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Everything posted by akg

  1. I don't know what time these are added to Max but I remembered it was friday (I've been counting the days) too early this morning. It was a bit crushing to still only see 2 episodes. The show (and Clark) is still super extremely cute. I love the main 3 so much. I'm disappointed in Cat Grant's portrayal as being shallow/gossipy although I think that's because I know her more from the Arrowverse Supergirl show and not the comics. I hope we get some follow up on Lois' interview. Will her notes get "scooped"?
  2. I just watched the first 2 episodes and they were cute. I love the Newskids Legion! I just read through the first Kon-El Superboy series where the clones of the original Legion make a lot of appearances so I loved the shout out. And that the new group of kids isn't all white boys (with a token Black boy). It's nice that, even though the show seems to be geared towards a younger, non-comic book fan, the people behind the scenes know and respect the source material and throw things in for the viewers who will notice.
  3. The trailer for the John Wick spin off series was released last week(ish) and I had to remind myself constantly that, as much as I love the movies, there is no way I'm watching Mel Gibson in anything. Especially something he was cast in after everything.
  4. Has that been confirmed? For some reason, I was thinking Angie hadn't reported him (she and Will didn't seem to have much faith (heh) in the system in the flashback episode). I'm sure, sadly, there were other girls who might have gone to the authorities (and been believed).
  5. I was a little concerned that she mentioned Amanda was in it with her (she did, right?). If so, Amanda has definitely changed. I hope we get more about what happened in Faith's mother's unit. Was Evelyn's claim that she was just a whistleblower correct? Or was she hoping by turning in her people, she could get away clean? Amanda said Evelyn should have expected this outcome and would never have been allowed to stay which does not support the whistleblower claim. What exactly did she expect Amanda to do with the information that Evelyn had found corruption? Amanda was right when she pointed out she had to do everything by the book. And that they referred to his uncle as the "third nugget" at the hardware store. Will really is good with kids. His imdb picture is adorable! I am not enjoying Angela's storyline at all. It can't end well. I was especially annoyed with her sponsor promising to cover for her with their Captain. How was he planning on doing that if the fiancée was filling out a complaint? Plus, the Captain should know what's going on. We know Angie is right about this guy but cops covering for each other is not a good thing in general.
  6. (why doesn't the internet have a sarcasm font? It would be so useful (sorry)) With the whole Cop City mess in Atlanta, the real life APD is not coming off great at the moment. Back to the show, I loved the blue jacket the GBI boss was wearing when yelling at Amanda and Will. It was a very nice plaid.
  7. He already knew they were in the fridge since he'd looked when Faith was in the shower. The clothes were pretty convenient though. Quoting myself now that I've remembered how corrupt the APD is (in the show, not real life (obviously)). Will was able to clean out part of it but I'm sure there are still a lot of bad cops on the force willing to believe (or pretend to believe) that Will's new partner was a murderer. And we've established the big GBI boss is crooked (he definitely knew what that tech company was doing in their systems) and has a reason to resent all of Amanda's team.
  8. Will commented on the witness's really nice car so I think he was being paid off by the corrupt cop while he searched for the evidence (he might even have been helping look considering he was on the murdered cop's property regularly). Once the guy being framed escaped, however, bad cop had to get rid of the witness and he took the opportunity to frame Faith as well. I'm not sure what happened with the old lady witness but she seemed easily freaked out so I could see her not being able to describe enough of what happened when Faith was taken, at least not right away. By the time she told someone about the gun, bad cop had it and would probably claim the old woman was tricked or couldn't see all that well. (I can explain away a few issues with this episode but not the fact that everyone immediately agreed with bad cop that Faith was guilty. That was stupid)
  9. I was thinking it was Charlie and Em's childhood home. Charlie knew exactly how to sneak in and Em went straight to the entrance when her daughter told her about the strange woman under the porch. Didn't Frost, Sr. say something about knowing Charlie was from the area? I interpreted him having Cliff bring her to AC as part of the payment. Not only was he going to give her a ton of money for this one meeting but she can also stop running now and visit the family she hasn't seen in a year. But I might be reaching to explain the writers just want Charlie to interact with her sister and not bothering to put in much thought into making the reunion make sense.
