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Everything posted by yorklee2

  1. Thank you so much @ByTor! Hanging in there. One day at a time. I can understand being teary. I find myself tearing up at even the oddest things, sometimes.
  2. That's the way I took it also @piewarmer. I'm in Tennessee but I've never heard the phrase. Apparently it most be a thing in Arkansas. Yes Raven's dad had cancer @ByTor and it was announced on the show he was in remission. I hope he still is and is doing well. As a cancer patient myself I can certainly relate. I know @JudyObscure. At the time someone mentioned the song, "Fancy" as coming to mind when they thought of Raven and all I could think of then was her mom handing her the keys and saying, "here's your one chance Raven don't let me down". Raven certainly has her faults (as does everyone) but I still can't help but like her.
  3. Raven's mom is very much alive. She was shown on hometowns in Nick's season. I like Raven but I agree she seems to blurt out the most shocking things. I wasn't watching closely when she said that evidently because I thought they were just discussing other words or terms for sex. Still that's a vulgar way of putting it. Still I don't see why some of these girls acted so shocked. Please. I love Alexis but I definitely can believe she has her own choice words for many things. And Amanda? She acts so sweet and cute but I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't either. Actually I wouldn't with any of them. The difference with Raven is she just bluntly says what she thinks. Someone needs to teach her what the word "tact" means. But at least she's honest. I don't think Raven is a beauty as some do but I don't think she's unattractive either. Her looks seem pretty normal to me. As does most of the other women's IMO. And to be strictly honest I don't think any of these women would be great choices to bring home to mama. But if I were a man I would certainly prefer to bring her home over fake, mean spirited Taylor any day. She reminds me somewhat of the character Celia in the movie, "The Help".
  4. I remember seeing the performance of Despacito when it aired but I didn't specifically remember each individual boy. I do remember it being a good performance so maybe it subconsciously stuck in my memory. But it's ironic that of the final 5 almost all were in the Despacito performance. I didn't vote for Chance because I assumed he was a sure thing and I wanted my votes to go for the ones I thought needed it more. Brady was one of my picks so no I would not have replaced him with Mikey. So the only vote I lost was Jaden. I really thought he should have been in the band but as others have said he'll probably do better on his own. Also I voted for the ones I honestly thought gave the best finale performances. So I voted for Drew, Brady, Sergio, and Jaden. I liked Marcus but honestly his last performance wasn't as good as some of his others. Anyways I like the end result. Especially since I saw how at the band's first performance together that Michael C really does bring a lot to the band. ETA: I was one of the casual fans who only voted at the end. I'm really too old for this but I thought, why the heck not.
  5. Yes his part was right after Michael C. And to reiterate your point I think the autotune did change their voices considerably. That's why it's hard to single out Sergio and heck even Chance sounded good.
  6. I like the final 5. I got three of the four I liked voted in. Brady, Drew, and Sergio. Wasn't a big fan of Chance and Michael Connor was meh. But I can see now where Michael C. would make a difference in the band since rapping within a song seems to be fairly popular. I think you could have substituted Jaden for Chance and had a much better band but I get there always has to be a heart throb whether they can sing good or not. Hope Jaden gets another chance through the exposure he's received.
  7. Yes my first thought was why are they doing a US now when it's to early to tell the sex of the baby. My TV screwed up so I missed most of it. So did they tell the gender? Your saying that you guarantee they had a blood test to determine the sex makes me think so. If so then I agree that was totally fake. You can not determine the sex at 12 weeks. I had to wait until I was 20 weeks because the doctor said they couldn't tell before then.
  8. Regarding Wells and Danielle I think it would be great if they can continue to explore romantic possibilities. They've been friends for awhile so they already have that going for them. He seemed genuinely sad to see her go and those kisses seemed pretty steamy for just friendship. I would rather see them get together than him be the Bachelor. I think his fans would be disappointed when the inevitable downfall came. As it does with every lead.
  9. Personally I could never do something like that as it's a special and private moment between the parents. Apparently it's no big thing to some of these couples as Ashley and JP did it also.
  10. Did anyone catch her saying that Wells would be great choice and that she was setting her sights on him. She knows he's off limits but they are good friends already so maybe she's hoping for something to start after the show airs? Maybe she's just hanging around to be near him and be with her friends. Kind of odd but she did say that.
  11. I see your point but I've always had a problem believing if that was the true story. Not saying she didn't confront them but I believe the producers blew that up out of proportion to create as much drama as possible. I could be wrong but that whole story didn't ring true to me. I'm sure she has a temper when provoked but there are many women the same. If her story was completely the truth then she needs anger management classes.
  12. I think the men are drawn to Raven because she is so easygoing which makes it easy to talk to her. She's outgoing but natural. And I'm not sure she's that photogenic. Maybe it's a case of someone looking much better face to face than through the camera?
