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Everything posted by Ms.Lulu

  1. In a PopBuzz interview Jinkx suggested a picked pair season of Allstars. She named the following pairs: Jinkx and Dela Bob & Monet Trixie and Katya I'd add a few that I'd add Kim and Naomi Alaska and Willem Bianca and Adore Shea and Sasha Violet and Pearl
  2. Although they seem like twins, Micah Plath is 21 and Moriah is 19. I think that once Ethan married Olivia and they started to see the outside world, Micah and Moriah helped each other escape Kim. Well, escape physically, I think Moriah is still in Kim's web of control.
  3. Unfortunately, Jackson will never fly a plane like that. The military has a height requirement--I believe it is 5'2" for the Navy. I had a friend in college and she spent her freshman year trying to stretch herself to make height. The Air Force no longer has a pilot height requirement, but you need to be 4'10" to join the Air Force. Zach is 4'2" or 4'3" and most achons are under 4'4". There's a greater chance that Lilah dances at the Pirate's Cove.
  4. That was the best Snatch Game of all time and Jinkx was perfection. Jinkx is my queen. I didn't know how much I needed an allstars winners season.
  5. And for what's it is worth, I live in Portland. If their property is assessed at $1.9MM (Northside) it can be worth much more. Not sure if it is worth $4MM, but we are talking good money. Zach was being selfish and entitled in this episode. And I should expect it. My modest Portland home is assessed at $850K but I could easily sell it for $1.2MM (what Zillow says and a neighbor recently sold a house half the size of mine for $1MM) I get approached by realtors all the time looking to put in a week of work and collecting $30-60K for the listing/sale. They've even come to the door to ask if I would consider selling! If Chris is still selling he should be making bank right now.
  6. Yes, the Roloffs are imploding. My two cents: Matt doesn't need to give Zach a family deal at the expense of other kids. I'm sure Zach was hoping to pay what Amy was paid out at for her half of the north side--~$975K (although worth ~$1.95MM) for the whole north side. It sounds like Matt countered with something that was more about owning the house and not the business. It doesn't surprise me Zach wanted the grandpa discount. I also believe it is appropriate for Matt's life partner Caryn to be in the meeting. I am not team Matt or team Zach. I think they're both motivated by greed and fame. We aren't required to support our children in their adulthood. I saw four as#$%les on my screen. But Zach was by far the worst. He took the kids away from both sets of grandparents and bought a property for ~$1MM with a fraction of the acreage, just 2 acres instead of 15. Sounds like cutting off your nose to spite your face.
  7. Well, this was a bit disappointing. I am glad it wasn't as painful to watch as last year. But it was just lacking. It was good to see Olivia with Ethan, but they still seem broken. There is still something lacking in their marriage, mutual attraction. Moriah seems like a high schooler who has broken up with her first boyfriend. She's lacking maturity to have an adult romantic relationship. The Kim story line seems manufactured, to keep on the TLC payroll. This one lacks authenticity. It will be interesting to see if the show lacks viewers. I believe there would be celebrations from Cairo to Tallahassee.
  8. Life for the Plaths is more different now than ever before. Kim shares a shocking revelation while Moriah hides a massive secret. Ethan and Olivia continue to mend their marriage in Tampa as Micah takes in all that Los Angeles has to offer. Original Air Date 05.17.22
  9. Yes, still watching. I was disappointed when Drag Sethlas went home last week. And I was happy Juriji went this week. They seem to telegraph winners on this show so I agree on Sharon winning it all.
  10. I did have two other thoughts. We know Matt paid Amy out twice, once for some property and once for the business. The speculation here is that it was a couple million total. I wonder if Matt believes that if he paid Amy $2MM total for half that he is entitled to $4MM for the whole. In looking at property taxes for that particular plot, it is work ~$2MM. So I wonder if the this is a plot arc that will end with Matt approaching Zach on the last episode saying he'd like to sell, for half the market list price.
  11. I think you have the right final 3, but I have Evelyn as the winner. Evelyn and Buddha are neck and neck on record. And Evelyn (and Damarr) cooks with so much soul. And when you look at the numbers: Wins Highs Ins Bottoms Evelyn 3 3 3 2 Buddha 3 3 3 2 Damarr 1 3 6 1 I think Evelyn will bring the male vs female score to 12-7.
  12. I encourage you/everyone to sign up for the Viewers Voice panel. I get surveys about Bravo shows and they ask about the cast, storylines and husbands. They'll ask about who you supported in disagreements, which cast members and which families you want to see more/less of. They'll even ask what you are looking for in cast additions. When Bravo makes changes and I can see they were tied to the questions, it makes me feel like a valued viewer.
  13. That clip about Zach suggests a lot: 1) He is a coward, having Jackson tell Matt and Caryn they are moving to avoid saying it himself. What is he, 8 years old? 2) He holds a grudge, the anger was palpable. Tori's instagram doesn't appear to highlight an interactions with Matt and Caryn so they appear still on the outs 3) He feels entitled to get a deal on the farm. I'm not sure why he feels like he should special treatment over his sibs, but he does. 4) He is an idiot for thinking Matt would give him a deal.
