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Everything posted by Ms.Lulu

  1. I think they are in an area that is zoned mixed use, so anything is possible. Selling souvenirs, building LPA accessibility kits, or anything else that will give the family income after the show ends is probably a good idea. Tori has close to 2MM instagram followers, but I'm not sure they'll stay after the show is off the air. And substitute teaching or part time coaching futsal likely won't pay all the bills.
  2. 75% of Belgians speak Flemish as a first or second language 89% of Belgians speak French as a first or second language. French has a broader reach domestically and internationally.
  3. I hate these lips sync battles. They are so manipulated. Mistress should have lost her first round Anetra was robbed several times Jax wasn't going to be allowed to win Spice is a filler queen I hate this on MTV I am thinking about canceling WOW and just supporting my local queens I will wait to see Sweden, first though RuPaul just isn't fun anymore either When did Drag Race jump the shark?
  4. I am hopeful that David is in it for a long term relationship. He's been widowed for about 11 years and he is only in his late 50s. I can't imagine how hard it was to raise 8 kids as a single parent. And sometimes love hits you like a ton of bricks. My parents decided to get married on their second date. I knew mr.lulu was my soul mate when I met him. I am hopeful.
  5. Maddie has big babies. They have all been at least 8 lbs 8 ounces. I think the heavier weight also helps with the alien baby look so many newborns have.
  6. Has anyone heard how they met? If he is a friend of family or someone she grew up knowing, he might be 'safer.' If he is an online hook up he may not be a serial killer (could be, though) but a new social profile is suspect.
  7. FWIW: From the NYTimes: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/06/well/move/10000-steps-health.html A 2019 study by Dr. Lee and her colleagues found that women in their 70s who managed as few as 4,400 steps a day reduced their risk of premature death by about 40 percent, compared to women completing 2,700 or fewer steps a day. The risks for early death continued to drop among the women walking more than 5,000 steps a day, but benefits plateaued at about 7,500 daily steps. In other words, older women who completed fewer than half of the mythic 10,000 daily steps tended to live substantially longer than those who covered even less ground.
  8. Agree, LiliyD. I remember years ago one of the wives complained that Robyn often had damsel in distress moments when Kody was with other wives. I refuse to believe anything other than it was all part of her plan to stroke Kody's ego into thinking that he is the prince that saves some hapless woman. I've been rewatching from the beginning and there was never a moment that Robyn wasn't manipulating Kody into thinking she was the good wife. Getting the best lot on Coyote Pass was scraps. Spending time with her husband was foisted on her. Living in a mansion was not her choice. Her kids all have conditions that cause her to hover: Day'un is on the spectrum, Aurora has anxiety. Breanna isn't loved by the extended family. Sol has RSV and of course Aurora wasn't weaned until she was nearly 4 and she's a hellion night owl.
  9. I think they are paying a small portion of it, but I think that BravoTv is paying most of the wedding.
  10. Ms.Lulu


    It is the new, slim Mykelti. More photos. https://www.instagram.com/p/CoU7_KmOBkG/ Filtered?
  11. When they announced they were moving to SLC from Chicago Leon said they were transferring their masters SW credits to 'The U.' I assumed it was the University of Utah.
  12. Random thoughts: Monica's Dad is nicely letting her know that Rish just isn't that into her and if she wants marriage and kids it is time to move on. Its just cringey because it is happening on television Anisha is right. Amrit and Nicholas and Vishal and Richa both seem to destined to face challenges staying happily married for the long haul Bali is a hot mess The aunties are all petty Brian doesn't seem mature enough to live on his own From the preview, Amrit's parent's should tread lightly with Nicholas. They seem to be heading to a very bad place.
  13. I had a hysterectomy and ovaries removed at 51. The doctors left a cervical stump, so I still get pap smears.
  14. And if this were really the case, wouldn't Robyn have gone with Juan to help this poor woman out? Nobody believes this, so why is Robyn asking us to? And Karen is the delusional grand dame. It is a state of mind--Karen has it and Charisse doesn't.
  15. I like that Eboni indicated that Charisse attended Karen's mom's funeral to get back on the show. Robyn was shocked. It will be interesting to see if Robyn stays if Juan steps out again and she is no longer on the show. My big question, did she add him to the title of the house, or is this a marriage that she can quickly exit with few financial consequences?
  16. I read separately that the diamond payout can be as high as $40K/month. That seems outrageously high. But if it is half that, and Janelle qualifies 6 months, she could be making $120K. I hope that Janelle is saving as much as she can before it all implodes.
  17. They continue be very high up. Here is last week's leaderboard at Plexus. https://recognition.plexusworldwide.com/spotlights/weekly-leaders Both Janelle and Maddie get 1% of Plexus total commision pool every month they maintain their diamond status.
  18. From MarciaX3: marciax3nyc Verified Tie Dye!! This one is weird. I know 😂 I knew I could make a pretty 70’s hippie look out of tie-dye fabric, but I thought it would be too expected. My “dye” was my nose blood from my rhinestoned football clutch😂 In my mind, I wanted to look like a paper doll with little blood droplets you could attach and detach
  19. If Robyn, Mia and Charisse are gone, I'll continue watching. Here's hoping.
  20. What I don't understand is Jen stole millions and Coach makes $450K a year, so why are they asking for donations to pay Jen's legal bills? And why would Angie help her?
  21. I just ended my relationship with RHoSLC. I am going to stick with RHoP and then likely break up with them too. Then I will be housewife free.
  22. Chris Marek found love with Amy Roloff after 50 on another TLC show. And audiences loved it. I think there would be an audience. Maybe just not any of us.
  23. Since there were no legal divorces Kody can't be compelled to help pay for college. I imagine that Kody could be paying for his kids with Robyn only.
  24. Nicholas isn't wrong. Amrit's parents need to take a step back in the wedding planning. But Nicholas isn't well liked, so I think he is losing in the court of public opinion. And I think Anisha is right. Neither couple looks like they will make it for the long haul. That said, I hope they are all happy. And I want to know more about Vishal's thirst.
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