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Everything posted by albarino

  1. NO with the cat fishing!!! Kody, be a man and step up to your part in this.
  2. Yep. He kinda didn't answer but it is clear he is.
  3. I'm on a commercial break right now but I feel compelled to post a "Shut Up Kody". I know it is coming.
  4. Uh oh, Meri is the new girl? Robyn, be very very afraid. Meri, push this to the limit!
  5. Whoa, whoa, whoa. I believe Kelly B criticized Bethanny for "oversharing" and Bethanny said she was on a reality TV program and didn't know how to "undershare" (my words). I believe she is working through her emotions and grief and they happen to be during filming this season. I don't believe there is anything nefarious happening but these are my opinions and I respect other viewpoints.
  6. Perhaps I am misremembering but isn't B jewish? Anyway, her comment didn't offend me; I understood where she was coming from. Lu doesn't seem like she will ever thank B. That is who she is.
  7. Please tell me you aren't serious. I work in the Executive Branch (I believe you work in the Legislative Branch?) and it actually takes a bit of work to get anything accomplished. I can't just email my MOC and ask for something to be recorded in the Congressional Record. Perhaps you can? I'm not going there with Christopher Columbus because it is ridiculous. Stupid.
  8. I watched this episode cold stone sober this morning and I almost can't remember what it was about. Granted, I was only sorta watching it but nothing really happened, right?
  9. Fuck you Kody!!! This is ALL ON YOU!!!
  10. Dayton should be a "Rock Star" with regards to the move. After all, it's because of him that it's happening. This!!!
  11. SHUT UP Robyn. Jesus, you married the guy and committed to this lifestyle. Kody is King; Deal. I really can't with these people.
  12. But remember Lu was very dismissive Dorinda when her feelings were hurt that John wasn't invited to the Cabaret and Tinsley told her Lu had invited Scott. She did this a Carole's insistence. Thanks Carole! This wasn't a random Jovani heckle; to me Lu started it in her own way....
  13. What a great insight. Thanks. Yep. When I was Jax's age I was retiring from the USAF after having had a variety of responsible positions. I think many of us watch these shows to confirm our life choices.
  14. Good point! I forgot about that. Around here we have a local 5K racer who shows up in the costume. Funny 5K? Yes. PV? Uh, no.
  15. Ooooh, so true. I completely understand why Katie felt neglected at the TomTom opening but she was wrong to do so. This really was the Toms' night and wasn't the place for her to be acknowledged by association. Ariana seemed to understand it, Katie didn't. An EI miss (and surprised Tom referenced it). However, Tom was completely wrong to take the upgrade over his wife. Completely wrong. I've been at cross-currents with my spouse and some how we got over it (frankly I think we were too busy to get divorced and then it all seemed to work out). This is not advice I would give to anybody but I would say a drunken vacation trip is not time to pick at the scab. Seems like it would be nice for them to decide to vacation privately and meet everybody else at the airport at the way back. ETA: Even when we were at a bad place my husband would have completely given me his upgrade.
  16. I honestly can't tell if Katie is fat or not. I do observe her arms are not toned at all and she makes poor clothing choices (see her last appearance on WWHL). In the end, she isn't obese. In next week's clip she complains she doesn't see Tom enough because he wakes up and goes to the gym. My thought is she should join him.
  17. I've never had breast augmentation surgery (but could have used it) so I can't comment on the recovery process but I have has some facial work done. My daughter has also had orthognathic surgery. If Bethenny had some sort of jaw surgery, she would not have been fully recovered in a month. My experience only.
  18. I do not know what has happened to me; I used to love this franchise. Now, not so much. I don't watch NJ or ATL, and OC is on my indifferent list. VPR is also on the list. Guess I'm going back to reading? Still love all of your comments.
  19. I was surprised to see the different dress lengths. Shouldn't they agree on the dress lengths? But, yes, they all looked bad (bride included). I'm not a student of the show but I was surprised by the "Moving to Flagstaff" ad hoc committee. Robyn: I just rented a 6500 sq ft house. Christine: Oh, I bought a house. The hell? And then I get suckered in because I believe the fix was in with Robyn moving to Flag. The story would be so much more compelling if TPTB showed Robyn as the queen and the others just dealing with all of it. Gabe, you have a reason to be angry; you aren't the first choice kid in the family. Neither is your mother. Deal.
  20. I guess I should appreciate a person on reality tv with some morals but I can't help but feel sorry for Aspyn. Mitch looks like a 3 pump chump who would sweat all over you and Aspyn will be too polite to talk about it. Aspen also looks like she has never missed a meal. Why are all of these people so fat?
  21. I just needed to quote this. Spot on. And I had to quote this as well. Dorito really is angry and Lu is completely over the top. I'm intrigued with the bipolar discussion re Lu. It really could explain a lot.
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