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Everything posted by yorklee2

  1. Something tells me that's not the reason though. I never liked her from the first time and the way she acted over Emily. Granted Emily is probably not any anyone's idea of a great catch but I thought his mother's reaction was way over the top.We know even beforehand that both Lauren and JoJo were on their best behavior when they met her and I don't doubt for a minute that they were both lovely and gracious. What would make his mother think that JoJo would be there for Ben any more than Lauren would? Especially if she saw what we all have been seeing all season. That Lauren is over the moon for Ben. So it's kind of hard to buy her reason for preferring JoJo. I think it's nothing more than superficiality and that she thinks JoJo is prettier. Now she has a right to her opinion but anyone with a ounce of tact or compassion would not say that on national tv knowing if your son didn't pick your choice the one picked would know how you felt. Monster-in- law indeed.
  2. I think she was crying because she knew that it was going to be a hard choice for Ben to make and was concerned about him making the right decision for his own happiness, but I do think she could be a little domineering. I noticed it when she met Emily too. I said then that who ever he picked needed to persuade him to move far away from his mother. This just reinforces it. I wouldn't want to be Lauren if she's his final choice. It would always be in the back of my mind that his mom preferred JoJo. Real sensitive there, mom.
  3. I agree that Lauren H was all these things. She was a late bloomer in that we weren't shown her true empathetic nature until late in season. It was really evident on WTA. Regarding the soccer mom comment, my honest first reaction to it wasn't that she was referring to race at all. I took it as she was saying Ben wouldn't want someone sullen or standoffish to other moms. Race never entered my mind. I think she was misperceived in that whole Jubilee bashing context that the producers chose to show us. Amber and Jami were the ones who had the ax to grind and everyone else just kind of got sucked into it. I think there were a whole lot of misconceptions going both ways there. Jubilee felt the others couldn't possibly understand her when probably she should have tried harder to give them a chance to get to know her, and the women should have been more open to the possibility that there was something deeper going on with Jubilee and tried harder to get to know her. We as humans find it hard to get beyond first impressions at times. My biggest turn off with Lauren H was her voice. As was Amanda's. Of course as in real life when you really get to know someone you don't even notice it after awhile. I first noticed Lauren H's true nature when she was cuddling a baby pig and comforting Leah when she got eliminated but to call her the most poised and empathetic there isn't entirely true IMO. I think Caila displayed that throughout the season also. It was evident of both ladies by the many camera shots at the WTA.
  4. I remember him saying that line at some point but I didn't associate it with Amanda. Shows how much I was paying attention. I watched the episode again and I was struck by the fact that Ben actually seemed more upset sending Amanda home then he did Caila. Now I'm starting to think when he told his mother that Amanda was "incredibly beautiful" he wasn't just trying to be more descriptive with his words (since he was calling all of them beautiful) but that he actually meant/thought that. Obviously he probably realized he wasn't ready for children but I've often wondered if the producers encourage the leads to keep certain contestants around (Caila) that fit into their plans for the next lead. Ben himself is an example of that since I never saw much of a connection between him and Kaitlyn. She seemed much closer to Jared IMO but sent him home before Ben. If it's true that the leads know (for the most part) at least half way through the show who their final choice is then it's not going to be that much of a sacrifice to keep around a producer pick. Just a thought.
  5. Apparently so. Here's the link to the article. http://www.inquisitr.com/2850535/ben-higgins-teases-bachelor-spoilers-final-rose-recipient-put-through-hell-and-back-but-pair-is-stronger-t
  6. Amanda saying that she felt better about Ben when she saw how upset he was after he let her go, kind of stumped me. Does anyone remember him being that upset? I sure don't. I may have selective memory since I wasn't really interested in Amanda but if he had been terribly upset I think I would have remembered it. The ones that stick out to me where he seemed most upset were Jubilee and Emily. Not saying he cared more for them but more the way he had to let them go upset him. Maybe others see it different than me. I really don't remember that with Amanda though, but if it works for her..
