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Everything posted by albarino

  1. Second post to say Quad needs to get over herself. I would never wait 45 minute3s for somebody at a restaurant and then once there to restart a fight? Nope. Quad thinks she is somebody and I look at her and laugh. She married well and then got on this show. Otherwise, she has zero redeeming qualities. I write about her on-line but I would never be friends with her in real life. She has nothing going for her.
  2. I don't know where Contessa is studying but I guess it is Vanderbilt and didn't she say she was gone 2 or 4 days a week? None of this seems unreasonable to me. Mr. Contessa seems unreasonable; is it women's work to know how to do laundry/feed kids/dress them for school? If he isn't up for it, why don't they hire a maid/nanny? Also Vanderbilt has a certain cachet that Emory and GA State don't have. Good for Contessa to have a goal. I think she is one up for her military background, race and gender. They only thing riding against her is her appearing on this dumb show.
  3. Okay,I am now way overthinking this. Ben, how about a lunch of gazpacho, a cold monkfish salad, a cheese course and fruit/sorbet to end the lunch? Poach the monkfish early and that is the only thing that needs to get cooked. It really isn't that hard.
  4. I'm with Hannah on this one. Ben knew the limitations with his equipment and didn't adapt. Seriously, were there only 6-7 guests and he is the pro? I am very serious, he has 15-16 hours to make 6 people three meals? Spare me the drama, dude. Oh, and BTW, those filets looked terrible. Short on burner space, I call chateaubriand in the oven at a high heat. And don't even get me started on 200 eggs.......
  5. Lordy, I'm stunned at how heavy Valerie has become. Stunned!
  6. Amen. I don't want to be dragged into the sewer with these women and they keep wanting to take me there. Vicki should have been let go after her "Chinky Chinky Chinaman" comment and Tams should have been shown the door after "Naked Wasted." I DO NOT for one minute believe the train BS with Kelly so Bravo is wasting air time on this when they could be showing the fabulosity that is OC. I've never been there but I assume there is fabulosity. Follow Heather and her friends around; I bet they live pretty great lives. Show Shannon tailgating at a USC game (her alma mater), and show Kelly with her charity work (again). Bronte had a very unusual childhood with her mother and being shuttled to different family members so show her enjoying her normal adulthood (it isn't with 7 kids and 2 nannies) but just show that. I'd like to know how that works. Please don't waste anymore time on bullshit. We're done with that. Move on or we will.
  7. Please, no offense meant, but I hope he is outta here next season. He has been so vile this year; could you imagine another series with him looking for love? Ick.
  8. YES. I've enjoyed reading this thread and seeing feedback from lawyers who have studied and passed the bar (and bravo to all of you) but dude has three kids. His wife asks for help and he doesn't come running? How about this? How about you don't practice law? If you're that smart, do something else. Jeez, he is a complete piece of special work; the beauty is that it is all caught on film. I can't abide him.
  9. Fox hunting is a British import practiced in certain locations in the US, sorta like polo, I guess. Both seem to be incredibly expensive hobbies! I'm in the camp that Shep's protege, Austin, is growing up and Shep doesn't like it. Shep completely asked to be outed in his argument with Madison. If I recall he starts with his delight that Austin and Madison didn't run off into the sunset and then follows up that he would win any argument with her because he is more intelligent, logical, and a better deliberator (or something like that). It really says something when Shep came off as the complete asshole this episode even with Ashley in it. Let that sink in, Shep.
  10. We'll likely never know but I believe this is why Bravo had to demote her. Vicki took offense to Kelly falling her fat so Vicki "went there." Hope she is completely gone next season.
  11. I watched last year's reunion before watching the new episode last night. It was pretty rich watching obnoxious Gina in part 3 of the reunion to yesterday when SHE was the one with a DUI. Gina almost looked unrecognizable in her THs and not in a good way. I agree with the posters who want to keep politics off of the show but Ryan said Spencer called him a racist which sounds like a bratty/silver spoon comment. Perhaps that will be the sub-plot; not so much about the politics but the differences in raising children in two sets of circumstances (poor vs rich). I very much appreciated the absence of Vicki last night. Don't you know she is doing the rage/scream she has shown the world.
  12. Just saw Denise on WWHL. Lordy, she isn't pretty and I don't quite know why she is famous. Having said that, I couldn't believe how she was hanging on to Fredrick, give me a break. I dislike her more and more each time I see her but it doesn't ruin my day. She is embarrassing herself and her family on TV so carry on. I can see how she and Charlie were married. They actually fit together.
  13. Hey, Denise. I hear you. What drugs were YOU on when you slept with your best friend's husband? Hmmm? Heather Locklear, anyone?
  14. I laugh at the Camille talk. Who cares who she is? She married well and didn't have a pre-nup. Her husband cheated on her and she was awarded half of his wealth (as the law allowed). Good for her. Why does she need to be as recognizable as Denise? I don't watch the show anymore but read these boards. I don't see this as some sort of contest.
  15. ITA. I DO NOT want to start any sort of commotion but Tins doesn't have any children. Her dog was her baby. We had a dog before we had a child and that dog was EVERTHING. Once we had a child, our dog became more of a dog. We still loved our dog to death but she wan't our child anymore.
  16. I beg to differ. I think she was honoring Dennis. Jason? Who cares. Why in the world didn't he care enough to get along with his ex-wife? Didn't he get the court warning? Bethenny is fine; his kids are adults, they can think what they want to think. Brynn will be absolutely fine as having a parent who loves her to death and can pay for her college choices. Wish I were so lucky!
  17. I disagree. Kelly B would have my vote as the sickest housewife but I don't watch all of the franchises.. Remember the Al Sharpton line?!? I like Bethenny and understand her outrage at Luann's behavior. I also thought her tribute to Dennis was fine. It was Father's Day and she should be allowed to honor him on that day.
  18. We're now thinking The View is the arbiter of all things RHW? Good Lord....
  19. Still reading through this thread but had to add Lu hasn't even been there for her children.
  20. This may sound really mean but how about making Nicole responsible for herself? Nicole, no, you can't stay here for a few weeks? Nicole's sibs, no, you can't stay here either. She gets a Bravo paycheck she can use or go back to work. It really isn't that complicated. Nicole needs to hear NO so much more in her life,
  21. I promise this is my last comment on this; we can read and understand each other. My context of the exchange was Tins being genuinely happy about her gift, Lu saying something to B about you got stiffed, you didn't get a free gift Tins was gloating about, and B saying no worries. I have the best gift ever, my daughter. I consider the emotion real, not gloating, and very, very appreciative of what life has given her. A daughter.Me too.
  22. Avery seems to be doing okay and her mom is a sociopath. I'm still not over that table number business at the charity event.....But I've always disliked Ramona and she never gives me any reason to change my mind. I'm a Bethanny fan and I took her comment charitably. I'm a mom of a daughter and it is the best present I've ever had. Seriously. I think it just about every single day. ETA: If Tinsley really wanted to be a mother, she would be a mother. It really is that simple.
  23. What a rewarding day you must have! I only have one kid who is now 30 but I always felt like it was my job to provide her with enrichment. We lived in DC so it was easy but Latin, wow. In the end, I feel so sorry for Mae. I think the best thing for her was for production to contact child services to report Mae had been abandoned. She had been.
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