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Everything posted by albarino

  1. Thanks, so much for GG's redemption arc. She really is a dark figure.
  2. I will happily confess to only sorta watching the reunion but did Nema say GG said some vile things about him on social media? Something about his sister and a hand? Seriously, what was up with that?
  3. I don't speak latin (who does?) but I beg to differ with this: We're all watching a goofy reality show. Wouldn't it be better to show all of the "actionable" stuff for the viewers? Why in the world would "they" cover all of this up? I'm not tracking.
  4. I have always been a Kate fan. Always. I'm shrugging about the loud music; was it sophomoric? Yes. Was it funny to them at the time? Probably. Was Caroline being equally sophomoric? Yes. You give a two day notice and then mean two minutes; yep you get what you deserve. Get off the freaking boat; don't make them try to smoke you out, you moron.
  5. I sing your song every time I read it.....my social media platform is here. I didn't realize there was a different spat going on. If that is the case, I still hate Vickie. :)
  6. I almost don't want to add to the post count but Vickie drives me crazy. Doesn't she have a business to promote? She may think all of the things she says but how does she think this will help her business? Kelly was wrong to call her fat but she is. I could make up something about her life insurance premiums being higher due to her BMI (and I have no idea what that might be) but she absolutely must know she is not thin. Couldn't she say something along the lines of wanting to learn from Shannon and her weight loss journey or her food? Jeez Vickie, we hate you for many reasons; quit giving us new ones.
  7. Yep. I quit watching NJ and ATL a long time ago because everybody seems to be so loud. I never for one minute liked Nene or Theresa. Emily, on WWHL, seems so big. She could have a fourth career as a plus-sized model. I don't mean this as an insult; she is quite beautiful but she is definitely a plus size. I know they don't show everything on these HW shows but I have yet to see Emily connecting with any of her kids. Why would she want a fourth if she can't be bothered with her first three? Didn't she say on WWHL her husband does everything for them? If I'm the hubs, I don't need anything else on my TO DO list with three little kids. Just me.
  8. The fact of the matter is Contessa thinks Toya is a silly bird and is probably a touch jealous that Toya is living large and has no job while she's riding around in a Honda Odyssey van with sticky seats and crumbs on the floor having to work at Patient First or Better Med and be on this show to pay the bill I respectfully disagree with this. Contessa is accomplished; Toya isn't. Doesn't matter who she married. As a professional, I didn't feel jealous of SAHMs because I could have been one. I felt much more fulfilled working. Toya, working or not, is a dumb-ass. She married well.
  9. I saw WWHL yesterday and I still can't believe Debra Winger--she exhibited zero charm. Somebody upthread said it was 30 minutes of NO,NO,NO followed by a treatise on an inability to rank screen kisses because it was so long ago and the climate of Hollywood at the time. How about laughing and saying they were all good. WWHL is hardly 60 Minutes. Big Picture much? Hope she never comes back.
  10. Perhaps it was a typo but the preview looks like Gina is going to take Tamra down. And with that I'm "oh hell yes" as well. I think Emily foreshadowed it this week when Tams said one thing about Shannon two months ago (Shannon not asking about Eddie) and Emily said (in a TH?) that Tamra has been saying A LOT of bad things about Shannon. Popcorn time, please?
  11. I hate the whole Tams being put upon about Shannon calling her at all times of the day to cry. We're adults, right? As adults, we all teach people how to interact with us. I would first ask Tamra why she has her phone right next to her bed? She isn't a millennial. Okay, so she has her phone on right next to her bed and answers one of Shannon's midnight calls...Wouldn't the next day conversation be that she loves Shannon and wants to be there for her but can't take midnight calls; she has too much going on the next day and has a sick husband. I don't think that is a mean conversation; I think it sets some boundaries. After that, keep the phone in the kitchen when you go to bed. But I also remember very few of these women are professionals so they really don't know how to act on a professional level. They prove it every week.
  12. I give Shannon a huge pass on this. They are wealthy. She was expecting s Broadmoor meal and he took her to Red Robin (or equivalent). I think there are fun ways to spin Red Robin but David didn't do that. Of course the kids were anxious; they knew the score.
  13. Me too. I don't watch the NJ or ATL franchises because I don't like the women. OC is rapidly approaching this list for me.
  14. I am completely back to hating Tamra. What a waste. Didn't we have to live through all of her divorce from David shit? Get a belly button. Oh, and Bass Lake?
  15. ^ This. At this point I think they should scrap this franchise or at least give a long rest. Vickie and Tamra are completely unlikable at this point. We just know too much about them and their bad behavior. If Gina and Emily's story lines are that Shannon isn't nice to them, well then, ZZZZZZZZZ.
  16. Harvard has lots of executive courses. Didn't he say he was attending some sort of executive leadership course? It sounds completely legitimate to me.
  17. Who even goes to stores to buy clothes these days? Looks like you can buy the jeans on her website. I'll buy them one of these days.
  18. Wow, how fat is MJ? Gotta hand to her for her self-confidence.
  19. I see the point being Career Girl doesn't have one. She is the one offended, not me. I don't have a career either--I retired from both the military and civil service. ETA: I had a career. I don't have one now. And with that, off to mimosa time at the local country club. (Kidding/pink font a la Slowtwitch)
  20. I respectfully disagree. Career girl was pissed off. Her affect was angry.
  21. She is in Kelly B territory on Scary Island at this point. Waiting for Sonja t be the voice of reason....
  22. This is very interesting; I had not considered it that way. Thanks for your viewpoint and I'll be watching Part III of the reunion with this in mind.
  23. I know this is a misquote. What you accomplish cannot be taken away from you but a career has a shelf-life. I used to be an officer in the United States Air Force. I retired. I can't say I'm still on active duty. Carole used to be a producer and she was a writer. She isn't either these days. I see the difference.
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