  7. Violetr loved this post. You took the words right out of my mouth.
  8. Can you imagine the snarking going on! I can see all of social media at war with their opinions. She would be loathed by many but she would most definitely not be boring. She is probably the most polarizing contestant ever. Regarding the announcement, ABC hasn't officially announced anything yet. I did read somewhere that other contestants in prior seasons have been shown filming but then not gotten the lead. Maybe the show is just shooting some footage just in case but still haven't made their final decision.
  9. They always say that to add suspense and get viewers to tune back in. To add to your tidbit I saw a online article in which they supposedly interviewed Ben and I think I caught something. Remember on the upcoming previews we hear JoJo (at least it very much sounds like her to me) and Ben in the bathroom and we hear him tell her that he loves the other woman too. Then we hear her crying. Well in this interview Ben says that his F1 has been "thru hell and back" since the show ended. He says she had a hard time dealing with his telling the other woman he loved her also but that they communicated about it, were working through it and were doing good. But here's the thing. He said he told her about telling the other woman he loved her also only after the show had ended. Which means that if he only told her after the show had ended and it was JoJo we heard talking to him in the bathroom, (I'm pretty sure it was her) then Lauren would have to be the F1. Speculation I know but the article came out before the WTA episode in which we saw the preview of the bathroom conversation. A slip up on the part of the show maybe? The article was in the Inquistor I think but they were quoting from a interview Ben did for a upcoming Glamour issue. Kind of makes you go..hmmm
  10. Right. I checked some other sites and they actually have pics of Caila with a camera crew filming her in her hometown. Could be unrelated but who knows. Also they said the camera crew were spotted on March 2 and I'm not sure when the WTA was filmed but Caila looked really good and like her old self again. So maybe she had taken some medication on the night of WTA that made her face swell?
  11. US magazine is reporting that Caila is the next bachelorette. Wonder if they're jumping the gun or they really have inside information? http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/caila-quinn-is-the-next-bachelorette-all-the-details-w166313
  12. I'm not sure but I think everyone would be invited since we always see a few of the early eliminations on WTA/MTA. Also a few weeks back a former contestant commented suicide and the news agencies were calling her a bachelor "alumni" and she was just on one episode. So if they're considered alumni after just one episode why wouldn't they be invited to the tell all shows? I just assumed that some decided not to come.
  13. It doesn't mean your good at navigating matters of the heart in real life either. I've seen so many cases of smart, professional and accomplished people who completely lose their heads over the opposite sex and become unsure and less confidant. Being on a show like TB would only intensify it.
  14. Agreed. I looked on the ABC website and a total of 9 women from episodes 1-3 weren't there. There was: 1)Laura- the redhead who was eliminated on first episode 2)Breanne- the self proclaimed gluten-free nazi 3)Mandy- the crazy dentist 4)LB- the one who self eliminated 5)Samantha- the scratchy voiced attorney who smelled "sour" in the ridiculous love lab 6)Jackie- the only thing I remember her for is she had a hard time bobbing for apples because Ben was right in her face heckling her 7)Jessica- I remember her as being cute and wondering why Ben eliminated her on the first night 8)Lauren R- don't remember much except I think she was the one who told Ben she had been stalking him on social media 9)Maegan- the pony lady Not that I blame any of them. The early cast offs (with some exceptions) rarely bring anything to the table and if I were them I would hate for people to see me and think, "who is she".
  15. To this and other comments about Caila's appearance I agree. She just seemed so unlike her usual upbeat, smiling self that we saw on the show. The fact that her makeup, hair, and general appearance wasn't up to par just struck me as someone who has been hurt and doesn't care anymore. I think Ben's rejection really did a number on her. Some may say she was trying to play a victim but it seemed to me as if she were more so numb and didn't realize/care what others thought of her.