  10. Thank you! That raises my opinion on Cliff's intelligence back up. Although now I'm wondering about Charlie. She was around long enough after Natalie and her husband's murders to know that about the gun. Cliff taking it was one of her big "aha" moments.
  11. I loved how excited Gigi was for her sister to come judge. It was cute. I also loved her black and white jacket/dress.
  12. This elimination is one of the reasons I hate team challenges. Either the team members are competing against each other (if only one of them goes home) and have to answer a bunch of questions about who was the weak link or you end up with an situation like this one where Megan was saved by Deontré when (in my opinion) she should have been the one to go home. Her contribution was so much worse than James and Danny's collaboration.
  13. Since Cliff had duplicate guns, it was pretty stupid of him to shoot Ron Perlman with the one he'd used for the murders that started all of this (that is the one he used, right?). The recording of his meeting with Adrien Brody tied him to Natalie's murder, the gun then tied him to Ron Perlman's. Peacock started playing the first episode of Columbo after the credits of this and it starts with a guy taking a gun that looks just like Cliff's out of his glove box. The volume jumped when the show changed though and I couldn't reach that remote without disturbing the cat so I didn't end up watching to see if there were any more similarities. Those made me really happy. And annoyed because now I want to rewatch. I agree with the many people here that the dress thing was very frustrating. Especially after the visit to her sister. Charlie should have ditched it at the first opportunity and I wish they'd explained why she didn't.
  14. I agree! I also liked that Tim Blake Nelson's wife was a gorgeous, dark skinned woman. Most shows/movies would have cast someone lighter.
  15. Ooh, I hadn't thought of a possible drug test. Yes! Throw all of the charges at him. There'd be physical evidence to collect but, with the towers down, I don't think the police would be able to pull his ankle monitor history. The call from Trey's PO warning him not to go anywhere and to be at home at 7 when things were back up is what prompted Trey to leave in the first place. If he thought they'd be able to see his excursion after the fact, I doubt he would have left. This might explain why the news report was so unclear. The authorities may be trying to hide her existence/survival so didn't release everything. I think they'd mostly act as sedatives but I'm pretty sure Jimmy identified them as something he shouldn't have had (benzos?). I got the impression he had a history of having illegal substances on hand all the way back to high school (Trey convinced him he'd contributed to Chloe's death by supplying her with bad cocaine?).
  16. When first watching, I assumed what Laura was seeing were busts made by Arthur. I realized later that, as awesome as that would have been (her victims playing such a direct part in her breaking), it wouldn't make sense. Arthur probably never created one of himself and I have no idea how Charlie and her friend would have gotten their hands on Max.
  17. I was ok with that part (I'm awful at remembering what pills are what colors) but was annoyed Charlie appeared to believe Jimmy when he claimed they were ibuprofen. I told myself it was because of the concussion but was very relieved when they showed later that she hadn't swallowed them. And that turned to love when the pills became Chekhovian and Trey ended up dosing himself. He was really bad at acknowledging what the consequences of his actions would be. Who decides it's a good idea to take their super fancy expensive sports car out for drive in weather like that? Even if it had been at a reasonable speed, he was asking for trouble.
  18. Yeah, I wouldn't have thought anything of the blocks if one hadn't been important in the murder method. I'm guessing they were mentioned in the script and it had to be cut for time. Do we think they'll cast a new actress for young Amanda when they do flashbacks of her early relationships with Will and Faith (both of which I really want to see now)? I love current Amanda so I'll always want more screen time for her but the casting department did such an amazing job with teenage Will and Angie that I think I'd like to see who they get for the rest of the cast.
  19. Something I thought was weird is that they never mentioned the pile of cement blocks next to Allison's porch. We got a pretty clear shot of them when the window guy was seizing and I kept waiting for someone to mention them in connection to the "suicide". Were they meant to be a red herring? Was it a coincidence when they picked a location to film? Darla didn't have any links to the house, right?
