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Everything posted by akg

  1. We're getting a season 2! Maya Rudolph is returning and Amy Poehler will be her co-host. The judges will still be grandmas but the article doesn't say if it's the same group from season 1.
  2. An article on Land Banks and how to purchase a house from one.
  3. True. If Shea is working primarily in the neighborhoods we're seeing on the show, she's not making much in commissions. I have no idea what hgtv pays their people though. If they pick up Bargain Buys, she should double that (minimum since she'll go from ~supporting to lead). And Terry will get a similar check. I loved how Federal turned out too but it also drove me a little crazy. Why couldn't Keith reign himself in like that with the Moroccan house? The stakes weren't quite as high there but they were still higher than he and Evan usually deal with (I did a lot of yelling at my tv during that episode).
  4. I've been watching this show on ondemand through Spectrum cable. Shea and Terry's show is available there now as Bargain Block: Bargain Buys. I really enjoyed it although I'm a little sad that Terry changed careers. He seemed to be really good with kids. I'm glad this was mentioned although I wish it was brought up in the main show. I've read that's a huge problem for lower to mid cost housing in Detroit since loan officers would rather spend their time on more expensive transactions (so the Federal house probably moved through things much more quickly than anything else Keith and Evan have sold). I think I posted this article before but the woman who had Keith and Evan fix up a house just for her last season had a ridiculously hard time finalizing her mortgage, despite working as a loan officer. The article is really interesting and discusses a lot of the background I wish Keith and Evan would talk about on their show. They have a platform to publicize the inequities in Detroit and should use it. Why on earth would the sellers not have removed that fridge before listing? Who knows how much money it cost them. The house sat on the market for ages, right? And then Shea got them to drop the price by $20k (or $10? I forget) which is definitely more than a couple of hazmat-suited movers would have cost. I hope she takes time off for a maternity leave. Terry could fill in (or they could alternate). I hate that so many parents are forced back into work so soon after their child's birth in the US. Me too! I was rolling my eyes as Keith was installing it but I really liked how it looked painted the same color as the rest of the walls. Same with the blue wall in Shea and Terry's nursery. I liked the photo wall but it wasn't very practical. My family had one and we were adding pictures to it regularly as the kids got older or we had a fun vacation or someone dug up a picture of my grandmother as a teen. I'm not sure the pictures in Keith's wall could even be changed but the family definitely couldn't add new photos and have them look like part of the design.
  5. I'm in Grand Rapids, MI and the city doesn't require railings for steps at that height either. When I bought my house (built in the 1920s), the inspector recommended I add some for my porch and backyard deck but just as a general "you might want them", not as a must have. I forgot to watch live through the spectrum app (I'm using my aunt's cable so can't just tune into hgtv) and I'm disappointed there doesn't seem to be any sign of this existing at all so I can't watch.
  6. Me too. I was very surprised when the judges chose the skull. They'd seemed way more excited about the other John's work during their evaluation. Calling her a "space scientist" was so stupid. And then Glasses John was super excited. Isn't he some kind of engineer? It was nice to see a female scientist and I liked how excited she was about space and getting to participate in this which is probably very different than her day-to-day.
  7. I agree but I think part of it, for me, was that I wasn't as impressed with John as the judges were. His wins became super predictable, no matter what he made.
  8. I did love the color of the flames though. The weren't just a straight red, there were hints of yellow and they looked very fire-like.
  9. I thought most of the "advantages" weren't that great. But that might be because I hate making decisions for other people. Having to pick teams or assign deadly sins or whatever would be torture.
  10. Dan mentioned that he had gotten very angry when his father died. I got the impression that he's doing much better now. Either way, good for him for recognizing that they were something he needed. I was surprised no one brought that up. Especially since this season seems to be leaning hard on the diversity and inclusion themes (which I actually like. This group of contestants is mare varied than we usually get). That's disappointing. I thought they were coming up with their ideas on the fly which is more interesting to me. Knowing they have time to prep makes some of the work less impressive (and some entries become embarrassing).
  11. The vanilla milkshakes really jumped out at me as not fitting with the other options in the same way as the one non-alcoholic mixed drink. When competitions do something like that with their options, I feel like it puts the people on different playing fields.
  12. Are these available to watch anywhere online? Thanks for the summaries. I really wish there were pictures available somewhere though so I could remind myself which house was which. Thanks for this. I can't find any record of this show existing and, if there were any ads for it during the noon rerun (watched as live tv through the hgtv website), I missed them. I'm so glad they were able to add the 2nd bathroom to the Goth house. My place is a little bit bigger than that one but had the same layout and, although they did a horrible job with the layout, I love the previous owner who turned the attic into a suite.
  13. I didn't understand anything about the Moroccan house. The decoration was about as crazy as what they usually do but it mattered so much more here. I also would have liked more background on why buying that house was so important. As I understand it, their goal is to improve the overall value of the homes in the neighborhood by focusing on houses that other people aren't going to invest in. The Moroccan house was in good shape and there was another buyer. Why not move on to someplace else that needed their attention more? Based on all of the talk about maybe not making a profit, making money probably wasn't a factor. I'd really love to know how much the final buying price and timeline was on that house.
