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Everything posted by yorklee2

  1. No I don't think she will either but if she gets far enough I think she will be shoo-in for the next Bachelorette.
  2. I really like Rachel so far. I can see why Nick gave her the first impression rose. She's a pretty, accomplished lady but so unpretentious and down to earth. She seems like she would be warm and easy to have a conversation with. With no uneccesary drama. I think she will go further than any other woman of color so far.
  3. I agree with this. I really didn't like Nick on Kaitlyn's season (didn't watch Andi's) for a lot of the reason's you mentioned. I didn't have a deep dislike as some did and even felt slightly sorry for him when Shawn was over doing it with the bullying, but I couldn't understand what she saw in him when she had so many more attractive men to choose from. Then he goes and shows up on BIP with a nice cut, full facial hair (which looks so much better on him) buffed up and such a nice easy going way about him. He seemed much more mature and was friends with and sounding board for a lot of the ladies. He seemed so level headed and more at ease with a good sense of humor. I hope we see more of that but I worry that the pressure of being the Bachelor will by it's nature cause him to be more uptight. I hope he does good and I'm cautiously optimistic for a good season.
  4. I agree. I wish they would give the leads a little time with each contestant. Give them a specified time limit tape it all and then start the cocktail party where it would be each for his own. The time they use now showing some of the women's intro packages could be used to show selected clips of the initial one on ones. Chris could say something to the effect, " Although Nick, (or insert leads name here) has had some time to talk to each contestant lets begin the cocktail party as he interacts more with these beautiful ladies". Or something to that effect. Although we don't always see it even pageant contestants get interviews and time with the judges in the days leading up to a competition. I don't know it's just a thought but I do think it needs to be tweaked a little bit.
  5. Exactly. She would have never gave Vinny a second thought if Brett hadn't dumped her. If I had made the decision she did and was woman enough to throw it all away then I would be women enough to leave gracefully and not try to fool all of BN that I had only rejected Vinnie because I was afraid of getting to close. I would grant her a pass if after a suitable time frame she called him to sincerely apologize but nobody's buying this instantaneous enlightenment. C'mon we all saw how it went down.
  6. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed it! I know Ashley I does articles for Cosmo but who are you referring to? Does Lace or Caila do them too?
  7. As the Josh/Nick quarrel was going on and everyone had kind of wondered off into little concerned, upset groups did anyone else notice the diss Lace threw at Caila or am I just imagining it? When they showed the group standing on the stairs talking Caila walked up past them and told them she was going to bed. Lace said something dismissive and Caila said, "ok sorry" or something to that effect. After she was out of earshot Lace said, "I can't stand her". It was even spelled out on the screen or I would have probably not noticed it as she didn't say it real loud. She could have been talking about someone else and the editors cleverly put it in just as Caila left but if not, wow. I'm just curious if anyone else noticed it.
  8. I think both Luke and Chase came off great for their Bachelor auditions although I give the edge to Luke. I prefer him but I'll watch Chase. He's a good second option. BIP3 looks to have some interesting pairing up to say the least. Can't wait for it to start. Is it me or did anyone else notice that Evan's nose seemed somewhat less sharp? Something seemed more put together. Definitely a better haircut but I could have swore his nose was way more angular. It used to dominate his face in profile. A subtle nose job maybe?
  9. I was sad to see Wells go home. It was time though. I think he was the most genuine of the whole group. He obviously wasn't into JoJo that much. He seems very reserved and thoughtful when it comes to love but with that said I honestly think if he had been more into her it wouldn't have took until this episode for him to kiss her. But he wasn't trying to fake a connection as I think some of these guys do to stay in the "game". I disagree with others who don't see the chemistry between her and Luke. He looks like a very good kisser and I thought she was very into him during the kissing scene. But I think it's all just physically attraction on her part. She doesn't act with any of them like she does with Jordan. She worries about how he feels about her, doesn't act sure of herself with him and just dying to please. Same way Ben acted with Lauren.
