the name, "funnel cakes". They are served hot with powered sugar sprinkled on top, fruit topping or whipped cream optional. And like the "dough boys" you don't find them in bakeries but mostly at carnivals, tourist areas and festivals. Which makes sense since they have to be served hot. Who knew the Bachelor could be so informative?
  7. By having both you mean beignets and funnel cakes or beignets and fastnachts? I've never had a beignet but there are quite a few similarities between the two in my opinion. The major difference I see is with beignets the fruit is more a filling and with funnel cakes it's a topping. Also the filling with beignets can be either sweet or savory. But when Nick was biting down with the powdered sugar all over his face my first thought was it reminded me of funnel cakes. Seems like a lot of cultures have variations of the beignets. Not trying to claim I'm a pastry chef or anything it was just an observation.
  8. That is how it's done every season. It's expected of the leads actually man or woman. Otherwise it would be way to obvious who they weren't into. Of course we women have our own way of figuring it out as we pay attention to even the subtlest of clues..lol. Back when I first started watching that used to bother me a lot too until I realized that I was trying to look at it realistically in a very unrealistic setting. Also realizing that there is A LOT of producer manipulation helps to not take it so seriously or be so hard on yourself for watching. You just go with it and enjoy the show. It's really not that much different than posting about a scripted show. Although I still catch myself rooting for contestants I like..lol. Lately the producers are getting really sloppy with hiding their manipulation but I still think it's a good form of escapism which is why I think it's so popular. It's always good for a few laughs.
  9. Oh please don't do that to me. I hate the word "permission" as it makes me sound like a moderator or something and I certainly don't have that kind of authority. I was merely saying that this forum is for observations, opinions and yes snark so as long as it's not completely out of hand or offending than there's no need to feel bad about it. There are more forums and blogs devoted to the Bachelor that do the same. It's part of why people like to watch. So they can analyze and get snarky. Even Jimmy Kimmel likes to poke fun at it. The contestants have to know this so it's kind of like the warning, "enter at your own risk". We all are entitled to our own opinions. Not everyone has the same taste and it's ok to disagree. For instance while I agree that Nick has some kind of speech problem it's not bad enough (in my opinion) to be that distracting and I like the way he actually seems interested in these women's life's. He's a good conversationalist and I think as a friend he would be great to be around. He certainly listens and he's willing to laugh and have a good time. Raven has shown glimpses of a fun likeable person but I think she's clueless in how she's being perceived which yes could be seen as immature. She does have a quirky face and although I don't find her stunning (most people aren't actually) I don't think she has a face that would make anyone recoil in horror either. And as for being disappointed when ones you don't like stay and others you like get sent home, join the club. Happens all the time. I love Alexis. She seems fun to hang out with but unfortunately she does look way older than her age I have to agree.
  10. I used to feel the same way until I realized that the women who come on these shows have to know that's what will happen if they go on national tv. And as they go on willingly they essentially make themselves fair game. Truth be known they probably did it too in seasons before they came on. Although some I think really try to be genuine and on their best behavior so as not to give the producers (and us) more ammunition. I believe where it gets unacceptable is using the world hate as in, "I hate her so much" or trying to contact contestants, their families, bullying and even death threats. These beignets sound really similar to a treat here at home. It's deep fried dough served hot with powered sugar on top and fruit is optional on top as well. Except here we call them "funnel cakes". Not sure if it's a take on the original beignets or it's just a coincidence. You usually get them at carnivals or tourist areas and yes they are delicious.
  11. It actually did happen once when doofus Ben F picked the evil Courtney. Didn't watch Jake's season but I gather he picked Vienna who was that season's villain of sorts. Just goes to show some of these bachelors picks are questionable to say the least. I don't think they really needed too. I don't think any of the women seriously thought it was real. Nor did the audience. I liked it. I think a date like that would be kind of fun. Once you realized it was a gimmick you could relax and go with it. It could make for a lot of laughs and easy going fun. As Raven, Jasmine and others showed. Even Vanessa who initially wanted no part of it was by the end enjoying it and having fun. Yeah unfortunately Danielle M's clothing choices were lacking. I hate bell bottoms so I completely agree with you. She's very tall so shorts would have been a better look to show off her long legs. And look at Corrine's face! It's really suitable for her as it looks like a typical pose you would see from a child.
  12. I highly doubt Raquel is illegal. Especially since she's been with Corrine from a early age and mommy and daddy would never take a chance on their precious not getting what she wants. JMO
  13. I've noticed that about Josephine too. She's always doing that weird stuff. Way overdoing the slapping then striding off the stage overly dramatic, singing to Nick terribly, striding up to get her rose bizarrely cocky and always giving that eye popping head shaking stunned look ever time she gets a rose. She has to be kept around by the producers because I haven't seen one ounce of chemistry between her and Nick. I'll be glad to see her go.
  14. Corrine is equal parts annoying and comical but her shtick is wearing thin. I get Taylor was upset but honestly did she really think there was anything between her and Nick. I think she'll one day (if not already) look back and regret coming back to have her say. It might make her feel better temporarily but it's not going to change anything. Honestly I wouldn't have cared if he had sent them both home. Rachel's date seemed fun and I loved finally seeing some chemistry between them. I think she'll make it pretty far. The haunted house date looked fun but contrived. I cracked up at Raven's, " if I see any ghosts I'll rebuke them in the name of Jesus". I'm with you on that girl. Funny how the hysterics can rub off though. You can be perfectly fine then someone screams and it's like a chain reaction. I kind of felt sorry for Sarah. It was obviously cold and she was the only one (that I could see) who didn't have a jacket on. She had to be freezing and then she gets eliminated. I would have been thinking, "I can't believe I froze my butt off for this". Alexis has become a regular to end the show with and I'm loving it. Her and Nick have a fun easygoing vibe and I see way more affection between them then he ever had with Taylor even if it's just friendship.
