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Everything posted by akg

  1. I've seen a few interviews with Stephanie Beatriz and Melissa Fumero of Brooklyn 99 on their reactions to both of them being cast. They were both terrified someone would realized they'd hired 2 Latina characters and kept waiting for the inevitable storyline where one would die in the line of duty and replaced by a white character. Fortunately, the show had really hired for talent and kept them both (I think Rosa had originally been pictured as white and they rewrote a few things for her).
  2. I don't really know how the voting works for the Hall of Fame but I vaguely remember reading that Dolly didn't want to take votes away from more deserving artists/splitting votes (to get in, someone has to hit a certain number, right?). Since the ballots had already gone out before Dolly took herself out of the running, I hope they have a plan to counteract any votes she might get so other nominees aren't hurt.
  3. I didn't even notice her shoes, I was too distracted by her horrible, horrible top. It that sort of thing in style now? Me too. I have no idea what day hulu airs new episodes, I just subscribe to this thread and, when there's discussion here, I'll go watch. Theoretically, I agree on the stupidity of the premise but, if they'd dropped that, we'd have lost a level of the humor and Bob Saget. So they maybe should have gone with dad boring his kids with tales of his "group of friends and their relationships". If I'm remembering correctly, OldTed was changing things enough in his stories to not make things obvious. In that case, I'd have loved at least one episode of what he was actually saying (like the Ghostfacers episodes of Supernatural where we got to see the "real" Sam and Dean). As much as I love Kim Cattrell, I don't think she's adding as much to the show as Bob did so I'm more aware of how dumb the premise is.
  4. This was another thing I liked about Robin in the original. She knew she didn't want to be a mom and stuck to that. Again, something that's unusual on tv. Most women who feel that way are made out to be monsters who are eventually pressured into changing their minds. Yet another thing I hated about HIMYM's finale: I know Ted's kids weren't super young when they sent their dad after Robin but they weren't adults (and even adults need a mom sometimes) so Robin was still going to end up filling the mother role if she said yes. And we weren't given any insight into how she'd feel about that. Was she only against motherhood with babies and teenagers were ok?
  5. I think he was also excited that his mom's weird side story about the Captain finally made sense. Lost as well Thank you! So nice to know I'm not just making things up.
  6. I loved all of the references to Robin's awesome career. Her work was really important to her in HIMYM which is still kind of rare for women on tv so hearing that she's successful and has fans was nice. For some reason, I thought Sid's bar was the one the HIMYM's gang hung out in, just redecorated so the fact that it's a completely new location confused me. Didn't he say something about spending tons of time in the bar under his apartment, getting attached, and buying it? Where is his bar? Why is the layout exactly the same?
  7. I'm confused about whether or not Jesse actually works at Drew's school and what job he has (or doesn't). Drew said something at the fundraiser about a music teacher position still being open for Jesse. Which, of course, Jesse just ignored because he's an artist like Sophie and doesn't need a real job (or health insurance). But Jesse did mention doing something at the school in the episode where Sophie was taking pictures of him with students and then met Drew. I don't really care enough to rewatch though.
  8. Aw, normally I'd be excited about this. As disappointed as I am in the actors in all this, the fact that Leverage and the Librarians are John Rogers shows makes me particularly sad. He's always come across as a great guy who cares about his people and the viewers. Letting this sort of thing happen under his watch is completely against his public image. Which is true of many but something about how open and chatty Rogers has been means it hits harder.
  9. Depressing news from the Predator and Prey thread here: Link to post that summarizes the article:
  10. I completely forgot Val and Charlie were dating for some reason and was weirdly surprised when they started kissing. This is too real-world nitpicky but Drew is going to know who stole that purse (don't yell your partner in crime's name while stealing, Charlie!). Does he just apologize to the auction winner and not take her money? I'm not excited about the Jesse/Meredith storyline but I did like that Sid and Ellen were so invested in protecting Jesse (even if Ellen had no idea what Sid's emergency code meant). And we got more about Ellen and Jesse's relationship before their (evil) parents split them up. We really need to get more on what happened afterwards though.