  16. JudyObscure can you refresh my memory on this? I don't remember when this was said. Was it during the episode when Olivia made the teen mom comment? I agree about Amanda. She tried to use her single mom status as a sympathy ploy. I have no sympathy for someone who leaves their small children for weeks on end to go on a dating show.
  17. Her face did seem to be fuller and I also noticed she didn't seem to be wearing any makeup or if she was it was very minimal. She didn't seem to be heavier elsewhere so her fuller face was odd. She didn't seem to be herself to me, appearance or other wise. She seemed very subdued and, can I reiterate what another poster said, that I hate the way CH has to beat it to death with the obvious questions to elicit reactions. I like Caila although I will admit she's a hard one to figure out. Seems she can't win though. I'm sure if she was crying big crocodile tears then she would have been accused of being fake and playing to the cameras. I just hope she comes into her own and feels more comfortable as the b'ette because it does seem at this point that she's TB choice. Regarding Olivia I did feel a little sorry for her last night. She used to make me angry but I realize that she was a in large part a victim of her own delusions and selective editing. The twins and Amanda were the obnoxious 3 musketeers with their exaggerated faces and smirks. I felt somewhat sorry for Emily the way she was eliminated but she took a step back in my opinion and came across as very immature.
  18. I have to give props to Leah. I loved it when she told Jami to get over it and then rightly pointed out that the twins had said some nasty things to Olivia as well. Good to hear her and Lauren cleared things up.
  19. LavenderPenguin I agree with everything you've said about Jubilee. Seems like everyone either loves or hates her and we've all established our viewpoints back when the episodes aired but I think we did learn one new thing. For everyone who questioned Jubilee's service record she cleared that up pretty nicely. Way to go Sergeant and thanks for your service!
  20. Interesting take on that MsPH. I had never thought about it like that. I suppose over all though as the saying goes, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder".
  21. Oh I see. Good analogy with the dogs. And you really have a good comedic flare in your writing which I'm sure translated at the movie line. Hence the shaking shoulders. Speaking of profile views I have a heart shaped face aka round and unfortunate jowls since my 20's although I wasn't overweight. Kind of a hereditary thing. I hate my profile. I would be massacred if I were ever on a show like this, (which I wouldn't be) so I suppose I shouldn't be so hard on the ladies. Then again I'm not putting myself out there either. Sad I know, but when these women sign up for this that's what they're exposing themselves to.
  22. I have never known a man who didn't like long hair and very few who liked short hair. It's like it's in their DNA or something. Not sure if your trying to say you have a wide face? If your thumbnail pic is you though I think you have a lovely face. What do men know?..lol
  23. Exactly. Although it is obvious he prefers blondes, natural or otherwise. I remember in Kaitlyn's season he never really seemed to be into her that much to me. I'm in the group who felt his exit interview in the limo was very wooden and forced. Looking back knowing what we know now I wouldn't care to bet he picked Britt over Kaitlyn in the vote, since she had a blondish mix to her hair.
  24. I realized Armchair that you were joking, that's why I said I could see where you were going with your post. I guess your estimate kind of stuck out to me since that was the first time I had ever saw anything suggesting that 36 was middle-aged. I agree anyone would most definitely stand a better chance of finding a great guy outside this show. That's why most of these couples don't last. The don't have time to really get to know someone or except them for who they really are. I guess that's why we've seen so many posts on here of people stating that all these women were better than him. Realistically I can't see JoJo or Caila giving Ben a serious chance in real life. Lauren maybe, which is why she really is a better fit for him.
  25. That might statistically be so but I don't know of anyone who would consider 36 middle age. To me that is still fairly young. I'm 51 and while I'm not a spring chicken I'm not elderly. To some I guess I would be. I am however firmly in the middle age bracket. If someone had called me middle age at 36 I would have, I don't care to admit, been slightly offended. There's a lot of variables to what constitutes any age range and a lot of generalizations of labels. I don't care what statistics say.
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