  14. For some reason, Dollhouse part 2 isn't available through on demand or hgtv's app so I haven't been able to watch it. Do they every explain how the guys missed the lack of a second furnace, electrical box... until so late in the process?
  15. I was just there! Apparently it's a lot smaller now than it was pre-Covid but we still managed to fill my mom's Escape with plants. I hope so. I've seen a lot of articles about HGTV renovations that weren't done safely or to code, however, leaving homeowners with costly fixes. I liked both houses this week, although I was ready to throw something at the tv if I heard the word "chunky" one more time. It's so weird to me that they never seem to negotiate on house prices (except that one time for Shea's house). None of the prices have been outrageous but, if you walk in a house to discover flooring like in the 50s house or massive piles of trash, it seems reasonable (to me) to at least ask for a discount (which I suppose they might be doing and don't mention it because the sellers all say no. Which does not reflect well on Shea).
  16. Thanks for sharing that (and the video, windsprints). I was worried about the poor kitty. I was surprised at how much I liked both houses too. I hope Keith sticks with the not overdoing his themes. Who pours cement down a drain?
  17. I loved this so much. I've really enjoyed the comics and getting to learn more about Kamala's family and their culture so seeing it on screen was very fun. I thought they did a great job of just showing her life without making a huge deal of FIRST MUSLIM PAKISTANI SUPERHERO which could easily have happened considering how well Hollywood handles anything "different". This interview of Ms. Marvel by Trevor Noah is one of the cutest things I've ever seen. She's adorable.
  18. I definitely understand why there would be a difference between a listed price and the actual amount paid and that's something I wish they covered more. How many of these mortgages fall through? The woman we saw in season 1 who had a house remade for her worked at a bank and still had a ton of trouble getting everything finalized. Mortgage companies in Detroit are not eager to spend time on houses in this price range or (with some buyers). I'm sure they're doing it to make things simpler but it's also weird to me that they never appear to offer anything but asking on the houses they're purchasing. I know $7k isn't much but did they try for less after seeing the massive trash piles? I would hate to buy one of these houses and then end up with a ton of people on my lawn so I understand not sharing addresses. I do wish HGTV would post at least interior pictures somewhere.
  19. I really liked how the Hamptons house turned out. The styling was nicely subtle and it wouldn't take much to redecorate to better match the new buyer's personality. The Gatsby house, on the other hand, was overwhelming. It might be better after you ditched all of the feathers and the awful, ugly couches but the inspiration just didn't match the house. I get the 1920s = art deco connection but that house was not built with that lifestyle in mind. I do have to say I loved the kitchen though (minus either table (the first one screamed conference room to me) and the weird chairs). I also wish they'd done more to differentiate the 2 houses from the front. Anyone driving past will know someone redid those places at the exact same time and they won't blend as well with the rest of the street. My neighborhood is a mix of homes built in the 1900s through the 1950s and there are 4 random, almost identical houses that were built more recently (90s?) that stick out like a sore thumb. And why wouldn't they paint the sides of the Gatsby house white to match the front instead of leaving them dirty tan? Matilda was adorable and it was nice to see how excited her parents were to have the last two abandoned houses on their street fixed up. I just checked a couple of the houses from last seasons that I managed to track down on zillow and one is now worth (according to zillow's mystery math) $36k more than what they paid (which was $16k less than the show told us (listed price was $110, sold for $94 after 9 months on the market)). I wish HGTV left the pictures up so I knew which house this was (I'm assuming they're responsible since it's consistent across all the BB listings I've found).
  20. I was in college and had a french class scheduled for the time the verdict would be announced. All of the students showed up but the professor assumed we'd all be glued to the tv so she stayed home. None of us had really cared so were very confused.
  21. With how Andy and Joe Rogan ended up (or were during filming. I wasn't a aware of behind the scenes stuff then), I don't know that I'll ever be able to rewatch NewsRadio which is very sad.
  22. Now that you mention this, I realize I'm really missing the fun HIMYM had with the premise (parent telling a story from the future). I don't really remember HIMYF doing anything really creative with the set up and that was a big selling point for me with the original.
  23. This is amazing and I just wanted to quote it to make sure more people have it in mind the next time they're stuck in that same stupid argument.
  24. Interesting (and sad) article with some perspective on the slap that mentions Polanski and Weinstein: Claims That Last Night’s Slap Was the Oscars’ ‘Ugliest Moment Ever’ Are in Desperate Need of Perspective
  25. I thought they all fell in love with pottery the same way Judy did so were excited about the classes/retreat? Thank you to everyone who comments here. I marathoned the entire show over Christmas and didn't realize it was coming back. Seeing new posts sent me immediately back to hulu.
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