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Everything posted by Sandman87

  1. The half and half cat picture compelled me to make this: And yes, I'm aware of the irony involved in using Photoshop to do it. I don't know whether that's supposed to gross me out, make me want to write things down, or make me hungry. Also, that means that the marker is officially closer to being actual food than the "blueberries" in store-bought cake mix.
  2. Dennis Hopper or Dennis Weaver? I'm pretty sure they're not the same guy. Although now that I think on it, I've never seen them together... :) I've never been able to see Harry Morgan in anything other than M*A*S*H without some major cognitive dissonance. Not even Dragnet.
  3. Yeah, GIR is all about the BIS-kits. And piggies. And waffles. And the angry monkey. And...well, everything really. Speaking of commercials, Lipton's Cup-A-Soup campaign from the 70's lives on in my house: "Is it soup yet?"
  4. There was an episode of Lassie...I don't know which one because I was only about 3 or 4 at the time...where a little boy was trapped in a water tank of some sort and water started flooding in. Instant crying and wetting myself. After that I couldn't watch Lassie again.
  5. It's kind of sad that almost every show will eventually Jump if it runs long enough. Now that I'm "doing" PBS shows again after not tuning in for a long, long time, I was rather surprised to see that NOVA has somehow managed to jump the shark. It used to be purely a science show, but these days they're doing a lot of stuff that looks like it belongs on the History Channel, and some of the episodes appear to be intended for 4th graders.
  6. Invader Zim was a goldmine of useful phases for my daily life: When someone asks me a "why" question - "THE PANTS COMMAND ME! DO NOT IGNORE MY VEINS!" For dumb questions - "Good question. I don't care!" And for smack-talk you can't beat... - "Lemony fresh victory shall be mine!"
  7. What's the deal with all the spoiler tags here? It makes no sense to hide the guesses from people who want to make a guess, and even less sense to hide the clues.
  8. I'll second a reboot of Night Gallery. That was my first horror TV show. I've always been particularly fascinated by the paintings that they used to introduce the segments. I'd particularly like to see them do an adaptation of "Gonna Roll the Bones."
  9. The "talky" is going to be a feature of pretty much any anime that's a direct adaptation of a manga. It works just fine on a printed page, but not quite so well on the screen.
  10. IIRC Gai has referred to himself as "The Green Beast of the Leaf" a number of times over the course of both series, so maybe his team adopted Beast as their collective nickname. That's all I can think of.
  11. This week's power-up brought to you by: Wish It, Want It, Do It, the new self-help book by Brian Griffin.
  12. Annndd...I've found my first ship on this show. Pixis should get together with Sasha and raise a family of little weirdos. It's nice that they brought up something that's been bugging me for a while, but I didn't want to mention it because it was just something I'd missed: Where the hell is Eren's dad? When Eren goes to move that rock, I'll be disappointed if he doesn't lift it on his shoulder and do an Atlas pose.
  13. In the rural county where I live there's about 90,000 people living within about 30 miles of me. Most of them aren't farmers or ranchers, just folks who happen to live in a rural area and commute to work. I can definitely see that appeal of a dating site that might match me up with someone who doesn't mind all the gunshots during hunting season, the sunrise wake-up call from my neighbor's goats and chickens, the occasional visits from horses/cows/emus that have gotten loose, the occasional visits from critters that might smell really bad or rattle their tails, the coyote serenades at night, and so on and so forth.
  14. Any episode of any fiction show that tries to beat me over the head with a political message. If it's something that I already agree with, it's insulting to act like I need validation from fictitious characters. If it's something I don't agree with, it's just going to piss me off. Note that I said "beats me over the head". I can tolerate advocacy if it's presented with at least some subtlety. The first show that I noticed trying to cram messages down my throat was Picket Fences, which my folks liked to watch. It's also one of the reasons that I couldn't get into The West Wing at all.
  15. Episode 27, not 26. Can we get a title modification here? We find out that Sasori was the reverse Pinocchio: A real boy who wanted to become a puppet. It's implied that the pain he felt over losing his parents made him want to become impervious to pain, both physical and emotional. Unfortunately he failed because he still had a heart...flesh plug...thing. Yeah, wanting a final hug was what I got out of that too. Remember a few episodes ago when Sakura was almost out of chakra? Where's she getting the juice to do that healing thing with the sword wound?