  13. I think Dean wants the right to date whomever he wants but keep Christina on the hook just in case. That was really mean for him to bring out the birthday cake and not only hurt Christina but embarrass her in front of her friends. He turned a lot of people off right there. I think even the guys thought that was a shitty thing to do. And for Danielle L.? She's pretty but I don't think she's prettier than Christina. And I still think she acts like a airhead. She uses her physical assets to attract men because that's all she's got. I think it was Ben Z who said, "come on she knows what she's doing with that dress". I hope someone better comes along for Christina because Dean doesn't deserve her.
  14. Then what's he there for, for goodness sakes? Granted most have at least some fame whoring intentions but at least they're hooking up and seem interested in doing so. I don't think he's there just for fame whoring and his intentions are to find someone. He just hasn't found one that fits yet. Makes me wonder if in conversation with the women he's talking about his shopping habits and his love for it. Maybe that's why he hasn't connected with anyone yet? And by the way I think him and Robbie would get along just fine. They seem to be kindred spirits.
  15. True. Yes he is single and has the right to spend his money anyway he wants to. I can see his point if he were talking about a casual relationship. But he didn't specify that in his statement. I think our spending habits are fairly ingrained in us from a early age so although yes people can change and adapt to new situations and responsibilities it would be extremely hard for some. And his statement, "Me spending too much on whatever is definitely a deal breaker if your going to try to limit that" is telling. That's his major deal breaker? Not if she doesn't want kids, if she's selfish, or prejudice or something likewise important. The fact that that was his first thought , his major deal breaker just screams stubborn defiance to me that would likely continue in a serious relationship or marriage. If I were a young single woman who was looking for eventual marriage and children this would put up major red flags for me.
  16. The ones I thought did the best singing tonight were Drew, Brady, Sergio, and Jaden. It will be interesting to see how it all shakes out because I'm sure these young girls are going to choose the ones they have crushes on regardless if they can't sing as good.
  17. I see your point. Can you imagine being married to him? So his (I would imagine) expensive clothes and shoes would come before say needing a new fridge or providing for the numerous things a child would need? He needs to grow up. His materialism would be a deal breaker for me.
  18. Now that Dean has apparently let Christina go I've been thinking and wondering what it would be like if Alex from Rachel's season came on. They are both Russian so I think they would relate in that regard. I loved him on Rachel's season. His fun and playful side would be perfect for BIP. I"ve not heard anything about him being a part of the cast but one could always hope.
  19. I don't think so. The TPTB have shown they can cast someone from BIP (Nick) for the lead but I don't see that happening often. A lot of that depends on if next seasons Bette's are all duds or not well received. And if they did consider any of the women from BIP why would it necessarily have to be Raven? I think she could carry a season but picking someone from BIP is a long shot so no I don't see it. Why do you ask? Do you think they would for some reason?
  20. I remember Raven telling DeMario that on the first show. But my impression was she was telling him that because she didn't like the way he treated Rachel and his obvious deceit about the other woman. That doesn't mean because she thought he was a douchebag on Rachel's season that she doesn't believe he was treated unfairly or did anything wrong on the Corrine fiasco. Did I miss something?? I've had a few situations in my life where just because I didn't like someone that it meant I couldn't agree when they were being treated unfairly. Yeah after a few minutes of that I told my daughter, "this is like a high school lecture". Yeah ABC was trying to cover all the bases and didn't want to appear at fault.
  21. I think he has little man syndrome. I get the feeling he's maybe been picked on for his height a lot in his life. But yeah his worrying about and judging the other guys is annoying. Too bad. I think he's a attractive guy and could be more so if he would stop obsessing about the other guys.
  22. I don't know. I didn't notice a big difference from when she was on the Bachelor but I wasn't paying close attention. Possibly? I do know Danielle has had one. You could tell and she admitted it by saying in one of her TM that she couldn't get used to them. This. I agree with you and @JudyObscure that Taylor is a beautiful girl but she still to me comes across as condescending and slightly fake. Oh my that is such a hilarious visual! He would be like, "I'm not going in that swamp. Why I would ruin my beautiful clothes. And what about my hair!" ETA: I don't see how any woman could take Robbie seriously. Can you imagine living with this guy? I know women who probably wouldn't take as much time primping as he would.
  23. I felt the same way about Dean and Christina. I didn't really see much of a spark. I think they are trying to connect over their backgrounds but right now it feels a little forced. Taylor was annoying me even before her little condescending bit at the end. Her voice bugs me for some reason.
  24. I think she can be both. Did you see her snarking on Robbie after their date? Funny and I can't say I blame her. He really thinks he's the cat's meow. Seems like Raven wasn't alone in her assessment. She wasn't the only one snarking on him.
  25. Yeah BIP is back! I know it's scripted a lot but I just love the more carefree premise of it over the Bach/Bachette. And I'm not talking carefree as in Corrine/Demario fashion. To answer your question @Armchair Critic I don't think Wells has a girlfriend or at least I've not heard or saw anything about it. Besides Danielle is apparently great friends with him and she even sort of speculated in her TM that maybe she should consider taking it beyond that. I don't see why she would say that if he had a serious girlfriend.
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