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Everything posted by albarino

  1. I think they are all creepy. Quite seriously, they are all completely creepy. Would you want any of these people in your life for any reason? No.
  2. On WWHL, Sandoval got more votes than Katie (66% to 33%) on whose side are you on in the fight? I believe this needed to come to a head; the guys generally don't have a problem with James and the women do. I also think FI is correct in calling Katie a bully; I'm still scratching my head with Katie's call to Carter on the girls' trip regarding Kristin's behavior and last week confronting Carter in his home. Both are symptoms of an inflated self-worth, perhaps? I need to address Katie's weight gain. Yes, she has gained weight and I believe she owns it so I'm still unclear why she had a problem with James calling her fat. Clearly, she isn't. This is WeHo--aren't most people rail thin model/actor wannabes? Okay, she doesn't work and can work out all day, every day if she wants to. She doesn't want to. She started the the confrontation with James where he called her fat and I don't really have a problem with that. Bullies deserve a black eye every once in a while.
  3. My biggest problem with the whole swim lesson clip was that Ramona said she need to learn how to swim to "drown-proof" herself after last year's boat trip. I applaud this. Yet, she shows up in a glamour suit and floats around on noodles. *Steam*. I'm a swimmer; if Ro wants to learn these life skills, lose the noodles, learn to float on your back, learn how to tread water, learn how to swim. Breast stroke using noodles won't help.
  4. Hey Katie, on WWHL, Maude called and she wants her outfit back.
  5. Well, that was disturbing. Yes. Katie really is a bully. Since when has she become the arbiter of all things "relationship?" Looking forward to FT calling her out on it.
  6. Armchair diagnosis here, I think LVP is subdued because she is on an antidepressant. I was on one (Zyban/Welbutrin) to help me quit smoking (worked) and when you're on one, the highs aren't so high and the lows aren't so low. Don't get me wrong, you still have feelings, they just aren't so extreme. When LVP says she doesn't want to go there with Dorit, I don't see it as underhanded manipulation, I see it as her inability to work up a good snit about it; she doesn't have the energy. My 2 cents.
  7. Nothing much except Erica thought she looked fab--I thought she looked fat. Vive la difference.
  8. Erica may have had her glam squad with her but they couldn't do much about that fat ass. That cut was completely unflattering.
  9. I was surprised to see how defensive the Toms were about meeting with the mixologist. That's all I got.
  10. Yes, it is really hard to google homes for sale in Flagstaff and not find Zillow. I think I'm with all of you who surmise Robyn had already made the decision and we're just following the plot line.
  11. I watch PW mostly because it is on. I consider her to be like Valerie Bertinelli; a pleasant woman making recipes from the local church or junior league's cookbooks. Same with Trisha Yearwood. However, I am completely fascinated with her impact on Pawhuska. She has transformed the area.
  12. My husband isn't a fan but I've always liked the show, wacky antics and all. It looks like Katie Lee is pregnant; has she announced it? I also noticed no GZ drinks recipe although I could have missed it or it was dropped a while ago.
  13. *Raises hand*. I don't think I've ever heard about or of Macau until yesterday. I don't know much about China so it will be interesting to see what they show us. I don't love or hate Sarah. Using Iberico ham for a ham and bean soup is mind-blowing; I'm glad it was really great. I really don't love or hate any of them but I agree this season's meals seem sorta lackluster. Since I haven't eaten a single bite, is this the editing or is the food sorta meh?
  14. Speculation here is that he does have a real reason to move (mortgage payments). Kids move with their parents all the time; usually they don't get a vote. When we lived in Spain, our daughter went to school with State Dept kids who generally moved every three years to different countries and one of her friends had a dad who designed and built amusement parks. I think they left for China. Going from LV to Flagstaff hardly seems traumatic compared to those moves. Kody caring for his kids? I would say that having 4 wives and a gazillion kids sorta speaks for itself..
  15. Excuse me, cowboy boot lamp?!? I'm an Air Force brat and an Air Force retiree. Cry me a river about the kids. They signed up for this lifestyle; this is what happens. Right or wrong, Kody is their leader, right?
  16. I think part of the issue is she has no education nor much work experience. It is EMOTE, EMOTE, EMOTE!
  17. I've been thinking about what Eddy could have done differently with his dish. We had duck last weekend and I love it but I'm not familiar with Hudson Valley duck. Ours was frozen and I have no idea where it came from. Both of my grandparents were New Yorkers (Niagara Falls and Sidney) and our daughter went to school at NYU. I think if duck weren't available I would have gone the Big Apple route and done a pork dish with apples or something. Chicken has to spectacular to even register (I have an unrefined palate). I'm always going to give Tom C. a pass. We've eaten at his River Park restaurant several times and the food was great. Even greater were his River Park business cards--they were small seed packets. Loved them.
  18. I'm not sure it is "gratifying." I was a teen in the 70s and remember him as a draft-dodger. Not a Muslim expert but my guess is the religion does not avow shirtless men slugging the hell out of each other. I don't mind he has somehow become a beloved figure; marketing is a fun study.
  19. Just spit-balling here; I think Eric is getting a winner's edit and Kelsey the fan favorite. Outside chance Eddy comes back and wins....
  20. He may or may not have had additional flights booked. Not sure about his contract. My husband was a pilot and I seem to remember crew rest being an issue but there are airport delays all of the time for a variety of reasons. If they felt so strongly about Kristin being late they should have taken off--remember it is only a two hour drive away. My larger point is that Stassi didn't have a dog in that fight so, shut up Stassi. Go call your BF 200 times and then break your phone.
  21. I was aggravated at Stassi. The fool should have realized we recently watched she and her mother acting out. I don't like it when people are late (I'm a ten minutes early person) but it wasn't Stassi's issue to complain about. The pilot is getting paid; he is going to be okay with the delay. If LaLa were worried, the complaint should have come from her. Some things are not that complicated. They said it was a 2 hour drive to Solvang, so wait for them or take off. Oh, and shut it Stassi.
  22. I want to thank everyone who watched and commented on this episode. I think I'm over this franchise because I don't like anybody but Lisa but I enjoy the comments.
  23. I have ZERO use for Mariah. What an extra special bitch. Yes, her mom is a mess, and they are on a reality TV show but didn't that pay for her schooling? Perhaps I missed the scenes where she was a waitress to get along? I thought her comments about the B&B were obnoxious; I just can't with her. So I looked up scoliosis effects and the Browns are playing with fire, IMHO. Heart and lung complications are nothing to trifle with. The Mayo Clinic partnered with a Children's hospital for some new treatment. They should try that. Tragic to watch this on TV.
  24. My thought on the episode is these women are all eating their feelings. WRT Kody and Christine, what legal rights does Kody have regarding scoliosis surgery? I don't know how plural marriage works but if I were Christine and thought surgery was the answer, I'd schedule it with or without Kody's consent.
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