  16. They should come with a free dry-erase whiteboard marker, so you can rub one out too.
  17. Imagine my surprise tonight upon learning that Little Caesar's now serves a pizza with cannibalized cheese. Does that mean that it's recycled from old pizzas that were about to be thrown out? Or maybe their cheese has been eating itself? Or possibly they said "caramelized". Yeah, it's just way too much trouble to play it.
  18. I'll have to admit to watching a few shows all the way through even though they had stopped being enjoyable. For example: - Buffy after season three, even more so after season 5. Character derailment is not the same thing as character growth, no matter what Whedon thinks. But I sat there like an idiot and watched all of it. - X-Files is kind of an odd example, because I'd call myself a completionist just for the main story arc. The one-off episodes were always fun to watch, but for me the main story drove off a cliff even before Duchovny wisely decided to bail out .
  19. The puppets have been showing up in my nightmares ever since Kankuro first showed up during the chunin exams. So Sakura busts Sasori into a bunch of pieces. Unfortunately Humpty Dumpty is quite capable of putting himself back together again, with no king's horses or king's men required. I'd imagine that Sasori is kinda ticked off at this point. Not only is he being delayed (making people wait), but all of his favorite puppets are getting trashed.
  20. Looking at the episode again, it appears that the defenders put a spiked grid over the hole in the wall, and the Titans are getting stuck on it. They're acting as sort of living shield. Here's a picture. I'm beginning to suspect that the Titans do get something out of eating people, something other than normal sustenance. Maybe it's necessary to make more Titans? I dunno. I have no real evidence for any of this. I also wonder if the Titans are nature's way of getting even with mankind for something or other. The fact that they don't eat animals is what made me think of it.
  21. Favorite moments? Pretty much any time one of the secondary characters manages to be awesome without Naruto's help. Choji nearly starving to death from his Calorie Control jutsu in order to beat Jirobo, Lee vs. Gaara, etc.
  22. If I have this right, Sasori was a puppet who was riding inside another puppet that he manipulated with his Creepy Puppet jutsu, and that puppet was able to manipulate other things using the same jutsu. Look up "recursion" in the dictionary and I bet his picture is next to it. To put that in perspective, that's like building yourself a remote-control robot, and then remotely controlling it to operate the controller for another remote control robot and having it fight. That takes some serious skill. I was amused by all the references to the Iron Sand jutsu of Sasori's favorite puppet in the various episodes. My grandfather used to use "sand" as a euphemism for "balls", so it added something to the dialog for me. How do you know when a fight in a manga-based show is going to take forever? When you have six separate fights going on at the same time. Honestly, stuff like this makes me appreciate the shows where fights are over in two minutes or less, or where the action is nonstop during a fight.
  23. Apparently Eren is such a hate-fueled rage pill that just eating him makes a Titan go all titanicidal. Kind of wondering how he managed to regenerate his severed limbs though. I'm happy to see that I'm not the only one who's fascinated by the Moe Titan. He just looked so serious all the time. I'm fairly sure he's the only one other than Titan!Eren that wasn't walking around with a stupid smile on its face the entire time. Also one of the few that didn't look like he needed to lose some weight. And that haircut! (Where do Titans get their hair cut anyway?) Line of the episode: "Thank you, Crazy Berserker Titan!"
  24. Hello, I'm Sandman87. I'm only a 20 foot tall Titan, but I've taken to wearing part of an old roof to protect my neck. I only eat people who have bad body odor from not bathing. It's sort of a public service. I look forward to not eating any of you intelligent, attractive, well-mannered people. When I'm not delusional, I'm a TWoP survivor with a gigantic Herman Munster-esque cat and too much time on my hands after losing my position at a TV station a while ago. I like anime. In fact, I like pretty much every stereotypical nerd activity. Except for for trainspotting. There's no excuse for that sort of thing. But I really like anime. I'm happy to see some familiar names here. This should be completely safe and lots of fun for everyone. No, really.
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