  15. Yeah she's clearly not on for Nick. It would be hilarious if he picked her in the end. I really don't think that will happen but that would be a funny scenario. She would be all, "but he wasn't supposed to pick me. Now I have to pretend until the show has aired!" That would be the fastest breakup in show history.
  16. Ha...if there's any truth to Raven's story than Taylor would need to tread lightly. And not sit too close in case Raven got angry and pulled off her shoe.
  17. I used a line from one of my posts because your post aligns perfectly with what I was trying to say. Your right more mature women would be aware and slightly ashamed of repeating a story like that. But if Raven is younger than her years in terms of self awareness (and the fact that she so eagerly told the story suggests that she is) than she was easy for the producers to manipulate.
  18. I thought Nick was coached too. The way he kept saying, "and then what did you do" sounded like he was trying to pull details out of her and saying it repeatedly made it seem as if he knew there was more. This isn't the first time I have noticed this on the show so I believe the producers grill these women for months before the shooting starts and because they sign a contract they have no control over what the producers choose to use. She had already told Nick in a cocktail party 1 on 1 when she last had a boyfriend and that it ended with her walking in on him cheating. So why the need to bring it up again and all the minute details? Because he already knew them via the producers and was told to coach the story out of her? I'm sure these women have handlers whose job it is to encourage, suggest and steer the women. Of course we know it's usually not for their good. I think a lot of them, although they most likely have seen the show, come into it thinking they can withstand all the drama and they're too level headed to be prodded into something that will make them look foolish or bad. For some anyway. I believe others don't care and are actually on for the exposure but for those who are more naive they probably underestimate how the show can affect them. Brittany was a good example this week when she said during the exit interview, "I've always seen the women crying at this point and thought I would never do that. But now I understand. It really does get to you". So in some ways it's kind of hard to know how Raven falls in this as she seemed all to willing to share the gory details which yes made her look like a idiot, but if she acted that enthused telling the producers then I'm sure they were jumping for joy with that information. Which would be kind of sad if she truly was that unaware of how she would be perceived and that the producers used her for ratings. Then on the other hand it's kind of hard to feel sorry for any of these women when they choose to go on this show. As the warning goes, "enter at your own risk".
  19. Actually you weren't the only one. @RibbonInTheSky said on page 2: I also thought the term hillbilly was used to describe those in rural areas, particularly the Appalachian region. Then @Lemons said also on page 2: To me she had a typical southern hillbilly accent that went along perfectly with that story. I was one of those who got upset over it and I think rightly so. Your post did not because I think Raven did act trashy with her language and the actions she described. She played right into the stereotype. But when people talk about our "culture" in negative terms and veer into labeling a whole population on the actions of a few that's not fair. Now maybe they were talking more specifically of a small group of Raven's inner circle but words can be powerful and need to be specific and chosen wisely. Yes you have that right to call yourself a hillbilly but I suspect that you know being from Appalachia that we use that term fondly with each other. Like, "your darn right I'm a hillbilly and proud of it" as a way of loving and celebrating who we are. But for the most part that term is almost always used negatively from anyone outside this region. I have personally had that experience which I'm sure has made me more touchy on the subject but I have seen it in movies, television, and print also. I agree that the term hillbilly is supposed to be specific to Appalachia but many people just lump the whole south into that term, for example Raven. Arkansas is not Appalachia. If anyone would like to know more about our "culture" I suggest the author Sharyn McCrumb a New York Times bestseller. Specifically her "ballad series". Great storytelling and very accurate. Edit: Also east Tennessee was predominately Union during the Civil War even though the state had succeeded. Slaves were very rare as we didn't have big plantations, agriculture and cotton fields as the middle and west part of the state. We just wanted to be left alone to live our lives and didn't want the war.
  20. http://www.inquisitr.com/3917951/the-bachelor-2017-who-is-raven-gates-ex-that-cheated-on-her-why-didnt-arkansas-get-to-see-her-story/ Found this very interesting article about Raven and her ex. Apparently the ABC affiliate in Little Rock didn't run Monday's segment of her cheating story. Hmm...this keeps getting better and better. Reality Steve found out the ex's name and who he was. Thought it was funny though that RS didn't initially know he was a doctor and thought he was a football player. She said it plainly on the episode. Her friend who saw them together at the bar told her that the woman said, "I'm going to f___k that doctor". Just goes to show how much he pays attention. Something else odd... according to a poll of Reality Steve's most viewers liked Raven better after the episode aired and social media loved her.
  21. I never did like that song. For the singing and the story behind it. Not one of Reba's best for sure. I get why you thought of it. After her mother gave her the keys to go to what she knew could be a violent situation I can see her encouraging Raven to go on the Bachelor with a, "here's your one chance Raven don't let me down".
  22. Yes! He said something similar in last weeks recap. I laughed out loud both times. Actually I do a lot of laughing reading his recaps. He's funny and snarky. If you didn't get to read last weeks check it out. I hope he does the recaps for the rest of the season.
  23. I agree. Now that she's getting more confident and coming out of her shell it stands out even more. She's arguably one of the prettiest women there. I think she's beautiful and yes she seems intelligent. More so emotionally intelligent. With her background she seems more grounded and measured.
  24. Exactly. You said it so well. She initially did say she was embarrassed to tell the story but then negated it by immediately and zestfully jumping right into it. To the contrary she acted anything but embarrassed. No hesitation, no pulling the story out of her, no appearance that it was a painful memory. I wonder if she realizes that now she really should be embarrassed.
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