  14. Latest on Cameo pricing. Kody: $99 Meri: $60 Christine $40 Janelle: $35 Mykelti: $10 Paedon: $10
  15. Yes, exactly. And this is why everyone from Andy to Bethenny Frankel ask her to have a prenup. Andy was very direct with her at the reunion that he wants her to sign a prenup.
  16. Gosh, I hope biker shorts aren't in style. I haven't minded the comfort of loungewear, but I certainly don't need to see Christine, Mykelti or Tony in bike shorts.
  17. If that's the case, then Matt should most certainly not sell at a discounted rate to one of his kids. As I said above, give the child that has invested most time and love in the farm the right of first refusal to buy the farm at market value. That way the other kids don't lose their inheritance and the kid that wants the farm the most has an opportunity to acquire it. Really, this is a non story for me. And if Zach and Tori really believe they are entitled to a deal at the expense of Zach's siblings, they are stupid and selfish. Which is possible.
  18. I dunno. If I were Matt's kid I'd be thinking about splitting up the farm and selling the parcels after Matt dies. The land and 2 houses plus the farm business are likely worth $3MM+ today. For example 3 acre parcels, no house, in his neighborhood go for $625K. After Matt goes I'd sell it to real estate investors so you could increase your sale value to as much as 50-100%. Yes, the fairy tale of the farm is gone if you break it up, but beyond Zach, I think that is just a memory for the kids anyway. About dangling the farm--it could be written in Matt's will that Zach, as the child that has been most engaged with the farm, has the right of first refusal at Matt's passing. It doesn't mean Matt has to sell him the farm now at the rate he acquired it or at market value. My mother has talked about this with her home. The idea is that the 'chosen' offspring is able to say--I want that house and I will buy out my siblings at market value when mother passes. My sister who likely wants it doesn't get to buy it now (or then) at a discounted rate. And for that right of first refusal she helps my mom with a few things about the house.
  19. A few thoughts. I know it is not a popular opinion on these boards in general, but appearing on reality tv is a job. While reality television casts work fewer hours than the rest of us they have to give up privacy and in some cases dignity. All of your marital problems, fertility problems and financial problems are out there for the world to see and comment on (thank you attention seekers). People think they know you and judge you harshly because of your job. That is worth a premium of more money/reduced hours. In terms of the 'fall out' on not getting a deal on the farm land. That is a different thing for me. Real estate prices are growing at an incredible pace here in the metro Portland area. Over the last 18-24 months prices are up up 32%. So Matt may have felt like offering the farm at fair market value from $987K to $1.3 M is acceptable (numbers are illustrative not actuals). And another thought is that Matt may want fair value for the property because his estate (minus AZ house which may end up with Caryn) will be shared by the other kids. As a parent you do have to think about how 'cutting a deal' for one kid affects the others. So if Matt underprices the farm for Zach, that means the other three lose out on inheritance. Just a thought. I tell my mother to spend out her estate for two reasons: 1) No need for her children to argue over it or resent how mom may have split it up after her death 2) It kills her attempts to control me with a promise of money after she passes. So if Zach and Tori fall out with Matt or Amy over money, I don't care. ZiT aren't entitled to a deal on the farm. Matt doesn't have to sell at a below market price. Matt should be considering his three other kids. And I'm not saying Matt is doing any of that. He may be a greedy bugger hoping for above market because of the sentimental value of the property fir Zach. I just don't care and I hope it isn't a central storyline this season.
  20. Okay, I finished the series. I had forgotten about the mothers and children being removed by the Texas rangers and how Jeffs decided to represent himself. They indicated that there was an audio recording of him raping the 12 year old and it appears that wife scribe Naomi was present during some of the religious assaults. Another wife shares participating in an orgy. Jeffs had a short but devastating reign as the free leader of FLDS. I just don't understand why anyone is still following him.
  21. It seems that next season will involve: 1) Meeting up with Joose and his family at the LP conference. It could be the national conference in Spokane, or maybe it will be international 2) Visiting Joose in Finland to eat reindeer steaks, stay in a luxury hotel and have Trent drive everyone around in a little car 3) Follow Liz and Brice living together and Amber's concern that her daughter will end up a pregnant college drop out 4) A visit to their family shrink for Jonah to talk about drug use 5) Emma's gets a boyfriend 6) Alex pouts and cries 7) Anna and Amber take classes together and study together
  22. Yes, weed and shrooms are both legal.
  23. Duff is getting a lot of feedback over on his twitter page. There is not a single positive comment. https://twitter.com/duffgoldman/status/1521166383165456386/photo/1 I have to wonder who made the bonehead decision to bring in Molly.
  24. I can't believe it. Molly asked Dennis and Romy to bake with sprinkles to get into the final. Romy said he didn't want to bake with sprinkles and quit. I was sorry to see him go--I had him in my top 2. If that doesn't tell the powers at Food Network that Molly is killing the franchise I don't know that else will.
  25. I have watched the first two episodes of Preaching Evil: On the Run with Warren Jeffs. Since it is FLDS I put it here, but he is clearly a pedophile. A 12 year old bride! The woman who was his scribe is both in awe and submissive since he is the prophet and disgusted when shows her porn and asks her to be in a threesome. And when asked about the 12 year old bride, she says the girl wanted to be married to Warren Jeffs and then ponders, can a 12 year old consent. It is very disturbing.
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