  11. Was Hannah completely in charge of planning the original wedding (other than Sid's guest list) from across the country? Why would he just assume she would be the one planning a second event in India? That seems like something Sid and his extended family there should take care of. The wedding talk between the guys was the only part of that storyline I enjoyed. Every other step was completely predictable and I don't like the characters/actors enough to overlook that. And back to the bar decision discussion, apparently it is "hemorrhaging money."
  12. I got the impression they had and she thought she had gotten over it. Then she realized in this episode that it was still bothering her. I'm really hoping they had an actual discussion when Sid went back to their room. In addition to the reasons Sid should have talked to his fiancée that we've already discussed, buying the bar means she has to find a job in NY when she graduates. That may have been the plan all along but, if Sid had continued with med school, there would have been a lot more flexibility in where they ended up. There's even a chance he could be doing his residency closer to her on the west coast and she wouldn't have to fly across the country to spend time with him.
  13. Oh, that's right. That helps. But, in her defense, it sounded like they'd talked about their future together and had plans that included each other.
  14. I'm not a big fan of Drew's either but I was glad he and Sophie actually talked things through in this episode and didn't split up. Sid and his fiancée should take notes. I really hope he's already explain what he told Sophie in the hallway. It made his decisions much more understandable and we don't know if the fiancée has that context (not that she's wrong. That was a huge choice to make without discussing it with the person you're going to marry).
  15. They don't know about it. Gwyn's memory loss meant she's forgotten everything her dad told her about her planet, that they're from the future, and his plans for revenge.
  16. I think you're right. I'd forgotten that. Those poor kids.
  17. This made me so happy. I love her and was afraid the crew and writers would immediately forget all of her growth and new skills. Which Jankom did, of course, but he backtracked quickly and Rok got to save the day.
  18. ‘Early Edition’ Gender-Swapped Reboot From Melissa Glenn & DeVon Franklin Gets CBS Pilot Order As discussed above, I'm not sure how they'll update this considering the way we get our news now but I'll definitely give the show a try to find out.
  19. Legends of Tomorrow is another great example of strong women being appreciated and men treating them and other men well (start with season 2). Two of the guys become best friends and they are not uncomfortable showing their affection towards each other and no one ever shames them. Their captain is a woman that everyone respects and supports. She gets the promotion after an episode of an older white man stepping into the role (they're in the 40s so people just assume he's in charge) who then realizes it's not a good fit.
  20. I kept thinking I'd skipped an episode, especially when their x hours earlier scenes were so brief and barely explained anything. The show could definitely have used at least one more hour this season. That part of the episode confused me. Did Nick spend all of Tiffany's money on the youth center? When he mentioned selling something important, what was it? Halfway through this sentence, I realized he was talking about George's ring. I still don't understand why he needed to sell it though. Especially since I'm living in my own dream world where he and George are seconds away from realizing how stupid they're being by breaking things off completely and getting back together. I was really expecting the scene after the paper signing to be Nancy setting fire to the Hall. Not only is it super suspicious for Temperance to leave it to Nancy but it's a horrible location for Nancy's detective business. It seems pretty remote and is super creepy. Even with her reputation, I think I'd be tempted to hire someone with a nice, normal office in town for my investigating needs. I've decided Nancy hadn't intended to tell her dad, she just felt overwhelmed at that moment and spilled everything. Now that she knows telling people won't kill Ace, she can go to Bess first thing next season (I'm sure the show will prove me wrong immediately but going with this theory makes me feel better).
  21. I'm so glad Tom Swift continues to move forward. The CW isn't always great at following through with spin-offs (Jody and Donna from Supernatural, Birds of Prey) so I keep expecting this one to just go away.
  22. Are the kids still stuck in the liminal space? Ace, Hannah, and poor Lev were able to exit later so, theoretically, the orphans and their horrible guardian (why on earth would you let a random crazy person talk to your charges that way? She was so creepy and threatening) should have spent the last 50 years watching time pass. Which sounds like torture so maybe it's best to believe they died?
  23. This made me so happy. Zari was excellent in that scene, switching from 3 guys to 3 girls for the FMK game and then moving on to explaining asexuality. No pauses, no weirdness, just two friends chatting.
  24. I agree on the parents. I really hope the writers don't just forget and drop how messed up this situation is.
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