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Everything posted by akg

  1. I just finished a rewatch of season 1 and kind of want to start over again (this show is definitely my current tv obsession). I hope HBO is taking note.
  2. Since Lucy and Ryan were keeping their relationship a secret, would Carson and Kate have known who Nancy's birth father was? Carson's "I'm sorry. For what you lost" to Ryan after the trial, with Nancy right there, has a much deeper meaning after the final reveal. I'm rewatching these episodes near the end of season 2 and have been so relieved the show improved how it treats its non-white characters. At this point (after the Nick/Nancy break up; Karen being written off as a murderer; and McGinnis (one of the very, very few Native American actors/characters on tv) leaving), I was definitely considering dropping the show. I think the writing on the walls was all ghost Lucy. Nancy mentioned no one had lasted long at the Sable house and it had obviously been abandoned a while ago so it had probably been haunted since Lucy died.
  3. Now that the season has ended, did they explain this? I'm still not sure how Martin ended up in that car.
  4. Agreed. I was especially annoyed by the animated bits they did for most of the presentations. They confused things a little considering part of the challenge was to include motion. Going from the animated party float with everyone dancing to just the rotating record was a weird choice. The team should have had more movement but the show didn't need to highlight things so clearly. Did they explain what that motion was supposed to be? It kind of looked like the kid was having a seizure. This is probably awful of me but I'm hoping they tone down the 'in honor of our niece' mentions. I always feel like adding that element makes it harder for the judges to eliminate a team. Not that that is what happens. Although I was surprised there weren't more comments about the last minute switch to just having the legs move instead of the wings.
  5. Same. I watch on the CW app on thursdays and make myself start with this show before I watch Nancy Drew. Which I'm loving this season so it's a nice reward. I'm really hoping the writers of Kung Fu fix a few issues over the summer and the show can come back next fall in a much better form.
  6. I'd need to rewatch but I was thinking the scene had been caught on a trail or hunting camera (it reminded me of a picture that goes around tumblr of a guy posing in front of a trail cam he'd come across (which I can't find now, of course)). I'm not sure if that theory makes sense with the time/technology though. I'm hoping we get more information on the source and curse.
  7. And where was Bess going? She had just thanked Nancy for letting her move into the Drew home.
  8. Things I really liked about this episode: Nancy's black eye from last week was still there throughout this episode and someone even asked about it. This never happens on CW shows Tiny flashback Nancy is wearing her black knitted hat (which I've decided her mom knitted for her) They took the time to show that Nancy had talked to Rose's mom (and gotten her number from her social media) and that Rose's mom had talked to her daughter before Nancy called Rose That the show comes back to this night in season 2. Continuity is a good thing Things I didn't like: Karen
  9. Correcting my answer to this question. Carson didn't see anything definitively supernatural when they were looking for Ace's spirit but he did meet Simon (the entity that convinced followers to kidnap and sacrifice children) in the next episode (episode 9, season 1; the Hidden Staircase)
  10. Ryan had a few interactions with Dead Lucy so should be willing to believe in the supernatural. He may have convinced himself they didn't happen by now though.
  11. I'm rewatching from the beginning and Nancy finding Rose, the missing girl who captured the town's attention was shown in the very first episode and season 1, episode 9, the Hidden Staircase (they're getting a lot of mileage out of that footage). I'd forgotten who the little girl was so hadn't connected that episode to Delores. I've been really impressed with the continuity of this show.
