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Everything posted by albarino

  1. At this point, I'm watching out of habit. The Mexico trip was just plain stupid. They embarrass themselves at the airport and it devolves from there. I'm not sure it was mentioned but at the bar, Tamra was dancing and a stranger behind her was holding her breasts. I was quite surprised at this since she is a born-new Christian. The hot tub scene was also stupid. I'd be angry if I were next door and Tam is screeching for Shannon to come out and join her. Tam slips and falls, doesn't stop for a second to think, and then cannon balls into a hot tub breaking her foot. I don't know how long she remained in the hot tub but ice is the friend here, not wet heat. The new woman who wants another daughter? Yeah, what would her sister say? I know what I would say--no offing way--find a new surrogate (but I didn't like being pregnant very much). Shannon may be the only HW I sorta like at this point. I've hated Vicki since forever and have quit with NJ and Atlanta because I hate their "stars." 50/50 I'm in for the remainder of the season (not that they would care).
  2. Ha1 Ambulance chaser! :) I think celebrity guests are part of the "audience." And I believe they are Carole's peers. Does that make sense? I would never know Carole in real life but NYC celebs would. Heck, even my daughter attending NYU went past a filming. Polls are, as you say, meh. Celebs are different. They voted for B.
  3. I'm not all the way through this episode thread but my working theory is that Jorge was underage when the ex got pregnant. She couldn't out him as the father without being accused of statutory rape. Nothing else makes sense to me. If he were the father and he was of legal age, why wouldn't she go after him for child support (or at least having a relationship with Jorge where both dad and daughter got to know each other)?
  4. I'm sorry, I don't believe I mentioned polls; I mentioned the guests (most likely her peers). I believe there is a difference, no?
  5. Carole never got over Bethenny calling Adam "behind her back" and then doubled down in her blogs against Beth. I only catch WWHL on occasion and when I have this season, Andy always asks the guests who they side with, Carole or Bethenny? Each time I've watched, the guests have always said Bethenny. If Carole wanted to stay on the show, she seriously misjudged the audience reaction to her. This must sting for such a cool, hip person. The audience has REJECTED you. Live and learn.
  6. This was a Bravo trip, not like us going on vacation. Do you not think they (the hosts) have preference sheets about the guests? Ramona doesn't eat butter which is why she looks so fantastic and Betheny doesn't eat fish? It really shouldn't be that hard to figure out. B got fish (onions) served t her.
  7. Not to me. I pick Bethenny over Carole every single day of the week. I attribute it to the acknowledgement that this is a show meant to entertain us and B entertains me. Ramona? Not so much. I saw on an earlier WWHL episode Dorinda said she quit drinking. Say what you want, Dorinda hearing "You're a drunk" needed to be heard.
  8. I am with you there. I am very sensitive to sending money home when you don't have a lot of it; how did Nicole pay for her braces, for example? Pedro's responsibility is to Chantal. And how do they get past that fight? They both picked their own families over each other; seriously, how in the world could they stay married after that?
  9. Chantal and Pedro are done. How do you come back from that shit show? Not team Pedro at all. Should have cared a little more about your wife but glad your sister has braces you've paid for. Hope Chantal kicks him to the fucking curb.
  10. I am the first to admit I'm not a student of these shows. I watch them because they are entertaining and then I head over here to read witty posters. I mostly let things I disagree with go (don't we all) but I felt a need to comment of the above quote. You don't get into your car and drive to the vet in Manhattan. It really isn't like living in Denver. Second, you have a doorman, not a concierge, (like Tinsley). I don't live in Manhattan but I would be surprised if doormen were available 24/7. I visited my daughter a few years ago at Thanksgiving and commented on a few residents carting turkeys home in their kids' wagons. The daughter said cars don't exist in her world. I know Beth is wealthy but it really isn't as simple as throwing the pet in the car and driving to the nearest emergency vet.
  11. I have never liked Ramona and this episode reminded me why I don't like her. I don't understand why she has so many friends; she is ugly. Is there any chance Bravo will get rid of her? Hope so. Not even going there with the Tom party but didn't she realize LuAnne could be hurt by a post on social media? Strikes me as completely tone-deaf. TONE-DEAF. Jesus. I would love for her to be gone next season.
  12. I don't know if Luis is depressed or drugged but is it clear he has no desire to make the relationship work. Locking himself in a bedroom and "blaring" music? Scratching my head, the very best outcome is getting thrown out, right?
  13. I have always disliked Pedro's family much more than chantal's (and isn't that a trip!). I think Pedro and Chantal need to have the discussion about finances. Chantal: Our monthly finances are X; you pay half of X toward our situation. We need to be saving $$$. You put X into our joint savings account. After that, send home the money you have left over. Once I become a nurse, I'm keeping all of my leftover savings. Bale, baby? ETA: Russ, you go to a dinner having your wife tell you you come first, and then you don't? Man the fuck up. Leave her in Columbia and go find a better life.
  14. I'm thinking about Dale and Tinsley. Boarding school isn't a normal experience in the US. I would have loved to go to boarding school but that was never an option. When my daughter was old enough to go, I could have afforded to send her but that was never, ever, ever an option. I loved my daughter so much I would never have considered it. That said, Tins and her mom seem to have a loving relationship. I envy that. Her mom came to see her and they went wedding dress shopping together. My mom spent her time not liking me. *Shrug
  15. Megan Markel's dress = good. Tabitha's dress = vomit inducing. I got married 35 years ago and I kept my wedding dress for a long time. At some point I realized I would absolutely not allow my daughter to wear it so I threw it away. I also don't quite understand the unicorn look. Why?
  16. You are much more of a student of this show than I am but I thought she sold SkinnyGirl? Bottom line, I know you don't find her entertaining and I do so we'll have to simply disagree. Who entertains you?
  17. My problem with Saint still on the bottle: If they are being raised by nannies, they should know this and be all over this. Heck, Ashley, as a nurse should have her general concerns. WRT tooth decay, dentists don't let the teeth just rot away, they fill the cavities. Adults don't even like going to the dentist......
  18. Bethenny entertains me but I like a quick-witted smart-alec. IMO, Carole isn't entertaining this season, she is just mean and doesn't quite grasp there are a lot of people who run 2-3 marathons a year, Often at the third leg of a Ironman so she needs to zip it on that. Sonja is wacky (intentional or not) and I feel sorry for Lu's very public fall from grace. I have never been entertained by Ramona but appreciate she is much wealthier than I am so good for her. Dorinda has her moments but she really is a drunk; we see it on tv. Tinsley seems to be able to laugh at herself, which I like, and seems to be a good egg.
  19. Ya know, if their parents didn't want random comments about their children, they wouldn't put them on tv, right? You must understand that. And I think you do. And I stand by my comments. A two year old is way too old for a bottle. Talk about tooth rot.....
  20. As a mom, I am completely bothered by this episode. Two year olds should not be drinking out of a bottle. I don't know if it is camera-induced but K really does seem still around her kids and Saint really looks like he suffers from FAS. This is starting to be a no fun Bravo series.
  21. I don't have any real opinion about Beth's jeans (if they fit me, I'd probably buy a pair) but DANG! I want to be invited to the party; the food looked phenomenal. What is up with Carole and her blogs this season?
  22. I am tall and thin and I am proud of my non-thigh gap. Yeah to biking! But Ashley seems to have a problem; I'm not a physician but something isn't right with her. Mentally or physically. I'm on a shaky trust relationship with Katherine and I hope she really makes it. I'm liking Patricia for ending things with TRav. I'm on a mac and I have no idea what I hit to make all of this italics.
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