  10. Wells is one of my favorites but he'll probably get the boot next week. Of the rest I like Luke and Chase the best. I didn't like Luke much at first but he strikes me as someone who would come across better IRL than he comes across on the screen. There's a air of mystery about him that I find intriguing. Jordan is a player and too cocky. He acted like someone with his hand caught in the cookie jar when JoJo questioned him about his ex. He wasn't believable at all to me and I couldn't believe when she accepted his word so easily. Alex might have been giving the benefit of the doubt with Chad now we see he's just a insecure little troublemaker who needs to go. I'm quickly getting tired of his whining. This season is so predictable and manipulative. You can pretty much predict how the rest of the episodes will go. The only thing saving Wells is his sense of humor and I think one of the reason she's kept James T for so long is because he's from Texas like her. Granted Luke's from Texas too but she has way more chemistry with him than she does with James. So I think him and Wells will be the next few to go and from there we can guess pretty well the elimination placement give or take a slot. I'm with others, I can't wait for BIP too start.
  11. Well JudyObscure, since I have a 11 yr daughter I've had to watch a lot of Disney movies over the last decade so I guess that's why I got 9 right. Some were tricky though.
  12. Luke reminds me a little of Ricky Nelson. And I thought that before I knew he had a band and was a singer.
  13. But isn't Grant biracial? I may be wrong but he looks biracial to me.
  14. I thought the exact same thing. As soon as Alex told her that I thought, and there goes the nail in Chad's coffin. It's so obvious she's into Jordan. From the leg wraps to the being so nervous when she's with him. Dead giveaway. Everyone knows if your into someone your more nervous or afraid of messing up. She so much more relaxed and in control with James T and Evan. The ones who are obviously in the friend zone. Even with the ones I consider top contenders, Luke, and Chase she's not as nervous. With Chase she was a little giggly on the yoga date but she was put in a situation that created nervous giggles and with Jordan she's like that just sitting and talking to him. Yes it's oh so obvious this man will be in the final 3 and won't surprise me if he's F1. Remember last week when they showed James T with the bloody face and the TPTB wanted everyone to think that Chad had hit him. The editing monkeys do so love to play with us. Now we're seeing the guys all looking concerned that Chad's at the door, he's doing creepy little twirls in the air and JoJo's crying like something serious went down. I'm really hoping the TPTB are messing with us again with this scary psycho Chad bit because otherwise they seriously need to get this guy some help. If this all isn't fake then they need to stop playing with him and get him some professional help. They've ran this whole Chad bit into the ground anyway.
  15. Chad makes some good points at times but the guy seems seriously unstable. Ripping shirts off people and slamming his fists into doors. If he was a plant would producers really go that far? And would he be willing to present himself so violently? What would be the gain? No I think he's being completely himself. But I have to agree with others that Evan took it too far at the sex talk date. I mean if your seriously scared of someone why would you antagonize them?? That's why I said Chad makes good points sometimes. Case in point...when he said Evan was like some guy that had been bullied all his life and now wanted to go out of his way or make a point to stand up to it. To make a impression on the other guys, maybe? Who knows but I thought that was a unnecessary and dumb move to basically call Chad out. These guys are giving way to much power to Chad. If they ignored him he wouldn't near as bad. He's having a ball keeping these guys on their toes.
  16. I said the same last week after realizing he wasn't JoJo's type and seemed more like Caila's. I really like him and hope he goes far enough to be considered for the next Bachelor and I hope the producers put as much into what the viewers want, (as I have already saw a lot of posts wanting him for next season), as they did last season for B'ette. After that I'm not buying they can't pick number 3 or even 4 or 5 place finishers. They proved they can do whatever they want to do.
  17. I don't think so. I thought all the dates were pretty original actually. It was refreshing to not see all the usual retread date ideas. If JoJo had a say so in these than it shows she's creative and wanted something different too.
  18. Chad has some serious issues. I honestly don't think he's as secure as his actions would leave anyone to think. A truly secure man would not mind letting loose and enjoying himself within reason. But I think Alex is pushing to hard too. Of course he's a a---s and is irritating but the more attention the guys, and especially Alex pays to him the more he acts out. Ignore his stupid a--s and just let him go. He's gonna hang himself eventually anyway. Derek, Grant, and James were great tonight but I think Wells was the best. Great sense of humor and sooo cute!