  12. (I'm enjoying a rewatch and going through the threads here I missed originally. I'm trying not to post any spoilers for anyone watching for the first time though) I felt like he was just humoring them. And he probably appreciated the subject change, even if the new topic was ridiculous. I can't remember when he eventually gets proof of the supernatural. I still don't totally understand why Lucy wasn't wearing the dress when she went over the cliff (even looking back now that the mystery has been solved). My understanding was that they identified Rawley from comparing Lisbeth and Nick's financial records to see who had been paid off and the boots were a bonus. Rawley's boots did stand out to me because of the red laces but George only mentions the brass eyelets which don't seem to be that unusual. Things ended up a bit muddled though so I'm not sure what they knew when. I do too. And I loved how she treated tiny Ace in this episode. You can tell she has a lot of experience looking after kids. George is the manager so would know (and hopefully trust) all of her employees. It's not great they left Ted alone but I get the impression that happens in that family more than George would like. And the other choice was home alone. Do we actually know how old Bess is? Nancy and George were at school together and just graduated so are probably 18-19 but I don't think we have clear ages for anyone else.
  13. This realtor is the one listed on all of Evan and Keith's houses I could find on zillow. Which strengthens the theory that this was a pilot. A lot of the houses they've worked on have had this set up. I think it's fairly common for houses of that era to have their attics redone as bedrooms with or without bathrooms. It depends on space, plumbing, cost... A lot of the houses in my neighborhood (built between the 20s and 60s) have that layout. I got lucky and whoever finished the attic in my house put in a full bath (the floor space up there is more than we've seen on this show though). It would match nothing I own but I desperately want that green couch. Ooh, you can decorate your own space with some of by Keith's artwork! NINE Design + Home is where they were shopping last night. It's Keith and Evan's shop but they didn't explain what it really sells (used furniture? vintage? redone?) beyond the guys' art and hand-built furniture. The prices seemed a lot more reasonable than I was expecting when they walked in but they must have decided later that Habitat ReStore and trash picking made more sense for their budgets. I'm curious how long it will take before the comps on houses they've sold drives up the prices for the remaining homes. If there weren't so many signs of this being a pilot, I would have blamed the $27K price tag for the fire damaged house on higher neighborhood comps. Pink cabinets are never a good idea. I loved the dark green ones though. But hated all of the black they used on that house.
  14. On the connections between the MCU's Spider-Man and Sony's villains, Sony released the trailer for Morbius today and it has 2 direct Spider-Man references: some graffiti about poor Peter being a murderer and the return of So there is a chance of Tom Holland making an appearance in Venom 2 or Kraven. And on Kraven, I really wish the writers would base movie Kraven on the version in the latest run of Squirrel Girl comics. I loved that and I think it would make for a fun movie.
  15. We also don't know why the tape kept coming back every time it was destroyed/thrown away.
  16. Weirdly, I think the CW show that's done the best job at covering race related topics this season is Nancy Drew.
  17. Thank you for this. The effects from what I thought was red krypton didn't match what I've seen before on Supergirl so I was confused. But I thought it was maybe a comics thing I don't know about. This makes much more sense.
  18. They said next week is the finale during the 'next time on Nancy...' I knew we only had 2 left before tonight but hearing we're down to 1 made me sadder than I expected. At least they gave us a good reason to rewatch earlier episodes.
  19. I'm going to need someone to post pictures from that wraith montage. It went by way too fast. Carson continues to be the best dad, even when he has no idea what's going on and barely believes any of it.
  20. I was thinking that too but, if Jon was using kryptonian powers, wouldn't he have been affected by the red krypton? Both Clark and Jordan were down until the lights were off.
  21. Answering my own question: Carson was the 4th in the circle to reach Ace after the car accident (episode 8, season 1; the Path of Shadows)
  22. In this vein, I'm rewatching from the beginning and Nancy wore this episode's blue dress in the 6th episode of season 1 (Mystery of Blackwood Lodge) to the Velvet Masque.
  23. Heh. Good point. Although it wouldn't be fun unless they could connect water and electricity. Which is another issue they're leaving for the future owners.
  24. Can someone remind me about the possibly dead brother? I can't remember anything about him.
  25. I can't remember the exact context but you can use something like this for walls/backsplashes. It's more of a sticker and doesn't need grout (I think). I don't know about floors. Which reminds me, I'm very curious how well the tile floor Keith painted a few episodes ago is going to hold up. Especially in a heavy traffic area like the kitchen.
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