  20. Heh. Until I read your next sentence, I thought you were talking about the medical examiner. I love them both though so I was glad to see them getting to interact with our main two. Will and Faith each have a new doctor friend. I especially love that Faith's guy is ok with her inability to stop talking. I was worried he'd end up taking back his invite after she finished babbling about her son. I felt for them with the potatoes. I'm a ridiculous wimp and I almost had to go get a glass of milk just from Will listing what he'd added. I might not have complained but I wouldn't have been able to eat them either. I thought Angie was very nice about it. Do we need a separate fashion thread here? I'm a knitter and have definitely thought about looking for patterns to some of Faith's vests (despite how bad vests look on me. I think I'd need to add sleeves). I know it's probably better to explain their history little by little but I want a flashback episode with the 2 of them right now. I want to see the young Will from last week dealing with Amanda who must have seemed super scary to him back then.
  21. That part didn't make total sense to me either. It looked like Laura realized whatever Arthur tossed in the fire hadn't burned after he left but I wasn't sure what that meant or what his thought process was. They weren't commemorating Dragonfish or Lily. The celebration was for the special effects house turning 40. Laura went way off script when she started talking about the "accident" during her speech.
  22. Laura had a burn party (she was very wicked witch-like) after she'd raided the barn. I don't think Arthur's recent stuff was digitized. That project seemed to be for their older work which is how the husband came across the murder. I'm hoping the twitch was a lingering reaction to all of the lies at the barber shop and will be gone by next week. I can't decide if I liked having the signifier of exactly when Laura messed up and set off the cancer-sniffing dog or if they should have gone more subtle. It was definitely fun as a viewer to recognize that moment though.
  23. Me too! I hope he finds a new job soon. The deaths in this one were awful but I was also crushed by Laura burning all of Arthur's film. He'd worked so hard on it and now it's just gone with no one ever really knowing it existed.
  24. I wish they'd been at least been mentioned. They're actually the first person I wondered about when Will found the pregnancy test since they don't really have a safe place to take one. Angie must have an apartment somewhere. I kept wondering if they'd had the adult actors dub their younger counterparts. Angie especially (I forgot to pay attention to Will's accent). I like this too. With everything that's happened in the last few years, I've become much more sensitive and aware of copoganda (yes, I've been on the privileged side when it comes to law enforcement) so it's nice to see a show be so matter-of-fact and disapproving of bad police work. It goes along with how they've portrayed all of the cops who blame Will for rooting out corruption in their ranks. Most shows would present Will as the bad guy, coming in to take down the police who were just doing their jobs. I hope they deal more with Ormewood's anger issues. The fact that he beat a suspect as badly as he did and didn't realize he'd crossed the line until he saw video is not great. And then he let himself be blackmailed over it instead of taking steps to keep it from happening again.
  25. Aw, I'm sad there isn't more a discussion here. I love this show. So far, my favorite episodes have been the pilot and the one with her hair (I keep picturing Lunella's hair slinking away from her lab in those fabulous glasses and giggling to myself). I'm so happy Lunella has an awesome friend here (she doesn't in the comics). Casey is perfect. She's the type of girl character that so many shows would mock, especially in comparison to brainy main characters, but MG&DD treats her with respect and Lunella herself appreciates everything Casey brings to their friendship (and partnership). I also love that Devil Dinosaur has more of a personality here. Of course Lunella learned his language. Of course he loves her enough to stay. He's adorable. The changes to her family from the comic are great too. Giving them the roller rink ties them more to the community which works well. It helps explain why Lunella would want to keep doing the super hero thing. It's not (just) about her getting to make and use cool toys or play with her dinosaur, she's protecting her people. I hope we see more of LOS-307. They were so cute and I was very relieved everyone was able to resolve things peacefully. I think my only (minor) complain is that the female villains all look almost exactly the same (I seriously thought Instantanegirl was Aftershock returning in the Run the Rink episode).
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