  19. I have to agree with others that JoJo came off really polished and down to earth which is what I liked about her in Ben's season. She was great at putting the guys at ease and making them comfortable. So hard to rely on first impressions on this show because as we know through the course of the show they can be completely turned around but having said that, some of my first impressions: It's obvious who some of the top drama inducing and/or big share of camera time guys are going to be. Jordan, Chad, Luke, Robbie and maybe a couple of others. As others have said JoJo didn't try to hide the top 5 or 6 she was into and previews of the season seemed to bare that out. Of that group my favorite was Luke. The two biracial guys had good intros and seemed ok. Grant and Christian I think? It will be interesting to see how far they go. The guy who works with erectile dysfunction patients and the one who had the long straight hair who didn't know anything about JoJo because he didn't watch last season, well they were just kind of...pitiful I really liked Wells and hope he goes far although he seems a little too tame and polished for JoJo as she admitted she seems to go for the more rugged, bad boy types. I think he would have been a better fit for Caila if she had been chosen for B'ette. So here goes another season. Look forward to all the snark and observations.
  20. I would say somewhere in the middle is probably accurate. Rarely are they as bad or as good as the editing monkeys want us to believe.
  21. I completely agree. From the sound of it looks like we may have a Kaitlyn repeat. In spite of all her quirks and awkward communication, I have a feeling the producers will end up regretting not going with Caila.
  22. I have very mixed feelings about JoJo. I can see both sides of this "like or dislike" of her. I think she does dress a little too suggestively but I'm not sure if she's fully aware that she doesn't need to always dress like a sex kitten or it's just a less than classy part of her. If she's not fully aware than it's kind of sad. If she is than it comes across as tacky and a little desperate. I agree her family is somewhat shady but on the other hand I do think she showed a lot of spirit and seemed for all her wealth very down to earth and relatable. Regarding your post though, I don't remember the part where she told Jami to interrupt the massage. Not saying your wrong just that it's a good example of why I have mixed feelings about her. I've said before that I believe there was a lot of heavy editing going on during the Jubilee fiasco. I saw myself a interview online with Jubilee at the WTA where she stated she wanted JoJo to win and called her, "my girl". At this point Jubilee herself had watched the show back so if she noticed these slights of JoJo's why would she have made such positive statements about her. Becca was the first one to hug Jubilee at the WTA after her emotional time on the coach. I didn't like JoJo either for her role in the Jubilee drama but from what I've seen and heard from the WTA I have to believe there was a lot of misguided editing going on. Maybe JoJo and Becca were standoffish because they didn't want to take sides or be involved in all the drama. Who knows? I'm sure though that we'll see many sides of JoJo in her upcoming B'ette stint. I'm sure there will be plenty to like and dislike. It always happens. The leads never come away untarnished.
  23. Me either. Although now that they have done it I expect there might be some backlash in the future. If they have a contestant they don't particularly like for reasons we the viewer don't see, but that contestant is wanted by the public it could cause a conflict. Or even more pissed off viewers if their favorite is F2 but doesn't get picked. Where before the viewer would say, " I really want so and so but there's no way they'll be picked because they was F2" now it'll be, " they've did it before they can do it again". I do think it will make it more exciting for us viewers though because now we'll get to wonder which of the top 4 they'll pick instead of top 3.
  24. The producers could have cared less. There was only one reason they went with JoJo. Ratings. Because of the backlash against Caila they were scared a lot of people wouldn't watch if they picked her. They weren't looking at her and saying, "she's got that something extra let's go with her". Bottom line, it was all for ratings and money.
  25. As stated before we all have our own opinions but to me Caila was hands down the prettiest of the final three. I think she had a beautiful smile, twinkling eyes, gorgeous hair and a nice body. Not taking anything away from JoJo but I have to agree with JudyObscure that you can be sexy in whatever your wearing but I think women are sexiest when they leave a little to the imagination. Less is sometimes more. I hope JoJo realizes this someday. Yes I think so too. I would have enjoyed seeing her find someone who really "got" her and brought out her bubbly side. I think we would have seen a whole different side to her then.
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